Gangbang with the beasts, p.1
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Gangbang With The Beasts, page 1


Gangbang With The Beasts
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Gangbang With The Beasts



  Bree Bellucci


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  Bree Bellucci on Smashwords


  Copyright © 2012 by Bree Bellucci

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Adult Reading Material

  The material in this document contains explicit sexual content that is intended for mature audiences only and is inappropriate for readers under 18 years of age.

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  The exercise studio at Christiana Hospital was full of panting sweaty women, with their bulging bellies heaving up and down stressing the seams of their yoga pants. There was soft music playing in the background, some satellite radio Top 40 station, the latest Katy Perry song was playing for the fifth time that hour.

  “All right ladies! That should do it for today, I am so proud of all of you, especially the girls who look ready to pop,” shouted the yoga instructor with a big grin across her face. She was a fit energetic woman with bleached blonde hair pulled back in a tight pony tail that accentuated her face lift. Emily was put off by the instructor more often than not, perhaps it was her blatantly fake boob job and the fact that she still wore the same sized sports bra’s she wore before the surgery. Personalities aside, Emily had to admit that the instructor was a great motivator and fairly knowledgeable.

  Emily and Claire had been coming to the pregnant yoga classes for the past few weeks. Their doctor suggested that they stay active and keep exercising to ensure that their pregnancies go smoothly. He prescribed pregnant yoga three times a week and pregnant massages at least once a week, Emily looked forward to the massages much more.

  “Hey Em what do you say we hit the Starbucks and get a couple of Frappuccinos?” Claire asked, “I’m so fucking thirsty.” She wiped the sweat from her brow and adjusted her sports bra.

  “Do you have to wear just that bra to class? You look like such a skank with those tits popping out, you’re giving the instructor a run for her money,” Emily jibbed.

  “I suppose I should wear a big baggy t-shirt to yoga like you? I’m sorry but just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I can’t still be sexy. I need all the positive reinforcement I can get right now and it’s nice to know that some men would still want to fuck me even though I look like a cow,” she defended herself. “Don’t tell me you hate when guys stare at your body undressing you with their eyes, it makes you feel good too.”

  “Yeah I get it but the funny thing is that there are no men in this class! It’s a pregnant yoga class, how many men do you know that are pregnant?” Emily laughed.

  “Kiss my ass, besides Starbucks is a couple of blocks away and I say we walk there to see how many glances we can catch on the way.” Claire looked at Emily up and down, checking out her best friends figure, “You still got it Em, you’re tits are bigger than mine right now! And your ass looks great in those yoga pants. I was talking to Jim last night and he said that most guys find pregnant women even more attractive.”

  “Funny you should mention that, I was talking to Brandon last night and he told me that my breasts were getting bigger because he thought they were filling with milk. What an idiot.” She dwelled on the thought for a minute, “But I guess it is nice that he still desires me, he certainly looks at me differently lately but I like it.”

  “See? Now take that horrible t-shirt off you look like a trucker, and let’s go soak up some confidence,” Claire said with an enthusiastic smile.

  Emily gave in after murmuring a few choice words under her breath. She grabbed her shirt tails and pulled up struggling to get it over her head, Claire helped her get the shirt the rest of the way. Her full breasts jiggled as she pulled the shirt over her sports bra. Emily was self-conscious of having her swollen belly bare for everyone to see. She knew that a pregnant figure was beautiful and that no one would say anything to her but she still wasn’t used to the transformation. She couldn’t wait to be skinny again.

  “Look at those puppies!” Claire said a little too loudly, the instructor and a few other women looked over at them. “Now what have you possibly got to be ashamed of? You need to work what you got Em.” Claire did a little sha-sha-sha mockingly.

  Emily was visibly red, “Can we just get on with it already?”

  They walked over and grabbed their bags from the bench against the wall. They exchanged good-byes with the instructor and some of the other women and left the studio. They hadn’t realized just how muggy and sweaty the studio was until they opened the doors and the cool fresh air blew over their faces.

  “Damn it’s a beautiful day out, we are getting lucky this spring with such nice weather,” Claire observed.

  “It really is a nice day, good idea to walk to Starbucks. Let’s drop this stuff off first and let me grab my wallet and my phone.”

  The two women tossed their bags in the car and grabbed their clutches each with their phones and wallets inside. They walked along the sidewalk and down the busy street, noticing the blatant stares from men passing by. A couple of cars actually honked their horns and a few men shouted out the window at them. Emily was mortified and she wished she had kept her shirt on, she felt increasingly exposed just wearing the sports bra and yoga pants. Claire on the other hand loved every minute and she was strutting confidently with a glowing smile on her face. Her head was held high and she was making direct eye-contact with every man that looked her way.

  They were quite a sight walking to Starbucks with their swollen breasts barely held back by the sports bras cradling them and their round bellies looking ready to burst at any minute. Emily heaved a sigh of relief as they entered the store and ordered their drinks. At least she would have the Frappuccino to focus on during the walk back to the car.

  “I’m going to kill you for making me walk around like this, I feel like a circus freak Claire.”

  “Calm down you look great, there are about a hundred guys that passed by already that would fuck you on this very sidewalk if you offered it to them,” Claire smiled cheekily. “Besides we’re almost back to the car.”

  It felt like an eternity but they finally reached Claire’s red Audi A4, she hit the widget and unlocked the doors. Emily hurried to the passenger side, opened the door and flung herself into the seat. Claire casually opened the driver’s side door, winked at a guy passing by who was holding hands with his wife, and slid into the driver’s seat.

  “Ready to get out of here?” Claire said in a coddling voice.

  “Get me the fuck out of here,” Emily said, she was visibly stressed.

  They exchanged glances and both started laughing uncontrollably as Claire pulled out of the parking space.

  The car had pep to it and Claire had a heavy foot. Emily was too tired today to speak up about Claire’s speeding. She turned the radio on to local Top 40 and the same Katy Perry song was playing again.

  “What, do they have a mix CD with the same five songs on it and they just pop it in to the radio station computer and just hit repeat? We heard this song six times in the last hour during class,” Emily complained.

  “I love this song. I don’t know what you are talking about. What’s wrong with you?” Claire asked. “You seem stressed out, like you need a good humping, are you making Brandon keep it in his pants lately?”

  “No, I don’t know, I just don’t feel very sexy lately. I guess I haven’t really let the opportunity present its self in a while.”

  “Well that’s a mistake,” Claire scoffed. “You need to have sex Em it’s the romantic glue of the relationship. And you need to get over your insecurities too. Brandon loves your pregnant body and would take you in a second if you let him.”

  “I know, you’re right, maybe tonight I’ll initiate by sucking his…” Emily stopped suddenly, bracing herself after hearing a loud pop.

  The car began to swerve and Claire slammed on the breaks, pulling the Audi off on to the side of the road.

  “Jesus Christ! Mother fucker!” Claire screamed. “Are you okay?” She looked over at her friend; Emily was white as a ghost.

  “Yeah I’m fine,” she managed in a small voice, “what happened to the car?”

  “I’m sure it’s a flat tire but let’s get out and take a look.”

  The two women checked for oncoming traffic and then carefully got out of the car to observe the damage. The tire had blown on the passenger side and Emily noticed the shreds of remaining rubber clinging to the rim.

  “Christ fucker!” Claire screamed. “How did it blow up like this? I wasn’t even going that fast.”

  Emily looked unconvinced but held her tongue, “Well this is a minor setback Claire but let’s take a deep breath and formulate a plan here. Yelling and screaming like a wild person isn’t going to help at all.”

  “You’re right, I’m going to call Jim and yell at him instead to get his ass over here and to bring a new tire with him,” Claire said quickly.

  “No Jim is at work, don’t bother him with this, there is nothing he can do right now. I have a AAA Plus membership let’s call them to send a tow truck guy over. Maybe they can change the spare for us or tow the car to a place that can fix it,” Emily said calmly. “But I want you to promis
e me you will calm down Claire. It’s not good for the baby if your blood pressure goes up too high.”

  Claire said nothing but folded her arms under her boobs and across her chest and leaned against the side of the car in submission. Emily went into the car to get her purse and pulled out her iPhone. She dialed the number for AAA and hit send.

  The two women looked around soberly, trying to figure out where they were. They could see nothing but dense forest on either side of the road. And since they had pulled over, they realized not one other car had passed by.

  “Hey Claire this is Route 50 right? What is the last cross-street that we saw?” Emily was on the phone with the dispatcher.

  “Yeah this is definitely Route 50 but I’m really bad with road names, can they go with landmarks? If so, we’re right between a big fucking scary forest and another big fucking scary forest. And both forests are probably full of creatures and rapists and rats,” Claire said sarcastically.

  Emily ignored her, “Yes ma’am I believe we are between those two roads and driving northbound on Route 50. Let me check for a mile marker, I see one up the road a little ways away.”

  Emily trotted over to the little green mile marker, her big belly bouncing up and down encumbering her every step. “It’s mile marker 27. Yes, that’s it, thank you so much. Thank you we will wait for him, 15-20 minutes?” Emily looked up at Claire and smiled, “Okay we’ll sit tight thanks again!”

  She hung up the phone and walked back toward the car. Claire was less pleased with the estimated time of arrival. Emily began to take in the scenery and she realized there really wasn’t much around them except for trees. It was a bit unnerving.

  “Well I guess we’re fucked for 20 minutes,” Claire sighed.

  “Yeah but the wait won’t be so bad, and the driver will be here before we know it,” Emily assured her.

  “I know Em but I was planning on going to the massage parlor, I set up two appointments for us, it was supposed to be a surprise. I even made sure your main man was going to be working today,” she smiled at Emily and raised her eyebrows provocatively.

  “Oh god, that man is heaven on Earth. And those hands! He could make me do whatever he wants with those hands,” Emily was beside herself daydreaming of the sexy young masseuse Christoph. “And I love that accent of his.”

  “Yeah that Romanian accent sure is charming Em, I like his big muscular arms and the way he could literally pick me up over his head allowing me to rest my legs on his shoulders while he ate me out,” said Claire heavily.

  Emily shot her a jealous glance, “First of all he’s German, not Romanian. And secondly if he’s going to lift anyone onto his shoulders and eat them out it’s going to be me!”

  They both started laughing loudly, relieved for a little comedy to lighten the gravity of their current situation.

  Just then there was a rustling in the woods. It sounded like the crunching of branches under a huge machine.

  Emily and Claire both jumped and exchanged startled looks.

  “Em what the hell is that?”

  “I don’t know but maybe we should get in the car in case it’s a rabid dog or a wolf or something.”

  The women hurried around the car, opened their doors quickly and jumped into the seats, slamming the doors behind them. They peered out into the direction that they heard the sounds come from.

  “Claire can you crack the window a bit so that we can hear if there are any more noises?” Emily asked.

  Claire disabled the child lock on the window and let the window down a quarter of an inch.

  “I think we might be able to get away with the window being down a bit more don’t you think?” Emily said sarcastically.

  Emily let the window down about half way and the two women sat and listened. A minute passed before they heard another crunch of branches and leaves. And then another, and another. The sounds were getting louder and more frequent.

  “Em what the fuck kind of dog is making that much noise?” Claire whispered.

  “I don’t know.”

  They kept peering out into the forest, waiting to catch a glimpse of the thing responsible for all the noise. What could it possibly be? It had to be huge to make that much racket, it sounded like a giant was coming through the woods.

  “We just have to hold out here in the car until the tow truck gets here, it’s gotta be soon, it’s been like 10 minutes already right?” Claire asked desperately.

  “It has to be soon,” Emily agreed.

  “Times like these are when I wish I had a gun, I would go up to whatever it is out there and blow it away,” Claire declared.

  Emily laughed, “You with a gun? I think you would have a better chance of blowing whatever it is away if you sucked its cock.”

  Claire nodded in agreement, “I do suck a mean dick.”

  As they looked on a shadow began to materialize out of the trees.

  “Holy shit! Em what the fuck is that!” Claire screamed.

  The figure got bigger and more pronounced as it continued to move out of the forest and into the clearing. The women watched on in horror as the creature walked slowly toward their car. It was at least ten feet tall with thick arms and legs and wide shoulders. Its entire body appeared to be covered in thick black fur. The creature walked carefully upright, cautiously taking in the presence of the new visitors as it approached the car.

  Claire and Emily were frozen in terror. They couldn’t move - there was no move to make. If they left the car the thing would undoubtedly chase them. Their pregnant bodies would never be able to outrun this beast. Their best bet would be to stay in the car and lock the doors.

  The monster continued its approach slowly and steadily. As it got nearer the women could make out the finer details of its gruesome physique. The monster had a distorted black face with shiny wrinkled skin that looked like leather. Its eyes were red and glowing, no trace of white could be found in them giving the creature a look of demonic possession. Its ears were pointed tips at the top of its head and were made of the same wrinkled black leather as his face.

  The beast’s mouth was nothing but a slit where his mouth should be, no lips were visible and he had not yet shown his teeth if he had any.

  The girls began to scream hysterically, scrambling for their phones, never taking their eyes off of the monster as it walked steadily toward them.

  “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” screamed Claire as she fumbled with her phone, dialing 911.

  Emily also called 911; maybe two calls would get someone out to help them even faster.

  The creature continued its pursuit, slowly and steadily. As it gained on them the women could make out more of its body. It had enormous hairless hands, which appeared to be the size of basketballs, with four smooth long fingers. Its hands looked unfathomably strong, like deadly machines, and it appeared to be clutching something.

  “Hello! 911? Please help us! We’re in the middle of fucking nowhere and there is a giant monster creature coming after us please send someone NOW!” Claire screamed into her phone.

  “Yes, please we’re on route 50 near mile market 27 heading northbound our car is broken down and there is a creature bearing down on us, please send someone we are completely stranded here,” Emily told the dispatcher quickly.

  The girls were told to hold and stay on the line until help arrived. They continued to watch the creature approach slowly and steadily gaining on them. There appeared to be something between the creature’s legs that resembled a long black snake.

  “Em what the fuck is that between that things legs? It looks like a huge black snake.”

  “I don’t know it looks like that’s its penis,” Emily said thoughtfully, “Jesus Christ it’s growing… it must be its penis.”

  “Oh my god that is so fucking disgusting! What the hell is this thing?” Claire screamed into the iPhone at the 911 dispatcher, “You had better fucking send someone right NOW this thing is getting closer to us and it is huge and disgusting, send people with machine guns please we’re pregnant here!”

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