Becoming belle first tim.., p.1
Becoming Belle : First Time Feminization, page 1

Table of Contents
Becoming Belle
by Ava Hayes
Copyright 2017 Ava Hayes
Individuals pictured on the cover
are models used for illustrative purposes only
First digital edition electronically published by
Ava Hayes, September 2017
All rights reserved
Becoming Belle
Book design by Ava Hayes
Cover image copyright 2017,
Background image ©2mmedia -
Forground image © OleanderStudio
Becoming Belle
First Time Feminization
I was awoken by the sound of birds chirping outside my window. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked at my phone. It was dead. The charger must have fallen out in the middle of the night. My heart sank into my stomach. ‘Oh god what time is it?’ I thought as I plugged the phone in and rushed to look at the clock on my computer.
It was already 9:15 and I was supposed to be to work by 9:45. If I was late today it was going to be my thirds strike. There was no way I could afford to lose this job, not now. My rent was coming up and I was already behind on bills. I tried to calm myself down ‘Okay if you leave right now you’ll be less than 5 minutes late. I know the boss is a hardass but he probably won’t fire you over that.
I rushed around the room throwing on the first item of clothing that I saw. I definitely wouldn’t be winning any fashion awards with this outfit. By the time I was finished I had on a pair of gray slacks, a mustard yellow shirt, a brown belt and a red tie. It was hideous but I could worry about that later. I brushed my teeth and gave my face a once over with a razor. It didn’t take long I could hardly grow facial hair. Even a light 30 second shave would keep my face bare for a week. After that I grabbed an iced coffee from my refrigerator and bolted out the door.
I pushed the button for the elevator and watched as it crawled its way down from the top stopping on nearly every floor. After a few minutes I gave up and ran down the stairs. By the time I reached the bottom I was out of breath. I must have looked insane bolting through parking in that ridiculous outfit. My old beat up Toyota was parked near the exit. I got in and started it praying that it would actually start on the first try today. I turned the key and the engine chugged but wouldn’t turn over. Finally the engine roared to life and I sped out of the parking lot and jumped on the freeway.
Amazingly there was hardly any traffic. The clock read 9:27. There was actually a good chance that I wouldn’t be late at all. I stayed in the fast lane and gunned it going about twenty over the whole time.
I worked at a bank in a different suburb. I’d only been there for about 6 weeks but the boss had it out for me. He was one of those big alpha guys who has to be the best at everything. You could tell from the look of him that he spent most of his time in the gym and he was always bragging about the hot girls he was dating or sleeping with. The rest of the guys on the staff were more or less the same. He despised me for being small and weak. I was about a head shorter than him and probably 80 pounds lighter. I suspected he also hated me because my numbers were better than his and he couldn’t stand that I was making him look bad. I just knew he was looking for any excuse to fire me.
Being fired was something I absolutely couldn’t afford to have happen. I had just moved to LA from across the country and the expense of the move combined with the cost of living had me barely scraping by each week.
I cracked open my iced coffee and got onto the off ramp confident that my job was safe for at least another day. I tipped up the can and took a long drink just as my front left tire fell into a nasty pothole. I dropped the drink in my lap and and it spilled on the front of my pants leaving a giant cold wet spot. I cursed and grabbed it but it slipped out of my hands onto the floor. As I reached down to grab it I looked up for a split second and realized too late that I was about to barrel into the back of another car. I slammed on the breaks and my tires screeched leaving smoking black marks in the middle of the road. It was too late though. Before I could grind to a halt I smashed into the back of the car in front of me.
I could instantly tell my car was fucked. The front end was all bent up and there was steam pouring from the engine. The first thing I did was open my door and rush to the driver’s side of the car I hit.
I noticed two things in this order: The woman I’d hit was beautiful. She had long silky blonde hair and cool blue eyes. She was wearing an expensive outfit and jewelry and she looked fucking pissed. The second thing I noticed was her car. It was a black Aston Martin Vanquish. The rear was almost completely totaled. As this fact sunk in I felt like I was going to throw up. This car cost two hundred thousand dollars at least. That meant even if my liability insurance covered most of it I could be on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars. I got ahold of myself enough to knock on the window and ask if she was okay.
She calmly reached into a Gucci handbag, pulled out a cigarette, lit it then rolled down her window and said “I’ve been better.”
She got out of the car and surveyed the damage frowning the entire time. I was apologizing and trying to explain what happened pointing to the giant wet spot on the front of my pants and showing her the pothole that caused the whole situation. She seemed uninterested in all of it barely saying a word to me. I told her to excuse me because I was definitely going to be late for work now and I needed to call them.
I took a photo of the accident and sent it to my boss. Surely this was an extenuating circumstance, he couldn’t fire me for this. I received a reply from him almost immediately ‘Wow Tom that sux. Wrecking a beauty like that and getting fired all in the same day. Good luck out there bro’ He ended the message with a smiley face emoji. I tried to call him several times but there was no answer.
“That prick! That absolute fucking prick!” I screamed “Fuuuuck!” I yelled at the top of my lungs before throwing my phone in the dirt.
The woman looked over and her facial expression changed for the first time. She looked almost sorry for me. The cops showed up a few minutes later and took down both of our information. I was ticketed for following too closely. I didn’t care. What was another few hundred bucks on top of losing my job and the cost of repairs for an Aston Martin.
Neither car was in any shape to be driven so after the police left we waited for the tow truck drivers.
“I’m sorry about your job.” she said finally stilling smoking away. I had calmed down a little bit and was now seeing her again like it was the first time. I was absolutely bowled over by her beauty. She was tall with big breasts and a nice ass. Her legs were long and her waist was trim. She may have been the most attractive woman I’d ever seen.
“Well, it was a shitty job anyway. I hated my boss and my coworkers were dicks. Still I was already flat broke as it was. I don’t know what I’m going to be able to do about this.” I said motioning my hand toward her car.
She looked at me closely furrowing her brow as though she were studying my features.
“You’re an attractive young man.” she said finally. “Not conventionally attractive. Not really handsome but almost more… pretty. What is you name?”
“Uh thanks. I’m Tom. Tom Belle.” I said trying to take it as a compliment. Was she hitting on me? I put that thought out of my head. Women like her don’t hit on guys like me. It’s just a known universal fact that a woman like that has never hit on a guy like me in the history of the world.
The tow trucks came and took our cars away then she called a cab. It arrived shortly and she said “I’ve called a cab for you as well. It will be here shortly just tell them where you need to go. This is my phone number.” she said handing me an all white business card with the name Victoria Slate in glossy cursive script embossed on the front and a phone number on the bottom. “Call that number at 6 o’clock tonight. I want to meet you for dinner tonight. I might have a solution that will solve both of our problems. I want to discuss it with you first. Please don’t be late” she said firmly and with that she got in the back of the cab and they sped off before I could ask any questions.
I stood on the side of the road in front of my completely destroyed Toyota Corolla looking at her business card; running my fingers over it like a worry stone. I opened my wallet and tucked it inside. I put my wallet back in my pocket and put a hand over it as though it was a captive creature that might try to escape. It was my only hope. Not much of a hope but in this situation I was willing to take what I could get.
The other tow truck driver arrived attached the winch and gave me the address of the tow yard along with a bill. The hits just kept coming. Guess my car having days were over. The cab arrived a few minutes later and I gave the driver my address. We got back on the freeway and headed to my apartment. I was in a daze trying not to think about the bills that I had coming up and double digit number sitting in my checking account.
I felt like breaking down and crying but I held back. The driver tried to make small-talk but one word answers were all I could muster.
He dropped
I got out of my wet coffee stained clothes started the shower and looked at myself in the mirror. I wasn’t bad looking. In fact she was right. I had soft feminine features and big bright green eyes. My lips were quite full and my eyelashes were long. My body left a lot to be desired. I had a flat stomach and my muscles were quite toned but they weren’t big. I’d always been on the small side ever since I was a kid. It didn’t help that I stopped growing in 9th grade at 5’5” and never cracked 130 pounds in my life.
The one saving grace was my cock. It was definitely bigger than average and the few girls I’d been with had remarked on it. Once they saw it they couldn’t get enough. The rest of the package however made it so that few women were interested enough to get that far.
I just watched TV and messed around on my laptop looking at gifs of cats and listening to music for most of the day. I had been so overwhelmed by stress I needed to turn my brain off for a few hours. Still I found myself glancing at my phone every few minutes waiting for 6pm as time inched by.
Around 5pm I showered again wanting to make sure I made the absolute best impression. I panicked for a bit over what to wear. I decided on a nice business casual outfit of navy slacks, a white button up, and a black belt with a silver buckle. I fussed with my hair in the mirror for twenty minutes before it was exactly how I wanted it. My first impression was so laughably terrible it was going to be an uphill battle to get Victoria to actually see me in a positive light.
By the time I’d finished preening myself and getting ready it was 5:55 I said a silent prayer and literally watched as the seconds ticked by. I dialed the number and hit send as the numbers switched over from 5:59 to 6.
“Hello Tom Belle.” Said the sultry seductive voice on the other end of the line. “Shall I send someone to pick you up?”
“Uh yeah. Please that would be great. Where are we going?” I said caught off guard by her greeting.
“I’m bringing you to my place for dinner. We’re having an herb crusted halibut with baked ratatouille. I hope you’ll find it to your liking.”
“Uh that sounds great but you really don’t need to go through all the trouble.” I said.
“My chef is the one going through the trouble and he’s paid handsomely for it.” she said. “Your ride will be there in twenty minutes.” she hung up abruptly.
Her chef? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that a person who drives an Aston Martin would have a chef but it was still a bit of a shock. I wondered what she did. Was it possible she was a famous actress or model that I just didn’t recognize? Maybe she was an heiress. I felt sexist that it was the first place my mind went. She could very well be a successful executive or business owner. Only she was so young. She couldn’t be more than thirty and more likely in her late twenties.
I took one last look in the mirror then locked up my apartment and went down to the main floor. I waited in the parking lot until a a black Range Rover pulled up and rolled the window down. “Are you Tom Belle?” came a voice from inside.
“Uh yeah that’s me” I said.
“Get in.”
I tried the front door but it was locked so I hopped in the back. The driver was a big burly black man. He was dressed in an expensive suit and wearing dark sunglasses. He gave me a once over in the rear-view mirror then nodded and we were off.
I tried in futility to make small talk. The man wasn’t interested in conversation. As we drove the downtown skyscrapers came into view and we moved toward them. He pulled into a parking garage in one of the skyscrapers that exclusively housed luxury condos. We parked and he gave me a keycard and told me to get on the elevator, swipe it, and go to the penthouse.
I followed his instructions. The elevator was glass and it was on the outside of the building. As I rode upwards 40 stories I marveled at the beautiful view. The entire city skyline was laid out in front of me. I started to get a touch of vertigo as I looked down. It made my palms sweat and I got lightheaded. That could have just as easily been because I was so nervous to meet with Victoria.
I knocked on her door and waited. I stood for a few minutes and was about to knock again when the door opened. Victoria was dressed in a seductive black evening dress. It was strapless and had a slit up the side showing off her long toned legs.
“Tom, I’m so glad you could make it. You look great. Please come in. Can I offer you anything to drink?” she said embracing me warmly and kissing both cheeks. She was definitely in a better mood since the last time I saw her.
“I’ll have whatever you’re having.” I said politely.
“I’m having a Chambord Kir Royale. I’ll be right back.” Her condo was massive. It was three stories completely open plan. There was an opening in the center but one could see into the space on the second and third floor as well. The sitting and dining area was next to the window overlooking the entire city. She came back from the kitchen with two fizzy pink drinks in crystal champagne glasses.
I took mine and took a drink immediately hoping to take the edge off. It was amazing. I thanked her and she led me to a large sectional couch overlooking downtown LA. The sun was setting and it cast everything in an orangey red hue.
“So tell me about yourself. What do you do? Or rather what did you do?”
“Well I’m new to the city. I’m from the east coast and I wanted a change of scenery so I put in a transfer at my job. They sent me out here but they didn’t pay for any of the expenses. The job paid a bit better but cost of living is so much higher here. I hated everyone who I worked with. And like I said I got fired by my douchebag boss via text. If I can’t figure out my finances I’ll probably have to move back home. But even then I’ll never be able to pay off all my debts. What about you? I don’t really know anything about you. You’re obviously very successful.”
Victoria twirled her hair in her fingers and looked around.
“I’m an entrepreneur of sorts. I made my fortune the hard way working everyday and amassing a large client base. It got to the point where I couldn’t possibly service them all so I started hiring. Now I have a rather substantial workforce. I pay them top dollar for their services. The work is easy to do but for some it can be difficult in other ways. I could see you working for me but I want you to make absolutely certain you know what you’re getting yourself into.”
“Of course.” I blurted out. “Of course I’ll do anything. Just tell me what to do.”
“Well you say that.” she said. “Look I’m going to do something that might seem strange but you need stay with me.
She got up and lifted her summer dress up around her waist allowing me to see her panties. My jaw dropped. There was a distinct bulge in the front of her panties. A small one but it was unmistakable. She pulled her panties to the side and I saw her little cock and balls, completely hairless, dangling freely.