Woman of the house volum.., p.1
Woman of the House Volume 1 (Taboo Erotica Five Book Bundle), page 1

Woman of the House Volume 1
Five Book Taboo Erotica Collection
Anya Merchant
Book 1: Musical Chairs Seduction
Book 2: Cuddling On The Couch
Book 3: Hot Fun In The Sun
Book 4: Community Theater
Book 5: Caught In The Act
BONUS: Last Man Alive
BONUS: The Exchange Student
Musical Chairs Seduction
Anya Merchant
Copyright © 2014 by Anya Merchant
All rights reserved
Kindle Edition
This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only. It contains substantial sexually explicit language and scenes that may be considered offensive by some readers.
Heat emanated from every corner of the room. Aidan and his adoptive mom, Kayla, were both naked, and covered in sweat. Aidan pushed his cock as far up into her as it would go, all thoughts emptied out of his mind except for sex, and getting off.
If he had been thinking, he would have realized just how wrong and immoral the entire affair was. The night had been intense for them, and the events seemed to contrive a situation in which their forbidden desires for each other would be realized, no matter what. They had tried to stop it, and control themselves at first, but now it was actually happening. It was real.
Kayla moaned as Aidan slammed his cock into her harder. She had her hands tightly gripped against the chair, and her hips bucked up to meet his rhythm. It was unbelievable to her just how quickly her little boy had grown up into a muscular, dominant man. It was unbelievable to her just how good his cock felt inside her.
The two of them were lost to the world, overwhelmed by what their bodies were aching for. They pushed against each other, desperate for sexual release, with all of the guilt and shame they harbored over what was happening outweighed by their illicit, physical needs..
“Come on baby, don’t leave me hanging!”
Aidan was on the phone with his girlfriend, Jamie. It was a nice Saturday afternoon in the fall, and like any red blooded 18 year old male, he was gunning to take her out for a nice date, and possibly more.
“I already told you Aidan, I can’t,” she said. “Why do you have to be so needy and pushy when it comes to this stuff?”
“Fuck you, I’m just trying to keep things from getting stale and boring,” he said. “When is the last time we actually had some fun?”
Aidan and his girlfriend had been together for almost three years. The started dating halfway into their sophomore year, and now as they entered their senior year of high school, both of them were beginning to realize the limitations of their relationship.
“My grandmother is staying with us, I’m not going to be able to go anywhere,” she said. “You know how old fashioned she is. I don’t want to do anything to upset her.”
“Jamie, it’s the first Saturday night of the school year, we need to have some fun!”
“I’m sorry, Aidan, I just can’t…I’ll see you on Monday, okay?”
Aidan glared at his cell phone and sighed.
“Yeah, whatever,” he said after a pause. “Bye…”
“Bye, I love you,” replied Jamie.
He hung up his phone, and collapsed backwards onto his bed. It had been a very long time since him and Jamie had been able to be alone together and enjoyed each other’s company. She had been on vacation with her family for most of the summer, and when she got back, Aidan felt like he was competing with the rest of her friends for her attention.
He sat up from his bed, and headed downstairs. He did the best he could to shake off his bad attitude as he made his way into the kitchen. His mom, Kayla, was behind the counter, putting together ingredients for lunch.
“Hey honey,” she said as he sat down at the table. “Why the long face?”
“Just more nonsense with Jamie,” he said. “She’s doing stuff with her family today. Which I understand, it’s just frustrating to have her spring it on me at the last second.”
He looked over at his mom and saw a look of concern cross her face. Kayla had adopted him at an early age, and she was the only mom Aidan had ever known. Granted, it had been hard growing up with only one parent, especially given that she adopted him when she herself was still so young, but Aidan was happy and loved her immensely.
“That sucks,” said Kayla. “But there is an upside to it!”
Aidan looked at his mom blankly. She was wearing a small t-shirt and a pair of tight jean shorts that only went down her thighs a couple of inches. It was an outfit that fit her sense of style, but also would have been right at home on a woman 10 or 20 years her junior. At 38 years old, Kayla still had an amazingly youthful looking body, with large, well-formed breasts and a perfect butt that seemed to draw the eyes of every male she walked by.
“Oh yeah,” he said. “And just what would that be?”
“I’m throwing a party tonight!” she said.
This seemed unusual, and it took Aidan a second to really take in what she was saying. For as long as he could remember, his mother’s focus had almost entirely been on filling the role of two parents as a single mom. She had friends, and was a social, fun loving person, but very rarely went on dates or night outings. Aidan had only met one boyfriend of hers, and it was back when he was elementary school. The relationship hadn’t lasted long, and ever since then, his mom had been single, and mainly content with taking care of her duties as a parent.
“That sounds…interesting,” said Aidan. “Like, a party, party?”
“Of course!” said Kayla. “I should have told you earlier, I’m sorry,”
Aidan folded his arms across his chest gave her an inquisitive look.
“One of the girls in my book club helped me set it up,” Kayla said. “You know Andrea, right?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Well, she thought it would be fun for us to have a group gathering, and I volunteered the house. And then all of us started inviting more people, and, well, one thing led to another…”
“It’s fine mom, you don’t have to explain.” Aidan smiled. “But, are you sure it’s okay for me to be around for it. Sounds like things could get pretty wild?”
Kayla playfully punched him on the arm.
“Oh, quit your teasing,” she said. “I think you’d be surprised. All of the girls are bringing a couple bottles from their wine collection each. No guarantees, but there is a good chance we could still be raging deep into the AM.”
“I have to see this,” said Aidan. “Honestly, I can go out with Jamie anytime. This sounds like a once in a lifetime experience.”
“Great,” said Kayla. “Andrea also invited some of the guys from her kickball team. I’m betting they’ll be at least a few that you’ll have things in common with.”
Kayla finished up the sandwich she was making, poured some chips onto the plate, and brought It over to him. He accepted it with a nod, and started eating.
”Do you mind running to the store to pick up some snacks, honey?” she asked him as he began to dig in.
“Mom, it would be my pleasure,” he said.
It was the truth. Aidan couldn’t quite put his finger on why, but he found himself becoming incredibly excited for the night to come.
Aidan drove his mom’s car to the grocery store and pulled into the overflowing parking lot. He found a spot, and then headed inside. The store was packed full of people getting their weekend shopping done, and he had to cut between several families as he cut towards the snack aisle for the first few items on the list.
From the number of things his mother seemed to need him to buy, it seemed to Aidan like the party was going to be a little bigger than what he was envisioning. The whole thing was far outside of what he would expect out his mom, behavior wise, but he loved her, and felt like the best thing he could do was try to make things go off without a hitch.
He stepped into the aisle that contained all of the chips, cookies, and junk food his mom had called for in her instructions, and started loading things into his cart. If nothing else, there would be plenty for him to snack on. That alone was enough to look forward to for a Saturday night, at least one on which he couldn’t spend with his girlfriend.
Aidan found everything he needed, and then headed for the fruits and vegetables in the back of the store. Kayla was a vegetarian, a fact that had always gotten on his nerves a little when he was younger. It wasn’t so much that she forced him not to eat meat, but rather the guilt trips she would give him for doing it. Regardless, at least in this case, it was his mom’s party, and he honestly had no objection to a couple of carrot, celery, and dip platters.
As he walked over to the produce, a group of women shopping caught his eye. One of them was Andrea, his mom’s best friend and another guest of the party. He made his way over to say hi.
“Are you guys buying some stuff to bring tonight?” he asked.
There were three of them, two around his mom’s age and one around his age or slightly older. The youngest one he was sure he had never seen before, but she was cute in a no
“Aidan, sweetie, it’s so good to see you!” said Andrea. “Let me guess, Kayla sent you to pick up supplies? She really is going all out for this thing, isn’t she?”
“Yeah, she seems pretty serious about it,” said Aidan. “Mom doesn’t usually go for parties, or anything that happens after dark, for that matter.”
“Are you going to be attending as well?” asked Andrea. “It would be nice for Tamara to have someone her age to talk to. Oh, where are my manners? Tamara, this is Aidan, Kayla’s son.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” said the girl. She smiled and extended her hand, and Aidan shook it. He couldn’t help but notice that she had a really cute face, and it almost seemed to extend an aura of kindness around her.
“Yeah, likewise,” said Aidan. “How did you get dragged into this whole thing, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Oh, Andrea’s my aunt, I’m staying with her for the weekend,” said Tamara.
There was a pause in the conversation, and then the third woman chimed in.
“Honestly, I’m not sure if this will be the best environment for teenagers. I don’t know what you and Kayla are thinking, Andrea.”
“Oh, shush, Brenda,” said Andrea. “It will be fine.”
“All that ever happens at these things is a lot of drinking and a lot of fuck-“
“Brenda!” said Andrea. There was an awkward pause, and Aidan and Tamara shared a confused smile.
“It will be fine, don’t you two worry,” said Andrea. “I’m sure this time things will be much more reasonable. It’s going to be held at your mom’s house, I mean. She is a pretty laid back lady.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” said Brenda. “Remember that one time at Susan’s party? With the male dancers?”
Andrea shot her a mean look, and then smiled at Aidan again. Part of him wanted to end the conversation, but another was gleefully absorbing every word. This woman knew a side of his mom that he had never seen before. He felt himself begin to grow even more excited for the night ahead.
“Well, anyway,” said Andrea. “We will see you tonight. Tell your mom that me and Tamara will be coming by early.”
“Will do,” he said. They left, and he pushed his cart further down the produce aisle. He began filling it up with fruits and vegetables, his mind racing with strangely illicit images and ideas.
Aidan made his way back inside his house with two shopping bags, both of them full to the brim with party snacks. He closed the door behind him, and set everything down on the kitchen table.
“Hey honey, I’ll be out in a second,” he heard his mom call from the bathroom. “Thanks again!”
“Yeah, no prob, mom,” he said. “I ran into Andrea and some of the girls at the store.”
There was a momentary pause before his mom answered.
“Oh yeah?” said Kayla. “What did they say? I mean, were they excited for the party?”
“Yeah, they definitely seemed to be,” said Aidan.
He began taking things out of the bags and putting them away. He heard the bathroom door open, and turned to see his mom walk out, wearing nothing but a towel.
Kayla’s big breasts were practically jumping out of the top of it. She always had a massive amount of cleavage whenever she wore a low cut top, and with just a towel on, the effect was even more exacerbated. On top of that, it was a small towel, and Aidan could see that her long legs and curvaceous hips were on full display.
“Oh, hey mom,” he said. “I was just…getting a couple of things set up.”
“You’ve been so helpful, sweetie,” said Kayla. “Thank you.”
She walked over and extended her arms for a hug. Aidan smiled and reciprocated her embrace. His cock was semi-hard at this point. He felt incredibly guilty for being turned on by his own mother, but it couldn’t be helped. She was an incredibly attractive woman, and his cock did not discriminate.
“It’s no problem, mom,” he said. “Anytime...”
The two of them continued hugging. Kayla was still wet and hot from the shower, and Aidan could feel himself burning up with her pressed up against him. It only seemed to add fuel to fire of his hard member, which had decided that it needed attention, regardless of from where.
“I’m glad you’re going to be around for tonight,” Kayla said. “Hopefully we get to spend some quality time together, off to the side.”
“Oh, I’m sure we will, mom,” said Aidan. He couldn’t help himself, and began to subtly grind his crotch into his mom. He wanted release badly, and he was equal parts tantalized and tortured by the feeling of her up against him.
The two of them were silent, but the hug continued. The line between acceptable and overly affectionate had been reached and crossed. Something about the embrace seemed to have a power of its own. Aidan found his mind being filled with images, images of his mom naked, images of her touching herself, and touching him. He wanted her badly, and his mind began to rationalize taking her into his room, and throwing her down on his bed, and…
One of the bags of chips tipped over, and fell off the counter, as if to intentionally break them out of the erotic spell they were under. Kayla pulled away from her son. The movement was quick, and it accidentally caused her towel to snag on Aidan’s arm. It pulled open, and fell to the ground.
“Oops!” said Kayla. “Sorry, sweetie.”
Aidan devoured her body with his eyes. Her tits were huge and perfect, with tiny little pink nipples and a bouncy composition that seemed almost impossibly beautiful for a woman of her age. She bent down to pick up the towel, and her head passed by his crotch. Even more ideas began to flood through his mind, at his cock throbbed at each and every one.
She slowly grabbed it and stood back up, and then turned and walked towards the door of her room. She didn’t wrap it back around herself, however, and Aidan was treated to the sight of her big, perfect, naked butt. Every stepped seem to make it wiggle from side to side, and more than anything, he wanted to jam his cock up against it.
He turned back to the kitchen table, and forced himself to breathe. She was his mother, and he was clearly losing his cool. There was a line of morality that he felt a terrible amount of guilt for crossing, even if it was just in his head. He did his best to clear the offending thoughts out of his brain, and got to work taking out bowls and setting up the food.
Kayla made her way back out after twenty or so minutes. She was wearing a tight, strapless tube top, and a very short skirt. If she had showed up to a high school dance in her outfit, the principal would have turned her away. But for a house party, it worked just fine. For Aidan and his lustful eyes, it also worked just fine.
“I’m sorry, honey,” said Kayla. “I can’t believe that I just flashed you like that!”
“It’s okay, mom,” he said. “We’re related, things like that don’t matter.”
“No, you’re right, of course not sweetie,” she said.
There was an interlude of silence that almost served to contradict their conclusion. For some reason, things felt much more intense between the two of them. Aidan grabbed an empty bag of chips and crumpled it up to move things along and into a less sexually charged atmosphere.
“Anyway, the food is set up,” he said. “You should be good to go with everything except wine,”
“Great!” said Kayla.
“I’m going to check some stuff up in my room, let me know when people start arriving,”
“Will do!” she said.
Aidan made his way up the stairs and into his room, shutting the door behind him. His cock was out before he had even sat down properly. He felt incredibly weird, and almost in a state of shock from the surreal nature of the encounter that he just had with his mom, but his cock was rock hard. His cock was rock hard, and he had to do something about it.
In the end, Aidan never had a chance to get his relief. It was only a couple of minutes before the first guests started arriving. His mom called him down right as he was getting into a proper rhythm. All he could do was try his best to conceal his erection and head downstairs.