The Dao of Magic: Book II

The Dao of Magic: Book II

Andries Louws

Andries Louws

In the second book of the Dao of Magic series, the thousand-year-old cultivator Drew Liam, who likes to call himself Teach, is happily sailing along. He has gathered a bunny, some random kids, and (almost) a dragon to his cause, and now all he wants to do is to play pirate. His private pocket dimension Tree is growing nicely, and his studies in the mysteries of mana and mutants are also progressing. Somehow, he feels like this all happened in a previous volume of his life, but every time he thinks about it, the details slip away.Instead of taking it easy like he wants to, the Tower is suddenly sending him a distress signal, not hours after a certain female dragon sang along his mystical guitar playing, thus conjuring up a massive mana storm. Will he ever manage to ascend despite the planet lacking the energy to do so by many factors? Are his students finally going to stab him in the back for being an annoying asswipe? Will his pet rabbit, Lola, finally give up her horn fetish? Read and find out!
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The DAO of Magic

The DAO of Magic

Andries Louws

Andries Louws

Now, get the eBook for free with a physical copy to celebrate the release of book 2!. I'm Drew Liam, a cultivator, a human being capable of crushing mountains and rerouting rivers with a flick of my fingers. But seriously though, I'm sitting on a mountain so far away from civilisation it might as well be the godforsaken arse of the world and these control freaks still won't leave me alone. I'm about to ascend and can't wait to leave this crapfest of a planet. Turns out, the powers-that-be decided that an unaffiliated rogue like me is too big of a risk to let run around free.So they sent all the sect-, organisation- and churchmasters, hidden Dao protectors and other bigshots my way to kill me. This failed, obviously. I managed to ascend in a glorious shower of divine power and ascend, after which someone else managed to bitch slap me to another dimension altogether, unfortunately.Long story short, I just woke up in a valley watching some critters murder each other while trying not to freak out about how bad it smells here. Soo... where the fuck am I? Why is that deer fighting a feathery squirrel? Why am I teaching this baby rabbit saved from a cannibalistic mother how to kick beings in the face with the power of qi? Fuck it, let's just kidnap some clueless kids and teach them the wonders of the supernatural power called qi, alright? Why not have them call me 'Teach' in the meantime? I secretly do enjoy causing pain in the name of education, after all. Come join Drew as he adventures across a rather primitive medieval, low magical fantasy planet while trying to regain his status as a cultivator who spits in the face of the heavens and the earth.
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The Dao of Magic: Book V

The Dao of Magic: Book V

Andries Louws

Andries Louws

Impossible object to solve. Kidnapping dragons. Rebuilding a civilization. Punching a moon.His students scattered to the four corners of the planet, Drew finally has some time to do maintenance on his own little world. The first thing he does, of course, is to get all the dragons drunk and then kidnap them. Letting them simmer in a bootcamp of draconic design in order to teach the millenia old reptiles discipline and new tricks is sure to work.His students continue their duty of protecting their corners. They spend their time living as queens, being surrounded by a rather fuzzy harem, ruling with iron fists, or being loved by all.People do keep finding these mysterious super heavy items, and they don’t seem to belong in this plane of existence. Also, there is the small problem of the mind controlling moon. And his draconic lover just so happens to be in danger - again.
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The Dao of Magic: Book IV

The Dao of Magic: Book IV

Andries Louws

Andries Louws

A devastated school. A collapsing planet. All eyes on Drew.After teleporting his students all over the world in a rather dramatic attempt to stave off the inevitable apocalypse, Teach is busy. Instead of sipping and relaxing, he now has to slaughter the most powerful of beasts while running around and saving civilization as a whole. Re-Haan, his dragon mistress, isn’t helping either. She just waves him goodbye as he is swallowed by a massive sandworm.When he finds an object that should be impossible, a hyper dense projectile just like one that nearly bisected and killed him while he was breaking through, Drew sets out; determined to get to the root of this mystery.This fresh start isn’t working out the way he hoped, and all the death threats his students are sending him aren’t helping. Teach might just have to face his past for real in order to survive this one. 
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The Dao of Magic: Book III

The Dao of Magic: Book III

Andries Louws

Andries Louws

A sea of savage beasts. An ancient order of mages. A looming cataclysm.Now that Drew has become even more powerful by stepping into the Foundation Realm, new challenges await him. He is quietly growing his school and sect, and allowing his students to recruit whoever they want so he can take it easy.Trouble looms as his old mistakes come back to haunt him. The entire planet is about to be sent down a savage and unforgiving path, and it might be his fault. Monsters are popping up everywhere, packs of deadly animals led by terrible mutants. The worst part? They seem to be steered by some higher power, some nefarious being that holds the reins of the planet.His students have turned from bright-eyed, eager learners… into lazy good-for-nothings. Whoops. It seemed he was too influential in their development. Teach now has to spend large amounts of time crafting gear for all the new recruits, and the rising tensions are giving him a headache.Teach might just decide to end them all. He had a fresh start once… maybe he should try again?
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