Milky secrets, p.1
Milky Secrets, page 1

Milky Secrets
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 1
Read Me Romance
AR Taboo
Copyright © 2022 by AR Taboo. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to
Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.
Milky Secrets
Her uncle has been preparing her for a life with him... and his milky kinks.
Chapter One
I stare out the window as we make the long drive out to Uncle Gordon’s. I’ve only ever met him a handful of times over the years. He hated the city, Mom said, and it’s why he lived out in the middle of nowhere but still managed to rule the family with an iron first.
Honestly I have no clue what he does. I think it might have something to do with stocks. Whatever it is, he does it well because he supports my mom and me. He showed up one day out of the blue after my father abandoned us, and our lives were forever changed.
We went from a trailer park to a fancy house in a gated community. I was taken out of public school and given my own teacher that came to the house every day to teach me one on one, and I got my high school diploma months ago.
I should have known something was up when Mom never talked about what would happen after I graduated. Then again, she doesn’t do anything. There was no talk of the future for me since each day was like the rest. I longed for something more, and I felt all alone.
Sometimes I’d ask Mom if I could do certain things, but she’d never let me. She would tell me it wasn’t permitted on the list of rules from Gordon. All rules must be followed, or we’d be out on the street. At least, that was my understanding.
At first, it was all wonderful because we always had a fridge stocked with food, and I had a bedroom of my own. It was a big change from the life we’d had before.
I’d heard my father speak of Gordon before I’d ever met him. They weren’t close brothers, and my father loathed him. He’d get drunk and go on about how Gordon stole the family business out from under him and that since he was the older brother it should have been his. I got the feeling my father didn’t get the family business because he was disowned. He had a lot of bad habits, and I think my mom was one of them.
Someone once told me that my mom used to be a stripper, and that’s how she and my dad met. They even teased that the man I knew as my father might not actually be him. Looking at Mom, you’d never know that she once took her clothes off for money and maybe did other favors. Not as she sits next to me in a Chanel dress. Her outfit cost more than the trailer we once lived in.
I have no clue what was gossip around the trailer park or real. I was just happy to be out of there. Once my father up and left, I started to see a change in my mom. She started to pick up on some of my father’s habits and often didn’t come home. She would hop from one trailer to another, leaving me alone in ours when I was only twelve.
Then one day, Uncle Gordon was standing at the door of our trailer, looking so out of place in his fancy suit and car. I remember him being bigger than life then and just as intimidating. He had this aura of power that rolled off him, and even though I was thirteen, I still feel the same now. That’s the day we moved, and I never saw that trailer park again.
While everything was better as the years passed, I started to realize how isolated I really was. Especially now that I no longer go to school. It was always just Mom and me, but sometimes she goes out. Mostly I stay home, and when I do leave, security comes with me. If Mom left on her own, security would stay behind, which I never understood.
Gordon only shows up once a year like a check-in, and he and my mother would go over the rules. After that, he would be out the door, not sparing me a glance. I didn’t understand because he didn’t care about his brother, but he looked out for us. I shouldn’t question it, and if anything, I should be thankful, but things again are changing.
“Why do I have to move?” I ask my mom for the tenth time. Two days ago, I was told I was moving up to the family estate.
“It’s time.” There is a glossiness in my mom's eyes. I’ve noticed it more lately, and I wonder if she’s slipped into some old habits when she’s gone out.
“Time for what?”
“Your Uncle Gordon is all alone out there. He needs someone to keep him company.”
“He wants company?” The man hardly talks.
I didn’t think he liked me. When he did spare a glance my way, his face would turn hard, and his dark eyes seared through me. As big and scary as he was, there was something alluring about him. I had a weird fascination with him and often caught myself thinking about him and recounting the things my father said. He seemed cold, but I’m sure I’ll soon find out.
“Yes, he wants company.”
“Why aren’t you staying too?”
“He doesn’t want me.” Her lips purse. Maybe this isn’t a bad thing. Some space from my mom might be nice. She’s never been a warm and fuzzy mother. “Did you take your pills?”
“Yes.” That was another new rule that popped up when I turned eighteen. A doctor came out to the house to give me a physical. She gave me a few shots and started me on some vitamins. Mom said all girls do it when they turn eighteen.
At first I didn’t notice any difference, but after a while, I noticed changes, though it could be part of getting older. I’ve gained some weight, which my mother complained about constantly. I did not get her genes because she’s rail thin. My curves have filled out more, but what I noticed most were my breasts. They often ache, as do other parts of me, and now it’s starting to get almost painful. Maybe I should ask to see that doctor again.
“We’re almost there,” Mom says, putting her sunglasses on to hide her eyes. “You need to understand something, Nikki. Gordon has been good to us. If he asks you to do something, you do it. Remember our talk about men and their needs.”
“Mom,” I hiss as embarrassment heats my face and I glance toward the driver. Yeah, I remember that talk. It wasn’t one I enjoyed having with her. I preferred learning about it from my romance books. They might not be reality, but they could make me dream and long for more.
“Now is not the time to be shy.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re getting new rules,” she says, not answering my question.
“Of course I will.” I roll my eyes.
“Don’t be a little bitch.” I flinch at her words.
Since we were told that I was moving, Mom has been cruel toward me. Normally, she doesn’t pay me much attention, but now she’s been taking jabs at me. If I didn’t know better, I’d almost think she’s jealous, but I don’t understand why. “I hope he doesn’t change his mind.” Her eyes move down my body, and I fidget with the top of my dress.
It’s been hard to find anything that fits me right with how full my breasts are. They are almost falling out of the top, and I hope whatever clothes I have at Uncle Gordon’s will fit me better. I was told to leave everything behind.
The driver pulls up a long driveway, and a man steps out from a little guard house, peeking into the car. He looks at everyone but me as if I’m not here. A moment later, the giant black gates that would put ours to shame swing open, and the driver continues up the driveway. My mouth falls open when I see the house—if you can call it a house because it’s more like a castle. It’s so big I might not even see Gordon. This is the kind of place a girl could get lost in.
I think my life is about to change completely once again.
Chapter Two
When the car pulls up to the front of the house, I step through the doors to greet them. My former sister-in-law Heather gets out first and comes right for me.
“Gordon, so good to see you.” She leans in for a kiss, but I don’t move, and she’s left to stand there scowling. “Did you get my email?”
“Yes,” I say coolly, and it seems like her smile falters slightly before she puts it back in place.
“And the answer is no.” I glance over her shoulder at Nikki and then nod back at the car. “You can go now.”
All pretenses fall from her face, and she leans close so she can hiss the words at me. “I’ll go to the press. I’ll tell if you don’t pay me.”
She sent an email last week making demands, but I just deleted it. Heather has always looked out for herself, even when she was supposed to be looking out for my niece. She’s trying to use this as a last-ditch effort, but it’s too late.
“Stop embarrassing yourself.” I nod to the car and step around her. “We’re done here.”
My driver steps forward and takes her by the elbow to escort her away before she can make a scene. That’s when I see Nikki fully for the first time, and I take her
“Welcome home, Nikki,” I say and hold out my hand.
“Hey, Uncle Gordon.” She bites her bottom lip and looks anywhere but at me. She doesn’t even spare her mother a glance as she’s taken back to the car and I lead Nikki into the house.
“Let me show you to your room.” I don’t let go of her hand as we walk up the stairs.
“It’s so big,” she says with wonder in her voice, and I feel my cock swell.
How am I going to keep control of myself? She’s eighteen now and all mine.
Once we’re in her room, I close the door behind us and let her look around. “I had this decorated for you, but you can have anything you’d like changed.”
I’m hoping she’ll be in my bed before too long, but one step at a time, Gordon.
“It’s the nicest place I’ve ever seen.” Her eyes are bright as she turns to beam at me. “Thank you, Uncle.”
“Come here and say it properly,” I tell her, and she looks at me in confusion. “We’ve got rules, Nikki, and you’re going to follow them.”
“Yes, sir.” She comes over in front of me and looks hesitant.
“When you want to thank me, you’ll give me a kiss.” I bend down because I’m too tall for her to reach on her tiptoes. She places her hands on my chest as she goes up and gives me a quick kiss. “You have to open your mouth, Nikki,” I say, and she blushes again.
“Okay.” When she kisses me again, this time she does as I ask and opens her mouth so I can slide my tongue against hers.
She inhales at the contact but doesn't pull back. I take my time tasting her and let my hands reach out and touch her hips. She’s so full and soft here that it’s perfect to hold on to.
“Good girl.” I praise, and she smiles again. “Now for the rest of your rules.”
“I promise to do what I’m told, Uncle.”
“That’s what I like to hear. Come sit on the bed with me.” I go over and take a seat and then lean back on the pillows. She watches me, and not knowing where to sit, I take her hand. “When I’m seated you’ll sit in my lap unless I tell you otherwise.”
“Oh.” She looks down at my lap, and then I pull her to me.
“Put your knees on either side of mine. That’s it, it feels good this way.” Her dress rides up a little, and then I feel the heat of her cunt tucked tightly against my cock. “Perfect.”
“That does feel good,” she says in surprise.
“You’ve been taking your pills like I told you?” I ask, and she nods quickly. “That’s my good girl.”
My fingers go to the front of her dress where there’s a little white bow that’s holding the top of it together.
“All of your dresses have this,” I say as I reach out and touch the little ribbon. “It’s so I can have easy access to you when I’m thirsty.”
“Thirsty?” She cocks her head to the side, and I’m almost shaking with excitement as I slowly untie the ribbon.
“It’s my job to take care of you now. Your body has been going through some changes so that we can have this special time together each night before bed.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Oh, you don’t have to do anything, sweet girl. I’ll do all the work. You just have to sit right here on my lap and let Uncle take care of you.”
“I thought you didn’t like me,” she says softly, and I shake my head.
“I couldn’t touch you before now, so I had to keep my distance until you were old enough. Until you were ready. I’ve been waiting on you a long time, Nikki.”
“So this is our special time?”
I nod as I pull back the material of the dress and reveal her full breasts. “It’s our secret.” I trace my finger over the tight peak of her nipple, and a little drop of cream appears. “They hurt, don’t they?”
“Yes. They’ve grown so fast.”
“That’s because you’re holding my treat for me.” When she looks at me in confusion, I bend down and put my lips to her nipple. The tip of my tongue glides over the tiny peak, and then I taste the cream of her milk. “What a sweet girl you are.”
“Uncle?” She pushes her breast a little more into my mouth, and I suck harder this time. “That makes me tingle in my panties.”
“Does it?” I look down to where her dress has ridden up and then switch to the other breast. When she gives me another treat of milk, I lean back and reach for my belt. “Maybe I should check your panties for cream too.”
Chapter Three
“Don’t stop.” I grab the back of his head and sink my finger into his hair to bring his mouth back to my breast. When he latches on to my nipple, it’s the first time in over a week the building pressure inside my chest starts to give way.
His mouth moves to the other and seals the space between his lips and my nipple. When I feel the same instant relief, I don’t understand what’s happening to my body. I thought only women with babies made breastmilk, but right now, it doesn’t matter. What I do understand, though, is whatever my uncle is doing is helping. I grip his shoulders to hang on to him as his hand works between us.
“Uncle Gordon!”
I jerk back when I feel his hand pulling my panties to the side. My eyes go down between us, and his cock is out of his slacks. I let out a small gasp at the size of him. Sure, Mom showed me a video on sex and what men need, but seeing a cock on a screen and having one pressing against me is another. For one thing, it’s smaller on the TV. The woman on the screen had taken the man into her mouth and then she also let him put it inside of her. That thing will split me in two. Then I see a small bead of something creamy drip from the tip.
“I’ll never hurt you, sugar. I’m just checking for more of your cream.” His fingers part the lips of my sex, and I moan when he strums the small bundle of nerves there. “You shaved.” It was on the list of things I was to do. “It aches here too, doesn’t it?”
I nod my head because it’s too hard to form words.
“You want Uncle Gordon to take care of you?”
“You always take care of me,” I say absently. I’m so lost in whatever he’s doing to my body that I don’t think it’s mine any longer.
“I do.” He presses firmly against the small bundle and swirls his fingers. His mouth once again suckles my breast before taking long, hard pulls. I dig my nails into his shoulders as pleasure unlike anything I’ve ever felt rocks through every inch of me. I collapse into him and bury my face in his neck as I try to catch my breath. What the heck was that?
I peek up when he pulls his hand out from between us and watch as he sucks his sticky fingers into his mouth. A loud groan of pleasure rumbles from deep inside of him.
“It’s never that good when I do that to myself,” I whisper, almost in awe.
“Nikki,” he snaps, and I lift my head. I loved when he called me sugar. “You don’t touch yourself unless instructed. Do you understand?” he says sternly.
“But sometimes, I ah…” I lick my lips, feeling shy about admitting that I like touching myself.
“If you want it rubbed, you come to me and I will take care of it. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, Uncle Gordon,” I agree. “Is that on the list?” I think I’ll enjoy that rule. He’s better at it than I am.
“It is now.”
“What about you?” I bite my lip as my eyes drop to his cock. More cream is leaking from the tip. “Should I suck you the way you sucked me? Does it hurt you too?”
“Years. For years it’s hurt.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Show me.” He swipes his thumb across my bottom lip.
“Show you?”
“On your knees, sugar.” He places me down off his lap onto the floor. “Go on,” he encourages. His fingers sink into my hair as he guides me toward his cock. I reach up to wrap my hand around him, but he stops me. “No hands. Only a small taste for now.” I rest my hands on his thick thighs and nod.