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Nine Months Part 3 (36 Hours)
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Nine Months Part 3 (36 Hours)

  36 Hours Serial

  As a devastating summer storm hits Grand Springs, Colorado, the next thirty-six hours will change the town and its residents forever….

  Nine Months Part 3

  When Jared sprained his ankle skiing, Paige agreed to spend one week taking care of him. One perfect week of Paige Summers in his house—and bed. If Paige wasn’t so stubborn, he could return the favor and take care of her and their baby forever. Why can’t she see that marrying him is the logical solution?

  While her child deserves a father, Paige won’t give up passion for security. She wants a man who will love her unconditionally. Can he show himself to be that man before their baby is born?

  Don’t miss the continuing drama of 36 Hours in the next book, The Parent Plan by Paula Detmer Riggs.

  Dear Reader,

  In the town of Grand Springs, Colorado, a devastating summer storm sets off a string of events that changes the lives of the residents forever….

  Welcome to Harlequin’s exciting new digital serial, 36 Hours! In this thirty-six part serial share the stories of the residents of Grand Springs, Colorado, in the wake of a deadly storm.

  With the power knocked out and mudslides washing over the roads, the town is plunged into darkness and the residents are forced to face their biggest fears—and find love against all odds.

  Each week features a new story written by a variety of bestselling authors like Susan Mallery and Sharon Sala. The stories are published in three segments, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and the first segment of every three-part book is free, so you can get caught up in the mystery and drama of Grand Springs. And you can get to know a new set of characters every week. You can read just one, but as the lives and stories of each intertwine in surprising ways, you’ll want to read them all!

  Join Harlequin E every week as we bring you excitement, mystery, fun and romance in 36 Hours!

  Happy reading!

  Malle Vallik

  Director, Editorial Digital Initiatives

  About the Author

  Movies fascinated Beverly Barton from an early age, and by the time she was seven she was rewriting the movies she saw to give them all happy endings. After her marriage and the births of her children, Beverly continued to be a voracious reader and a devoted moviegoer, but she put her writing aspirations on hold. Now, after writing over seventy books, receiving numerous awards and becoming a New York Times bestselling author, Beverly’s career has become her dream come true.

  Nine Months Part 3

  Beverly Barton

  Paige Summers had agreed to live with Jared Montgomery for one week. He’d sprained his ankle and needed someone to help him. He’s her boss, how could she say no? Oh, he’s also the father of her baby. Yeah, she mixed business with pleasure. Oops. They have amazing chemistry—and the sex is so hot! But what’s missing is the biggest problem: love. Paige has this crazy idea that she’ll be able to teach him to love. Jared is stubborn, but so is Paige. It’s coming down to a battle of wills—with the prize being ultimate love or complete heartbreak.


  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  Chapter Nine

  Paige Summers had never known such happiness as she experienced with Jared that week, and when Sunday afternoon arrived and their time together came to an end, she had never known such sorrow. They had worked side by side every day, slept in each other’s arms every night and shared every moment of their special time alone together. Not once had they marred the beauty of the past week by discussing the future. But it was time for her to return to her apartment in Grand Springs, and they couldn’t delay the inevitable forever.

  Standing by the fireplace in his bedroom, Jared Montgomery watched her pack her suitcase. When she glanced his way, he averted his gaze. He didn’t want her to leave.

  “What time did you tell Kay to pick you up?” he asked.

  “At four,” she said. “I thought that would give us time to drive down the mountain before it gets dark.”

  He checked his watch. “We have less than an hour.”

  “I’ll see you at the office tomorrow.” Where she’d once again become just his administrative assistant. She zipped her burgundy suitcase.

  Using his crutches, Jared took several tentative steps toward her on his sprained ankle. “Don’t leave. Stay with me.”

  “Oh, Jared.” Breathing deeply several times, she willed herself not to cry. She’d known she was taking a chance, risking a broken heart, by staying with him. She had placed her hopes and dreams on teaching Jared to love her. She’d failed. Not once had he mentioned the word love, not even in their most passionate moments.

  “Please, honey. Stay.”

  “Why do you want me to stay?” Dear God, let him tell me that he cares. If only he could say that he thinks he’s falling in love with me, it would be enough.

  “Why?” He stared at her, an incredulous look on his face. “Because we’re good together, you and I. We’re damn good together.”

  Hell, it could take years to have his fill of her, to reach the point where he didn’t want her day and night with an insatiable hunger. If only she’d marry him…

  Closing her eyes, desperately trying not to cry, Paige bit down on her bottom lip. She had to agree with him. They were good together. But didn’t he realize that what they shared was special, that the chemistry between them was experienced by only the luckiest couples in the world?

  “This week together has been wonderful,” she admitted. “The most wonderful week of my life. But—”

  “No buts, honey. You want to stay. You know you do.” With his gait hampered by the use of the crutches, he made his way slowly across the room. When he reached her side, he sat down on the edge of bed, propped his crutches on the footboard and held out his hand.

  She lifted her suitcase, placed it on the floor, then sat down beside Jared and put her hand in his. “It would be so easy to agree to stay here with you, but I can’t. These past few days together have been days out of time, moments we’ve stolen from our real lives. We’ve been pretending that everything is all right, that we don’t have any problems.”

  He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it, then held it against his cheek. “Isn’t what we’ve shared this week enough for you? God, Paige, don’t you realize how good it is between us?”

  “Of course I realize how good it is.” She slipped her hand out of his grasp. “But I want more. I want it all. Not just the fantastic sex. Even marriage isn’t enough without the love and happily-ever-after that goes with it.”

  “Why can’t what we have be enough for you?” Jared clenched his jaw.

  “Is it enough for you?” Paige asked.

  “Yes, it’s enough. It’s more than enough. Hell, it’s more than I ever thought I’d have.”

  Jared’s brutally honest admission touched her deeply. How little had he expected? Had he really thought he could marry a woman and spend a lifetime with her not only without love, but without passion? Poor, poor Jared. His plans to find a suitable mate, marry and produce an heir had been logical, unemotional, sterile plans.

  “Before we met…” She paused, trying to choose the right words, words that wouldn’t frighten him. She wondered if perhaps not only did Jared not believe himself capable of loving someone, but that the very thought of love scared him. “Hasn’t it ever been like this for you before? I mean…haven’t you ever felt about another woman the way you feel about me?”

  Grabbing her shoulders, Jared turned her to face him. “Dammit! What do you want me to say? Do you want me to admit that you hold a power over me that no other woman ever has?”

  “I want you to be honest. With yourself, as well as with me.” Tell me you love me.

  “All right. The honest truth is that I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life, but I hate needing you this way. I’ve always had control over every aspect of my life. You make me lose control. You make me crazy!”

  Even though he couldn’t tell her that he loved her, Paige wondered if perhaps the feelings he did have for her were closer to love than anything he’d ever felt. Had their week together strengthened his feelings for her even more than she had hoped? Had Kay been right after all, about teaching Jared how to love? If so, this might be the first step in the learning process.

  Leaning her head to one side, she rubbed her cheek across the top of his hand that held her left shoulder. He loosened his grip, ran his hand down her arm and circled her waist.

  “I need to go back to my apartment for a few days,” she told him. “I can’t think rationally when we’re together all the time. Whether or not I should move in with you is a major decision.”

  Jared cupped her chin in his hand. “Are you saying that you’re considering moving in with me?”

  “Yes, I’m considering it. But if I do decide to live with you, it will be only until Angela is born.” Or it can be for the rest of our lives, if you learn to love me.

  “Ah, honey, you’ve made me a happy man.”

  “I haven’t decided yet. I think this is something we both need to take time apart to consider. In a few more months, I’m going to be big and fat and…and we may not be able to have sex. Be sure this is what you really want.”

  He kissed her, hard and fast, then smiled. Paige’s stomach did an evil flip-flop.

  “I don’t care how big and fat you get,”
he said, then patted her stomach. “You’ll be getting larger as my baby grows inside you. And even if we can’t have sex later in your pregnancy, there are other ways to make love.”

  Don’t blush, dammit, she told herself. Don’t blush! “I need a few days to think about it.”

  “Take a week, if you need to, as long as you decide to live with me.”

  Jared toppled them both over into the bed, and within moments they were lost to the passion that neither could control. They were still in bed when Kay arrived. Jared dressed hurriedly and went downstairs to answer the door, while Paige freshened up and put on her clothes.

  * * *

  The house was empty without Paige, and Jared was lonely. Although he’d been alone most of his life, he didn’t think he’d ever been really lonely before. Except, maybe, for a while after Grandpa Monty had died. He had missed that old man for a long time. Hell, sometimes he still missed him.

  Even though his parents had given Jared everything money could buy, they’d never spent much time with him. As a child, he’d been cared for by a succession of nannies and servants, people paid to see to his needs. As an adult, he’d changed very little about his lifestyle, depending on employees to keep his business and his ranch running smoothly. Even though he made friends easily, he never knew what they liked better, his money or him. And always in the past, he had chosen women with whom he could have unemotional, uninvolved relationships that he could end effortlessly.

  But Paige was different from any woman he’d ever known. And the way he felt about her was different. Stronger. More intense. He’d never really needed anyone before—he’d made sure of that. But Paige had hit him like a ton of bricks. A chance encounter in an elevator had turned his life upside down. After making love to Paige, nothing else would ever be the same.

  As much as he wanted her, Jared hated his weakness. Paige made him vulnerable. She had taken his sane, orderly, well-planned life and thrown him into utter chaos.

  Here he was rich, powerful, not bad-looking and reasonably young. With the snap of his fingers, he could have a hundred women at his beck and call. But he didn’t want those hundred women—he just wanted one. One feisty, stubborn, romantic redhead, who had him spinning his wheels while he waited for her to make a decision.

  Using a cane for support, Jared paced back and forth in his den. How long was it going to take Paige to come to her senses, to realize that there was no logical reason for them not to live together, for them not to marry?

  She had moved back to her apartment three days ago, and even though he’d seen her every day at the office, it wasn’t enough. He wanted her in his home, in his bed, in his arms, every morning and every night.

  Resting one foot on the hearth, Jared tossed today’s issue of the Grand Springs Herald into the fire, then lifted the brass poker and stoked the burning logs. Paige should be here with him now. They could be discussing the Rocky Springs Ranch development or the Florida beachfront condos that Montgomery’s was building. They could be talking about Lamaze classes or deciding on a middle name for Angela. They could be making love on the rug in front of the fireplace.

  Jared viciously jabbed at the logs, then threw the poker down on the hearth. Three days. Three damn days! That’s all it had been since he’d made love to Paige, and here he was half out of his mind. Wanting her. Needing her. Missing her.

  When the phone rang, Jared glared at it. He had no intention of breaking his neck to answer it. For the past three evenings, every time the phone rang, he’d been certain it was Paige. And every time, he’d been wrong.

  Moving at a snail’s pace, he walked across the room. The phone continued ringing. He lifted the receiver.


  “Jared, this is Austen Summers.”

  “Austen?” Paige’s brother? “Is Paige all right? Has something happened to her?”

  “Paige is okay.” Austen took a deep breath. “We—that is, the family, Mama, Paige and I, are at Vanderbilt Memorial. We think Dad’s had a heart attack.”

  “Good God!”

  “I thought you’d want to know. Paige is pretty upset. You know how nuts she is about—” Austen paused. “We—that is, Mama thinks Paige needs you.”

  “I’ll leave immediately,” Jared said.

  “We’re still in ER.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  * * *

  Paige couldn’t remember ever being this scared. Her big, strong, invincible father had doubled over with severe pain shooting down his left arm and pressing against his chest. Heart attack, the medics had thought, but Dr. Howell had corrected that diagnosis.

  “From the evidence, I don’t think he’s had a heart attack,” Noah Howell told them. “We’re going to run some tests to make sure, but my guess is that Mr. Summers has a blocked artery.”

  “What does that mean?” Dora asked. “Can you operate and fix the problem?”

  “If it is a blocked artery, I’ll send him to St. Joseph’s in Denver for a procedure called balloon angioplasty, which will surgically repair the blood vessel.”

  Paige sat alone on a vinyl sofa in the ER waiting room. Austen leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest and his vision focused on the floor. The staff had allowed their mother a quick visit with their father.

  “It’s all right if you want to cry,” Austen said. “I’d cry myself if I could.”

  “We need to be strong for Mama,” Paige told him. “She’s the glue that holds this family together, but without Daddy, she’d be lost.”

  “He’s not going to die!” Austen slammed his fist into the side of the sofa.

  Paige jumped. “No, of course he’s not going to die.” She needed to convince herself as much as her brother that their father was going to live. The very thought of losing him was more than she could bear.

  It would be so easy for her to fall apart, to dissolve into a puddle of tears, but that was the last thing her mother needed right now.

  Dora Summers emerged from her husband’s ER cubicle. Paige shot off the sofa and rushed to her mother’s side. Austen walked toward them, but stayed back several feet.

  “Your daddy’s all right. He—he isn’t hurting anymore. They’ve given him something.” Tears gathered in Dora’s eyes. “They’re going to take him upstairs to ICU and monitor his condition overnight.”

  Paige hugged her mother. “Daddy’s tough. He—he—”

  “It’s all right, sweetheart,” Dora said. “You go ahead and cry if you want to. Don’t hold it in and make yourself sick. That wouldn’t be good for you and the baby.”

  “I’m okay, Mama.”

  “Your daddy is worried about you. He kept asking how you were doing. He said not to let you get all upset. He doesn’t want you staying here at the hospital all night.”

  “But, Mama—”

  “You know how Daddy is about us. He thinks he has to take care of us, even—” Dora’s voice cracked and tears streamed down her face. “Even when he’s lying flat on his back in a hospital.”

  “Mama, I won’t get any sleep if I go back to my apartment. I’ll be all alone and worried sick.”

  The automatic emergency room doors behind them opened. Dora glanced over Paige’s shoulder. Jared Montgomery marched into the waiting area.

  “I don’t think you’ll have to go home alone.” Dora turned her daughter toward the ER entrance.

  Jared! He dropped his cane to the floor and opened his arms to her. She flew across the room to him. Encompassing her in his embrace, he held her close, stroking her back with tender care.

  “Oh, Jared. How did you know I needed you? Daddy—Daddy is—” The dam holding her emotions in check burst, flooding her eyes with tears and sending sobbing shivers through her body.

  “It’s all right, honey. I’m here.” He continued his comforting caresses as he kissed her forehead and cheeks. “I’ll make sure that your father has whatever he needs. Only the best for Walt Summers. I can have doctors flown in from anywhere in the world.”

  “Jared, Jared.” She fell apart in his arms, secure in the knowledge that he would hold her together and keep her safe.

  “Come on, honey. You need to sit down.” When he draped his arm across her shoulders, she slipped her arm around his waist.

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