Bound and sold sex slave.., p.1
Bound And Sold: Sex Slave Auction 1, page 1

Sex Slave Auction 1
Bree Bellucci
Kindle Edition
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Red Garnet Media LLC on Amazon KDP
Bound And Sold: Sex Slave Auction 1
Copyright © 2013 by Bree Bellucci
This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Adult Reading Material
The material in this document contains explicit sexual content that is intended for mature audiences only and is inappropriate for readers under 18 years of age.
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Sex Slave Auction 1
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Addison Miller pushed a lock of her long chestnut hair back behind her ear for the thousandth time that evening. The wind was roaring across the winter beach, howling in the dark night and chilling the assembled friends down to their bones. Even under layers and layers, the four young adults couldn’t seem to get warm. Not that any of them minded the predicament too much. This was half the reason they’d decided to come to the beach in this first place. This deep into January, the only way to stay warm on the Jersey Shore was by snuggling close to someone and cloaking yourself in a booze jacket. And the foursome in question was on the ball, in that regard.
It was January during the friends’ senior year in college. Addison, along with her best girl friend Anna and their longtime friends with benefits Grayson and Charlie, attended colleges all across the region, and only ever got to see each other during the long summer and winter vacations that occurred during the school year. Knowing that they had each other to come home to made the trek back to their lame suburban town in Central Jersey fall less horrible.
Some people were surprised when they realized how close the four young people remained. There wasn’t a lot that they had in common, on the surface. Addison was a beautiful but introverted bookworm, president of the Mathletes during high school, and currently studying engineering at MIT. Anna had been the president of the drama club in high school and the lead in every single school play. Now, she was off in New York studying drama at The New School. Grayson had been a star athlete during college, and had won himself a scholarship playing lacrosse at Cornell up in Ithaca. And good old Charlie was the class clown, always coming up with some crazy scheme. He was in Boston now, studying something different every year at Boston University.
They were, indeed, an eclectic group, but that was what made them such a strong unit. Beneath their differences, they shared the same sense of divine dissatisfaction with the status quo, the same sense of adventure. These qualities had gotten them into some pretty fantastic scrapes through the years, but they always came out laughing their asses off. And that was the most important thing to all of them, at the end of the day.
They were even having a ball freezing their butts off on the abandoned January beach. These beach trips had been a tradition since their first winter break reunion during freshman year. Each of them would bring a little bottle of booze; Addison brought the rum, Anna the vodka, Grayson the whiskey, and Charlie the tequila. Then, they’d pile under a bunch of blankets on the beach and fool around, getting tipsy and rolling all over each other. Eventually, they’d pair off and do vaguely naughty things until everyone was too drunk to care about getting nasty in front of each other.
There was no self-consciousness between the four of them, as this had been going on forever. Ever since high school, Addison and Charlie had been fooling around, and the same went for Anna and Grayson. Even while they were away at college, the pairs managed booty call trips. None of the friends ever insisted on a relationship, because they were too young and too fond of their group to mess everything up with dating. So, they continued on as fuck buddies for most of their young lives and loved every single minute of it.
“Who’s got the rum?” Grayson said, his words getting whisked away on the wind the moment they left his mouth.
Charlie produced a bottle from the pocket of his coat. “Sorry, I’ve been hoarding it,” he said.
Grayson snatched the bottle away and took a long pull. Like a man dying of thirst in the desert, that’s how Grayson always was around booze. Vacations were the only times he ever got to goof around, what with his scholarship, and he was always the one to live it up the most. Pausing in his chugging for a moment, he wrapped his parka-clad arms around Anna and pulled her tightly against him. She squealed in not-too-authentic alarm, batting him with her gloves.
“You’re nothing but a big oaf, Grayson,” she chided, “You know that?”
“Well, I guess that makes you nothing but a little shrimp!” he laughed, giving her an affectionate noogie. Grayson and Anna had a funny way of switching back and forth between brother-and-sister antics and sex-buddy shenanigans. Addison smiled at them, shaking her head.
“You two are quite something,” she said, “Think you’ll ever grow up?”
“Why should we?” Anna said, “Growing up just means getting lame and frumpy. Like you, Addison!”
“Hey!” Addison pouted, “I am not frumpy!”
“Not yet,” Grayson said, “But if you keep talking about growing up and horrible things like that...I don’t know. You might be in danger.”
“Charlie,” Addison implored, “Tell them that I’m not a frumpy lame-o!”
Charlie pretended to appraise Addison, sending Anna and Grayson into giggling fits. “Well,” Charlie began slowly, “I do percieve that you’re wearing mittens that you knitted yourself...You may be well on your way to frumpy, my dear.”
“Piss off!” Addison cried, batting Charlie playfully on the arm, “And don’t think you’re getting any from me tonight. Why would you want to fuck a frumpy mess, anyway?”
“Hey, I never said there was anything wrong with frumpy!” Charlie said quickly, “I like frumpy! It’s comfortable. Like an old couch.”
“You’re not winning yourself any points,” Addison warned, turning up her nose. She felt Charlie’s hand on her inner thigh. He leaned in close and rested his lips against her cold ear.
“Let me make it up to you then,” he said, running his hand along the shapely expanse of her thigh. “Let me show you what I really think of you.”
Addison grinned. They’d clearly all moved on to the latter part of the evening, which meant that things would be heating up quickly from there. Some people found their four-way friendship to be strange, the fact that they were so comfortable around each other struck some people as odd. But the four of them never worried about it, they just enjoyed their friends’ company and had as good a time as possible. That was why they all got along so well. No one was worried about propriety or what was the “right” thing to do. They just did what they wanted.
Charlie’s hand moved ever closed toward Addison’s crotch. Even through her thick blue jeans, his touch sent shivers of anticipation through her eager body. There was something about Charlie’s boyish charm that had excited her from the first time they’d met. He’d been goofing around before homeroom on their first day of high school, having shown up in what were clearly pajamas. He was a clown with a heart of gold, and he meant the world to Addison. Luckily for her, the feeling was mutual. They weren’t exclusive in body, but they were in heart.
The gentle pressure of Charlie’s gloved hand against Addison’s shrouded pussy made her groan with anticipation. He rubbed her slowly through the layers of her clothing, and the friction was absolutely delicious. After so many years, Charlie and Addison, as well as Anna and Grayson, knew each others’ bodies like the back of their own hands. Every tender spot, every irresistible zone, they knew it all. And Charlie was heading in for the kill there on the dark beach. Addison was more than willing to surrender to his touch, as she always was. There was nothing she loved more in the world.
Anna and Grayson’s voiced trailed away as they fell to pawing for each other in the cold. Charlie smiled down through the darkness, hiking the blanket closer around himself and Addison. Addison brought her face toward Charlie’s, lay her lips tenderly against his. She took his bottom lip gently between her teeth and bit down ever so slightly. They all shuffled between being a tiny bit sadistic and just a little masochistic as well. The four friends were sexually fearless, always trying new things when they desired. They were honest with themselves, and each other, about what they wanted, simple as that.
With an expert flick of the wrist, Charlie unbuttoned the fly of Addison’s jeans and slipped off his glove. Addison shivered a bit as his chilly hand came to rest on her bare midriff. He let his fingers warm against her body, sliding his tongue against hers. They never hurried, Charlie and Addison. When they were together, they took all the time they needed. No amount of time was too much to devote to making the other happy. It was the only thing that they were really concerned with, this making and taking of pleasure with each other.
As his skin warmed beneath the blankets, Charlie slid his hand under the elastic band of Addison’s panties. She gasped a little as his fingers brushed the tender flesh above her groin. They’d only been back for winter break for a couple of days and hadn’t had their hands on each other for months. At this point, every little contact was absolutely to die for. Addison writhed against the sand beneath their blanket as Charlie stroked her sensitive
He gasped, realizing how wet she had become with mere proximity to him. He slid his fingers up and down along the length of the hot, wet slit, and Addison closed her eyes, savoring every moment. She could feel the blood rushing to her groin as the pleasure of Charlie’s touch overcame her. She felt lightheaded with longing, wanting to suspend the moment and advance it. Charlie rested his cheek against Addison’s, taking his time. His fingers felt for every fold, every inch of Addison’s pussy. He knew her so well, but every time he touched her it felt utterly new.
Charlie poised his fingers against Addison’s wet pussy, and she wrapped her arms around his neck in anticipation. As she lay her cold lips against his neck, he slid his fingers into her. The penetration sent Addison into a dizzy spell of pleasure. Charlie plunged his digits further into her dark chamber, tickling her in the best of possible ways. Addison kissed his neck deeply, loving the feel of his fingers inside of her. He knew exactly how to feel for those spots that drove her wild, and she couldn’t help but gasp as he played her pussy like a piano.
Suddenly, Charlie’s strong thumb rested against Addison’s clit. She cried out, surprised by the intensity of her pleasure. Every time they were apart for a spell, she forgot exactly how wonderful it was to be touched by him. And every time they reunited, she was quickly reminded. Charlie rubbed her aching clit as he thrust his fingers into her pussy. Addison was sure she would pass out from the intense pleasure, sure that she’d never be able to keep her head on while he touched her so expertly. The doubled sensation was driving her absolutely crazy there on the beach.
Charlie kneaded her clit passionately. Applying just the right amount of force, and faster by the moment. Addison wrapped her fingers together behind Charlie’s back, digging her teeth into the padded shoulder of his parka. She was racing toward orgasm as Charlie flicked her clit with killer precision. Charlie bore down on the tender nub and urged her forward. She felt the inevitable, staggering pressure building, knew that it had to be released. Charlie delivered a swish of the wrist that send Addison sailing into orgasm. She came into his waiting hand, moaning into the wind as she thrashed below him.
Addison rode the waves of her orgasm as the ocean broke against the sand just yards from them. The cacophony of crashing waves was not loud enough to drown out Anna’s screams of pleasure. She was certainly the loudest among them. Probably a result of all her voice and speech training at school. The girl certainly had some pipes on her, and the agility of her tongue had been long lauded by Grayson. She was the reigning blow job queen of his universe, and probably quite a few other guys’, since exclusivity was a dirty word to this particular group.
A great shudder ran through Addison’s body as the last jolt of orgasm surged through her. She lay back, spent, against the cold sand. Grinning, Charlie looked down at her with faux smugness all over his face. He loved nothing more than to make her feel good, and they both knew it. But sometimes, he liked to play just a little hard to get with her. He lay down beside her and drew her against his body. She felt his quickly beating heart, heard his still quickened breath. She wanted badly to return the favor that he’d bestowed, but she’d been knocked for a loop.
“Let’s head back to the car,” Grayson suggested, the triumph in his voice letting everyone know that he had succeeded in getting Anna off in his usual stellar fashion.
“I agree,” Anna said, beginning to gather up the layers of blankets and sheets they’d spread for themselves. “I’m freezing my tits off out here,” she mumbled.
Charlie helped Addison to her feet, and the four boozily broke down their camp. It took far longer than it should have, or would have had they been sober. Together, they trekked up the sand toward the boardwalk, chattering all the way.
They’d parked Anna’s second hand Honda Civic in the empty parking lot beside their favorite boardwalk arcade. In the summertime, this entire neighborhood was swamped with New Jersey natives, sun-screened tourists, and just about every other faction you could imagine from all across the east coast and beyond. The Jersey Shore was famous after all, and not just because of those orange bozos from MTV, either. The Shore did something magical to people. It released their inhibitions and forced them to worry about nothing but fun for just a little while. In short, it was the perfect place for this particular foursome.
Anna struggled to unlock the car doors and her three friends teased her. They’d all imbibed a bit more than they usually would. Chalk it up to higher drinking tolerances earned in college, perhaps. Finally, they were able to get the doors open and pile inside, collapsing into the well-worn seats with peals of laughter and ribbing. Out of the wind, they instantly felt the life return to their fingers and toes, and in the boys’ case, other extremities. Addison eyed Charlie conspiratorially. The back seat was, after all, all theirs.
“OK, let’s go!” Anna said, turning the key. Grayson looked at her with a touch of alarm. It was shameful, but the friends were not entirely opposed to driving with a few drinks in them on a typical day. It was risky and very dangerous, but they rationalized that they didn’t do it very often. What was the harm, anyway? But tonight seemed a bit different. Anna, who was usually the best at handling her booze despite her tiny size, didn’t seem to be doing very well. The other three looked on in concern. No one seemed to be in a place to drive.
“Let’s just cool it for a while,” Grayson said, laying his hand over Anna’s on the ignition. “We’re not in a hurry, right?”
“I’m fine!” Anna cried, betraying the fact that she most certainly was not, “I didn’t even have that much. I’m fust jine!”
“Fust jine? Really?” Charlie laughed, “Get your hands off the keys, little missy. I’m not in the mood to go up in a fiery inferno tonight.”
“Screw you, Charlie,” Anna said, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Anna, come here,” Grayson said, running his hand through her hair, “I have something to tell you.”
He brought her mouth to his, kissing her deeply. Whether this was an act of passion or a great distraction tactic, it was a good move. In an instant, Anna had scrambled over to the passenger’s seat, straddling Grayson on the worn-out material. With her free hand, she flicked on the car CD player that was already loaded with one of their favorite mixes. As if they needed mood music. Addison snuggled up closer to Charlie, who welcomed her advances with open arms. She burrowed against his chest, still clad in all manner of layers. Without wasting a moment, she lay her hand against his firm torso and let it wander down his body.
Charlie leaned back in the seat, pulling Addison on top of him. He not-so-secretly loved it when Addison found herself on top during their sex play. It gave him a great view of his beautiful fuck buddy and meant that he had very little to do but lay back and enjoy. Addison didn’t mind it one bit, either. She loved being on top of anyone, but especially Charlie. He was game for anything, and she’d never slept with anyone as fun as him.
“What am I doing up here?” she asked coyly, “Are you cold or something? Do you need me to warm you up?”
“I most certainly do,” Charlie moaned. Addison could feel the bulge of his cock against her still-throbbing pussy. The feel or his erection against her sent a flurry of excitement through her abdomen. She and Charlie’s dick knew each other very well, and it had been too long since they’d last spent any time together, in her opinion. It was high time that they become reacquainted, Addison thought, after all these long months.
Addison pushed up the hem of Charlie’s heavy sweater, exposing the smallest bit of smooth skin. She loved the shape of Charlie, the way his hips stood out with those tantalizing muscles that were just right for grabbing onto. She ran her fingers lightly, right above the waist of his jeans. Addison could feel him growing harder every moment that she kept her hands on him. He was quick to rise, this one, but that didn’t mean that we was out of control of himself. Addison had never met a guy more able to wrangle his erection in a pinch.