Sophie the queen forced.., p.1
Sophie The Queen (Forced, Fucked, and Bred Again), page 1

Forced, Fucked, and Bred Again
Bree Bellucci
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Bree Bellucci on Smashwords
Sophie The Queen: Forced, Fucked, and Bred Again
Copyright © 2012 by Bree Bellucci
This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Adult Reading Material
The material in this document contains explicit sexual content that is intended for mature audiences only and is inappropriate for readers under 18 years of age.
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Forced, Fucked, and Bred Again
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Sophie drifted into the hallway, leaving her so-called fairy-in-waiting, Celeste, to run her bath. She had been walking the Dwellers grounds earlier, engaged in a troubling conversation with, Hazel, one of the witches. The witch’s supply of asphodel root had gone missing. Over the past six months, since Sophie had learned she was the Queen of the Fae and chose to live among her new relations, there had been a growing number of strange disturbances among the Forest Dwellers. Sophie had rid the forest of the Dark Creatures, and she pondered what could now be the cause of these mysterious occurrences. None of the disturbances were malicious, but they were unsettling nonetheless.
After her conversation with Hazel, Sophie had made her way home wanting to soak in a long, luxurious bath of lavender. Celeste had insisted that she run the bath, and Sophie bristled at such pampering. She was still adjusting to Celeste waiting on her. Aurelia, who had helped Sophie adjust to her new life, insisted she have a whole gaggles of fairies following her and helping her, but Sophie had balked at such a suggestion and managed to talk Aurelia down to only one. Celeste was lovely and helpful, with a cheerful disposition.
Sophie glanced out a hallway window at the lake in the distance and sighed. She was perfectly capable of running her own bath, and it seemed silly to have someone else do it. Just in the distance she could make out the small cottage where she spent her first few nights among the Dwellers. That was another battle she had lost. Aurelia and Liam said that the cottage was not fit for a queen. It had been a simple one-room cottage by a pond of light minnows, and Sophie had been perfectly content there, not to mention aroused by the naughty memories of her trysts with both Liam and Rylan in that small space.
Now, she resided in the queen’s cottage, a home on average size of those in the human world, but grand compared to those of the Fae. Her new cottage boasted exquisite workmanship and had an essence of magic that Sophie now realized was part of being fairy. The cottage itself seemed to buzz with energy and each room had a soft glow emanating from the walls.
“Sophie,” Celeste squeaked, “Your bath is ready!”
“Thank you, Celeste,” Sophie said graciously, slipping past the young sprite into the respite of her bedroom. It had taken Celeste five months before Sophie had convinced the young fairy to call her by her first name. Hearing “my Queen” all day was more than Sophie could bear. Being queen had required a complete adjustment on Sophie’s part and she was just beginning to get used to the changes. Growing up as an ordinary human, Sophie wasn’t sure if she would ever completely adjust to ruling.
Shedding her clothes, Sophie moved towards the fragrant bath and lowered her pale, glowing skin into the water. The water felt wonderful and Sophie stretched her legs out in the large basin, as she tilted her head backwards, inhaling. She glanced towards the huge oak bed in her bedroom. The bed was made and her silk sheets were pulled tightly. Sophie smiled as she envisioned the past week with Liam.
Liam was her mate of choice in the Fae world. Being the queen, she was obligated to mate with other fairies, and to eventually produce an heir. She could mate with as many fairies as she liked, yet she preferred only Liam of the Fae. He was the only fairy she had ever mated with and she felt a strong connection to him ever since the night he came into her cottage and seduced her. Their sexual chemistry was unlike anything Sophie had ever known. Though Sophie did not have much sexual experience before Liam, she had become quickly acquainted with all that was forbidden and kinky thanks to her werewolf lover Rylan.
Sophie squirmed in the tub as her mind flitted to Rylan, her other lover. As queen she had decided that she would mate with both Liam and Rylan. She had to mate with fairies, but she was not willing to give up Rylan. She had found a happy medium with each of her mates. They alternated weeks with her in the Queen’s cottage, and spent their “off” weeks alone; Liam in his cottage, Rylan in the caves. Being queen had its perks, and sometimes Sophie wanted both of her men at the same time. Those encounters were always exceedingly dirty and exposed her most wanton inhibitions. She was free to be driven by her body’s sexual desires.
Tonight was her last night of her week with Liam. This week had been a particularly sexual week for them and Sophie’s need for Liam only seemed to increase by the day. In fact, Sophie and Liam had gotten nearly no sleep the previous night for Sophie insisted on jumping his bones again and again.
The warm water felt good on Sophie’s aching parts and she knew she would need to take a small respite from any backdoor play; she had certainly overdone it the night before.
Even with her body sore from sex, she was still eager to spend one more erotic night with Liam. Her sexual experiences with Liam were much different than her raw and animalistic nights with Rylan. Each man satisfied a different part of Sophie and she couldn’t imagine giving either up.
For the time being she was drinking a potion concocted by the witches to prevent pregnancy. It was not possible for her to procreate with Rylan, but she could with Liam. Sophie was nowhere near ready for responsibility as great as motherhood. She loved the freedom she now had and she looked forward to the sexual experiences ahead of her, not to mention her daytime duties as the Queen took up a good portion of her time.
Sophie swirled her toes in the water and glanced towards the door. She knew Liam would not arrive until dinner, but she still envisioned his gleaming body moving through the door, his intense eyes glued to her body as he had done so many times. After he drank her in with his eyes, his body took over, as he and Sophie pushed themselves to new realms of pleasure.
Sophie knew the other male fairies were insanely jealous of Liam, and many were annoyed that Sophie had not taken them into her bed. A female fairy’s anatomy was very similar to that of a human female’s, however it was much, much smaller. Liam was the only male fairy that was experiencing the divine pleasure of driving his manhood into a full-sized human vagina. Sophie couldn’t help the wicked smile that played across her lips as she thought of Liam’s shouts of ecstasy the first time he pushed deep inside her.
Though Sophie was desired by the male Fae and envied by the female Fae, she still had managed to command a deep respect from the Dwellers. The fairies had been more than helpful in Sophie’s adjustment to her new life, especially Aurelia.
Sophie had found herself growing stronger among the fairy blood, and while she was not able to control her emotions as they did, she was now able to perform small bits of magic. Her body had also become stronger and her skin became as smooth and silky as the other fairies. Her skin now glowed delicately, and Rylan seemed especially appreciative of this during their private moments.
Sophie’s weeks with Rylan were exceedingly passionate, though sometimes strained since she and Rylan were not of the same race. On rare occasions, Rylan would hang around the cottage with Sophie, relaxing and indulging in sexual desires as sunlight streamed through the paned glass.
But more often than not, Rylan became restless during the day, unaccustomed to the comforts of a home. Many times, he would leave during the day to run through the forest or consult with the other wolves. Though the wolves were now welcome in the Dwellers’ land, few ever set foot on the grounds.
Arden and Crofton, two of Sophie’s favorite past lovers from her time with the wolves, would come by occasionally to see Sophie, their wistful faces revealed their longing for Sophie. The wolves had grown exceptionally strong when they had mated with Sophie due to her potent blood.
Crofton had confided in Sophie that there were now two new human females living with the wolves, and fulfilling their needs for strength. Rylan mated exclusively with Sophie, and secretly Sophie was pleased. Besides, she knew her weeks with Rylan kept him plenty strong in between her time spent with Liam. While Sophie mated with two men, she did not want either lover to mate with any one besides her. She knew it was unfair, but she couldn’t help how she felt.
Sophie dribbled water down her chest as she thought of the events that would take place tomorrow morning to prepare for Rylan’s stay. Liam would linger for breakfast, and then he would disappear to his own cottage where he would busy himself with work and other activities. Celeste would bustle around the cottage all morning, cleaning and preparing for Rylan’s stay. Rylan did not need many creature comforts, but Celeste was always sure to prepare his favorite meals and have his favorite foods on hand.
Sophie also preferred that different sheets be used for Rylan’s visits; it somehow didn’t feel right to use the same sheets for both lovers. For Liam, she chose pale lavender sheets in
The water had grown tepid, and Sophie rose from the tub, daintily stepping out as she dried her soft skin with a fluffy towel. She thought of the huge, fluffy towels that her grandmother always had, and her heart ached for the family she had left behind. She missed Brandon terribly, as well as her parents and grandmother. She had chosen this life, and in her choosing, she knew it meant giving up her family. It had been a tough decision, but she felt at home among the fairies. It wasn’t as easy living among humans.
When Sophie had become the Queen, she wanted to visit her family to tell them that she was all right, but the Dwellers panicked. Sophie’s subtle changes in appearance would raise alarm among humans, and especially her family. Her already fair skin had paled more, and her hair had lightened considerably. Her pale blue eyes had become brighter and her skin was glowing. Her family would know something was not right, and her grandmother would certainly have remembered what had happened in the past. If Sophie visited her family it would put all of the Dwellers at risk.
Instead, Sophie settled for writing her family a note, explaining that she had run off in search of a different life. She asked that her family not follow her and that she was now happy and fulfilled in her new world. Brandon had always known that Sophie dreamed of moving across the Atlantic ocean, and perhaps that is what her family would assume.
Sophie moved lithely across her room, and opened her wardrobe. She chose a pale pink dress with long flowing sleeves that gently accentuated her breasts. The dress cut across her middle tightly, and laced up the back much like a corset. The skirt fanned out at her hips and gently fell to the floor. Fairies were skilled at making dresses appear to move and ripple without any breeze, and Sophie admired the fine material gently undulating around her legs.
She clipped the fronts of her hair back with carved rosewood barrettes. Satisfied with her appearance, she went downstairs to attend a small meeting with some of the elder fairies regarding food supply. She knew she would be counting the hours until Liam’s return.
Dusk came quickly, and Sophie dismissed Celeste for the evening and thanked her for her service. Though Sophie had participated in group sex sessions with the wolf pack, she much preferred to spend her nights in private without the eyes and ears of others. She heard the back door open again.
“Did you forget something?” Sophie called as she put down her goblet of wine.
“No, I don’t think I did,” Liam husked, and Sophie whirled around, her dress billowing behind her. Liam looked stunning as ever, his long pale hair falling across his piercing eyes, his shimmering muscular chest just waiting to be grazed by her silky fingers. Sophie drank in his tight shorts that accentuated his already-solid desire for her. She could resist no longer as she ran to him, pressing her mouth hotly against his lips, as her eager hand moved south to the swollen mass between his legs.
Liam groaned as Sophie’s nails moved against the barrier of his shorts.
“Already?” he teased.
“You walked in here already hard for me,” she demurred, “What did you expect?”
Liam chuckled sexily and he scooped Sophie into his arms as if she were a baby doll. With ease, he moved up the steps, his mouth still pressed against Sophie’s, as their tongues intertwined. Liam tasted subtly of bark and magic. Sophie felt her body hum and tingle as it did only with Liam. When they reached her bedroom, Liam deposited Sophie on the bed and he stepped back to admire her.
“You look ravishing in that dress,” he breathed.
“Undress me,” Sophie begged.
Liam made a sound of desire deep in the back of his throat, and he kneeled on the bed. Sophie turned her back to him so that he could unlace her dress. Gently, Liam swept her pale blond hair off her shoulders, exposing her delicate neck. He moved his mouth to her skin and Sophie moaned loudly. Keeping his hot mouth against her skin, Liam began to slowly unlace the ribbons, freeing her from the binding linen.
Once Sophie was untied, Liam slipped her silky sleeves down her arms, until her chest was bare. He stepped off the bed, and gently pulled Sophie with him. She stood there in the room, her breasts naked and exposed as the sky slowly darkened outside and the moonlight began to spill in. Liam pushed his bare chest against Sophie’s breasts, groaning softly at the contact of skin.
Without warning, he roughly yanked the dress down over her hips. Sophie let out a small squeal as her dress fell to a pink puddle on the floor. Liam stepped back, and Sophie locked eyes with him, trying to convey her desire as she stepped out of her dress.
Standing before Liam in only her silk panties, she reached her hand down and slipped it inside her underwear. Liam’s eyes widened as he watched Sophie’s hand slowly move inside her panties, pleasuring herself gently as she closed her eyes and bit her lip.
“Oh,” she whimpered and Liam backed himself against the wall, forcing himself not to touch her as he enjoyed this rare show of masturbation.
“What are you thinking about?” Liam breathed, wanting to start a dialogue to increase his arousal.
“You,” Sophie moaned as she rocked back on her heels. She was having a hard time standing.
“Lie on the bed,” Liam ordered softly. Sophie nodded before moving to the bed. She splayed her legs, pushing her other hand deep inside her panties as well. Her hands moved vigorously inside the material and Liam was desperate to see her pussy.
“Take off your undergarments,” he instructed. Sophie moaned as she slid her underwear over her shimmering legs. Liam gasped at her sweet middle as she spread her legs, revealing the opening that he loved so dearly.
“Talk to me, Sophie,” he implored, as he quietly undid his pants and wrapped his hands around his hard erection.
“You,” she breathed, “Surprising me…in the woods…Pushing me against a tree… Lifting my dress,” her words were breathy and hot as she gasped out her fantasies between phrases.
“Oh, Sophie,” Liam moaned as he tugged his shorts down and leapt onto the bed. Sophie groaned as Liam’s strong body pinned her underneath him. She reached her hands up to his back and gently stroked his papery wings. Liam moaned with pure pleasure as Sophie caressed his sensitive erogenous zone. Sophie felt her body climb higher as she was taken over by the pleasure of being meshed with Liam.
Liam brought his hungry mouth to her breasts, devoting equal time and energy to each of her hardened nipples, gently nipping them between his teeth and then sucking gently. The sensation traveled straight to her groin and Sophie arched her back, pressing her breasts further into Liam’s warm mouth. His hands caressed the breast that was not in his mouth and he gently kissed her soft, fleshy tissue.
Raising her legs from the bed, Sophie wrapped them firmly around Liam’s torso, their bodies glowing as one as Sophie pushed her sex against Liam’s hard cock. There was nothing Sophie desired more in this moment than the fullness of Liam pushing into her wet depths. Determined to make their encounter last longer, Liam pulled his mouth from her breasts, and trailed kisses down her stomach until he reached her pubic bone. Liam teasingly kissed everywhere but her aching sex.
Frustrated, Sophie pushed her hips upwards and Liam gave in, bringing his quick mouth to her mound. Moaning, Sophie closed her eyes as she relished in the pleasure. Liam flicked his tongue swiftly over her clit and Sophie cried out as she felt the inhuman speed of his tongue; this is what Liam did so well. Liam paused to tug on her inner folds with his teeth, driving Sophie even crazier as her thighs trembled around his face. Sophie knew Liam well, and she squeezed his head between her thighs, eliciting a delicious moan from Liam, which vibrated against Sophie’s pussy. Sophie new she was swiftly approaching orgasm, and she let her body climb higher, knowing how much Liam loved fucking her after she came.