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Over the Knee
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Over the Knee

  Table of Contents

  Legal Page

  Title Page

  Book Descriptions

  In the Eyes of the Law

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  Chapter One

  About Ashe Barker

  Spicing it Up

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  About Lily Harlem

  Kneel for You


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven


  About Katy Swann

  Silk and Decadence


  Trademarks Acknowledgment

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five


  About Wendi Zwaduk

  Properly, or Not at All


  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  About Lucy Felthouse

  A Private Education


  Trademarks Acknowledgment

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  About Dolly Watt

  New Excerpt

  Publisher Page

  Over the Knee Anthology

  ISBN # 978-1-78430-806-3

  In the Eyes of the Law ©Copyright Ashe Barker 2015

  Spicing it Up ©Copyright Lily Harlem 2015

  Kneel for You ©Copyright Katy Swann 2015

  Silk and Decadence ©Copyright Wendi Zwaduk 2015

  Properly, or Not at All ©Copyright Lucy Felthouse 2015

  A Private Education ©Copyright Dolly Watt 2015

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright September 2015

  Edited by Sarah Smeaton

  Totally Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2014 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Totally Burning and a Sexometer of 3.

  Over the Knee Anthology

  In the Eyes of the Law

  Ashe Barker

  Spicing it Up

  Lily Harlem

  Kneel for You

  Katy Swann

  Silk and Decadence

  Wendi Zwaduk

  Properly, or Not at All

  Lucy Felthouse

  A Private Education

  Dolly Watt

  ‘In the Eyes of the Law’ by Ashe Barker

  She’s still his wife, in the eyes of the law. But is she still his submissive? His to spank?

  A momentary lapse of concentration places Libby Novak on the wrong side of the law. A criminal conviction could cause her to lose her job. How much worse could this get?

  Libby soon knows the answer to that question when the head of security at the mall shows up. She hasn’t seen her estranged husband for years, and now she discovers Josh has a strict policy on how best to deal with shoplifters. He was her husband and her Dom. Will he turn her over to the police, or would a hard, bare-bottom spanking be sufficient redress for her misdemeanor? After all, that’s how he always dealt with her in the past.

  Josh has never forgiven Libby’s betrayal. She let him down. She deserves to be punished. But does he still have that right?

  Libby meant to divorce him. She was granted the decree nisi but never quite got round to making it final. They both know she’s still his wife—in the eyes of the law—but is she still his submissive? His to spank?

  ‘Spicing it Up’ by Lily Harlem

  Heat from a spanking ensures that Cassandra simmers with pleasure in a way she never would have imagined.

  Cassandra lives by a set of rules that both thrill and complete her. Having Master Raif attend her every need in and out of the bedroom is perfection. She trusts him absolutely, and he wields his power over her with a great sense of responsibility.

  But when he announces an erotic new way to spice up their after-dinner party she can’t help having a few nerves. Really? That? There? And would it feel good?

  There is only one thing for it, and that’s to smile through the evening and let the anticipation build. When it finally happens and she gets what’s coming to her, Cassandra knows she’ll never look at spice the same way again. The heat is intense, the burn scorching, and her Master takes her to new highs that make her sizzle with satisfaction.

  ‘Kneel for You’ by Katy Swann

  Should she agree to be spanked? Just the once? It would all be in the name of research, of course…

  When journalist Kirsten Anderson is told by her boss to write an article about BDSM she’s extremely reluctant. She tries to get out of it by claiming she doesn’t know anything about BDSM, but that isn’t strictly true. None of her colleagues know about her kinky past and she has no intention of letting them find out, but she isn’t in a position to turn the assignment down either.

  When her friend Chloe sees how stressed Kirsten is about the article she offers to take her to a BDSM club to find some inspiration. Kirsten agrees, but doesn’t mention that she used to go to this particular club regularly until a bad experience made her turn her back on the kinky lifestyle three years earlier.

  Returning to the club and watching the scenes around them reminds Kirsten what she’s missing. She’s envious of the girl being flogged by her Dom nearby, but she’s so busy denying it that she doesn’t recognize the burning need inside her. Until she spots Eddie—a colleague she’s got a secret crush on—working in the club as a Dungeon Monitor.

  Eddie reintroduces her to the joys of Dominance and submission, the delicious sting of a spanking and the incredible sex that follows. But is she strong enough to conquer her fears?

  ‘Silk and Decadence’ by Wendi Zwaduk

  There is always fun in the club, but taking the fun outside and into life might be exactly what’s needed for a lifetime of passion.

  Sadie has never claimed to be a good girl. She loves to be at Push, a local dance and BDSM club, but she longs for more—especially with Master E. The blond-haired man with the sparkling brown eyes is everything she wants in a Dom. Too bad he’s also her boss at Delight Tonight. When they finally get together, their chemistry in the club is off the charts. Will that same passion translate into the real world or are they destined to crash and burn?

  Elias likes his no-strings life, but once he plays with his mystery woman he rethinks his choice. She responds to him and his spankings like no other, making him want to break his rules. He longs to reveal his identity to her, but the risks could outweigh the reward. Will the relationship survive outside the club?

  He’s about to find out just how decadent a little complication, complete with silk and spankings, can be.

  ‘Properly, or Not at All’ by Lucy Felthouse

  How will a husband and wife cope when they’re told one of their favourite kinky pastimes is temporarily off the menu?

  Tristan and Jayme are not only devoted husband and wife, they are also Dominant and submissive, with a particular penchant for spanking. They’ve been playing delicious kinky games for the fifteen years they’ve been together and couldn’t be happier. However, when Tristan develops a health issue that means he can’t redden his wife’s backside for a while, it puts both of them under a lot of strain. It’s a big part of their sex life and one they’ll miss badly.

  They try to find a way around their unfortunate predicament, but it’s not easy. In the end, Tristan declares that he will either spank Jayme’s bottom properly, or not at all.

  The prospect of no spanking at all dismays Jayme, but she has no other choice. Or does she? Continuing to put her mind toward the issue, she indulges in some solo experimentation, with mixed results.

  But how will Tristan feel when he finds out his wife has gone behind his back?

  ‘A Private Education’ by Dolly Watt

  Archivist Emma Willoughby learns a lesson in kinky lust when she’s invited to assess the ninth Earl of Folchester’s private library.

  When archivist Emma Willoughby is invited to assess the private library of Lord Leopold Denby-Peel, Ninth Earl of Folchester, she isn’t expecting to find V
ictorian spanking diaries in his leather-bound collection. Nor is she expecting the earl to be quite so young and handsome. As she explores the pages of his nineteenth-century erotica, Emma finds herself craving to receive chastisements comparable to those depicted. Fortunately, Leo’s only too happy to oblige, and soon Emma is receiving eager spankings from him as he sets her tasks that she can only fail at.

  Emma is new to this game of punishment and pain, while Leo’s an old hand who shows no interest in love. Emma dreams of winning him over, but has a guilty secret she fears could ruin everything. Should she stay quiet and enjoy the spankings while they last? Or confess the truth and risk losing the earl’s dark, deviant desire?


  Ashe Barker

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Fifty Shades of Grey: E.L. James

  Thierry Mugler Angel: Thierry Mugler

  Nissan: Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.

  Post-it: 3M Company

  Chapter One

  Mmm, nice. Michelle will like that.

  I take another experimental sniff of the perfume sprayed liberally onto my inner wrist, then glance at the price of Thierry Mugler Angel. At a little over thirty pounds it’s more than I’d usually spend on a birthday present, but my sister has been good to me over the last couple of years, which has brought into sharp focus all that she means to me. The least I can do is shell out for a present I know she’ll adore. Yes, this is the one.

  I’m on my way to the checkout when my phone rings. I drag it from my pocket to see Michelle’s smiling face on the screen. I hit answer, mentally crossing my fingers that she doesn’t want to cancel our plans for later.

  “Hi. How’s things?” I always like to start out hopeful.

  “Okay. No, not okay. Things are fucking bloody wonderful—with bells on and bright shiny whistles.”

  “Oh? Did I miss something? World peace perhaps, a vaccine for thrush?”

  “No. None of that. Well, maybe tomorrow. Today…I have a gallery.”


  “Yes. A gallery. Not just any gallery either. This is the Riverdale. In the city center. They want to display me.”


  “I know. The Riverdale. Can you hear that?” Her voice has risen to a high-pitched shriek.


  “That. That tapping sound. That’s my feet dancing up and down the corridor in E-block. The Riverdale, Libby.” Michelle’s final three words are delivered in a hushed, awe-struck whisper.

  I smile to myself, picturing the scene. Michelle always did wear her heart on her sleeve. “Won’t the students think it a bit odd, you dancing round the school? Not to mention the head teacher? Have I been to the Riverdale?”

  “No students today, or head teachers. It’s Saturday. So it’s just me and the rest of the loyal art crew setting up the displays for the showing to parents on Monday evening. You might not have been to the Riverdale, Libby, but I have. Loads of times. And you will go, I’ll get you executive tickets, the VIP treatment. They’re known for launching up-and-coming artists. They have a mailing list to die for. If they rate my work, well…”

  I interrupt the flood of exuberance, genuinely delighted for my sister. “I’m so pleased for you, Shell. You deserve it. Really you do.” She’s worked long and hard for this. She deserves the recognition.

  “I know. At least, I think I know. I mean, we all like to believe our work is special, gifted, whatever, but when a major gallery wants to display you… Well, that sort of proves it. Squeee!”

  There’s another shrill, excited shriek down the phone, and I can just imagine my sister dancing pirouettes and hugging herself in the deserted corridor outside the art department at St. Saviour’s High School where she teaches GCSE art. I suspect our plans for tonight will be changing after all, but for the better. I decide to check.

  “So, we need to celebrate? Yes?”

  Michelle gathers her wits sufficiently to be able to answer me. “Too right we bloody do. A girls’ night out, just us.”

  “Sounds good. A meal?”

  “Yes, if you insist. Then I vote we go see the Fifty Shades movie, then on to a club.”

  “What sort of club?” I know a note of caution has crept into my voice. Michelle does have a tendency to get carried away.

  “Oh not that sort. I know how sniffy you are since you and… Well, just since. No, I’m thinking dancing, drinking, maybe snogging someone sexy. A guy for you, obviously.”

  My sister doesn’t share my sexual preferences, but that doesn’t usually interfere with our social life. “Sounds good to me. What time?”

  “Come round to mine about seven. You can sleep at my flat, so just leave the car and we party, party party.”

  I laugh out loud. My sister’s exuberance was always infectious. “Seven it is then. I’ll need to go home first, though, and get a shower.”

  “Yes, whatever. Get your glad rags on, some decent fuck-me shoes and get your arse over here.”

  “On my way.” I finish the call and shove the phone back in my pocket as I head for the exit out into the main shopping mall. I glance at my watch. It’ll take me ten minutes to retrieve my car from the multi-story, then perhaps another forty to get to my house in the leafy suburbs. I’ll need an hour at least to get to Michelle’s from there so I have to get shift on if I want a nice shower and a spot of me-time pampering before we hit the fleshpots of Manchester.

  I’m striding in the direction of the lifts and car parking pay station when a hand on my elbow halts my progress. I turn, astonished.

  “Excuse me, madam. Would you accompany me back into the shop, please?”

  “What? What shop?” I peer at the diminutive woman before me, wondering if I know her.

  “The perfume store. If you wouldn’t mind…” She gestures toward the shop I just left.

  “No, I’m sorry. I’m in hurry. I decided not to buy anything. Well, not for now…”

  “I must insist, I’m afraid.” She reaches for my elbow again, tugging a little to encourage me on my way.

  I shake off her hand, only to find my other elbow seized in a much firmer grip. I turn to see another woman, taller, more imposing, and looking very grim-faced.

  “What the hell is this? I’ll come back another time.” Except I won’t. As a sales pitch, this bloody stinks. I just want to be rid of these two.

  “Madam, you have a bottle of perfume in your pocket. Are you able to produce the receipt?”

  “What are you talking about? Of course I don’t. I looked at some but I decided not to buy it.”

  “Indeed, madam, but I believe you still have the goods on your person. So if you would just accompany us inside, we can discuss this in the manager’s office. There’s no need to make a scene.” The smaller woman manages to maintain her even, calm tone.

  Her companion remains silent, but the pressure on my arm has increased. Between the pair of them they propel me across the tiled mall and into the perfumery I just left. A woman in a smart suit is waiting for us just inside. The manager, I assume.

  I smile at her, ready to resolve this misunderstanding quickly. “Look, I can explain. There’s been some sort of a mistake…”

  “I’m sure. We hear that a lot from shoplifters.”

  “Shoplifters? For heaven’s sake, I’m not a thief. I was going to buy some Angel, but I had a phone call and I had to leave. I put the perfume back…” Even as I say the words I reach into my jacket pocket for my phone, as though that will constitute proof of my innocence.

  My phone is not alone. Nestling next to it in my pocket is the small box containing a twenty-five milliliter bottle of Thierry Mugler’s Angel.


  Shit, shit, shit!

  Michelle’s call wrecked my concentration. I have no recollection of dropping the perfume into my pocket but I must have done it while I was on the phone. Then, caught up in the excitement of her news, I just forgot all about it. It never occurred to me that I still had the perfume. I just charged out.

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