Dear Miss Kopp

Dear Miss Kopp

Amy Stewart

Nonfiction / Fiction

Split apart by the war effort, the indomitable Kopp sisters take on saboteurs and spies and stand up to the Army brass as they face the possibility that their life back home will never be the same. The U.S. has finally entered World War I. Constance, the oldest of the Kopp sisters, is doing intelligence work on the home front for the Bureau of Investigation while youngest sister and aspiring actress, Fleurette, travels across the country entertaining troops with song and dance. Meanwhile, at an undisclosed location in France, Norma oversees her thwarted pigeon project for the Army Signal Corps. When her roommate, a nurse at the American field hospital, is accused of stealing essential medical supplies, the intrepid Norma is on the case to find the true culprit. Determined to maintain their sometimes-scratchy family bonds across the miles, the far-flung sisters try to keep each other in their lives. But the world has irrevocably changed—when will the...
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Kopp Sisters on the March

Kopp Sisters on the March

Amy Stewart

Nonfiction / Fiction

In the fifth installment of Amy Stewart's clever and original Kopp Sisters series, the sisters learn some military discipline—whether they're ready or not—as the U.S. prepares to enter World War I. It's the spring of 1917 and change is in the air. American women have done something remarkable: they've banded together to create military-style training camps for women who want to serve. These so-called National Service Schools prove irresistible to the Kopp sisters, who leave their farm in New Jersey to join up.When an accident befalls the matron, Constance reluctantly agrees to oversee the camp—much to the alarm of the Kopps' tent-mate, the real-life Beulah Binford, who is seeking refuge from her own scandalous past under the cover of a false identity. Will she be denied a second chance? And after notoriety, can a woman's life ever be her own again? In Kopp Sisters on the March, the women of Camp Chevy Chase face down the...
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The Drunken Botanist: The Plants that Create the World's Great Drinks

The Drunken Botanist: The Plants that Create the World's Great Drinks

Amy Stewart

Nonfiction / Fiction

Sake began with a grain of rice. Scotch emerged from barley, tequila from agave, rum from sugarcane, bourbon from corn. Thirsty yet?  In The Drunken Botanist, Amy Stewart explores the dizzying array of herbs, flowers, trees, fruits, and fungi that humans have, through ingenuity, inspiration, and sheer desperation, contrived to transform into alcohol over the centuries.Of all the extraordinary and obscure plants that have been fermented and distilled, a few are dangerous, some are downright bizarre, and one is as ancient as dinosaurs—but each represents a unique cultural contribution to our global drinking traditions and our history.This fascinating concoction of biology, chemistry, history, etymology, and mixology—with more than fifty drink recipes and growing tips for gardeners—will make you the most popular guest at any cocktail party.(from the catalog ) ReviewAn Amazon Best Book of the Month, March 2013: Peppered with fascinating facts and well-chosen anecdotes, Amy Stewart’s brisk tour of the origin of spirits acquaints the curious cocktail fan with every conceivable ingredient. Starting with the classics (from agave to wheat), she touches on obscure sources--including a tree that dates to the dinosaur age--before delving into the herbs, spices, flowers, trees, fruits, and nuts that give the world’s greatest drinks distinctive flavors. Along the way, you’ll enjoy sidebars on bugs in booze and inspired drink recipes with backstories that make lively cocktail party conversation. Like Wicked Plants, this delightfully informative, handsome volume isn’t intended as a complete reference or DIY guide, but it will demystify and heighten your appreciation of every intoxicating plant you imbibe. --Mari MalcolmReview"This wide-ranging mix of alcohol and plant trivia, drink recipes, and scientific research deserves a place on every home bar book­shelf for its conversational value alone . . . There are enough 'did you know?' moments in this book to fill a lifetime of conversational pauses."*--Buffalo Spree *"All drinkers should have The New York Times bestselling author Amy Stewart's The Drunken Botanist in their library . . . Its fascinating tidbits make perfect happy-hour conversation fodder.""A conversational tone and easy narrative manner is a disarming tactic, one where as soon as you expect a dumbed-down explanation comes the most extraordinary detail. Helpful graphic elements, box-outs and miniature fact-boxes help make sure you never get bogged down in the text but can dip in and out - and you will, again and again . . . book drink geeks would be crazy not to buy."--Class Magazine"With more than 50 drink recipes, and growing tips, this highly entertaining book will please both cocktail enthusiasts and backyard gardeners. The inclusion of rich history throughout will delight armchair historians and the naturally curious. Highly recommended."--Library Journal, starred review"Gardeners, nature lovers and mixologists will find themselves reaching frequently for this volume . . . A rich compendium of botanical lore for cocktail lovers." -Kirkus Reviews
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Miss Kopp's Midnight Confessions

Miss Kopp's Midnight Confessions

Amy Stewart

Nonfiction / Fiction

The best-selling author of Girl Waits with Gun and Lady Cop Makes Trouble continues her extraordinary journey into the real lives of the forgotten but fabulous Kopp sisters. Deputy sheriff Constance Kopp is outraged to see young women brought into the Hackensack jail over dubious charges of waywardness, incorrigibility, and moral depravity. The strong-willed, patriotic Edna Heustis, who left home to work in a munitions factory, certainly doesn't belong behind bars. And sixteen-year-old runaway Minnie Davis, with few prospects and fewer friends, shouldn't be publicly shamed and packed off to a state-run reformatory. But such were the laws—and morals—of 1916. Constance uses her authority as deputy sheriff, and occasionally exceeds it, to investigate and defend these women when no one else will. But it's her sister Fleurette who puts Constance's beliefs to the test and forces her to reckon with her own ideas of how a young woman should...
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Girl Waits with Gun

Girl Waits with Gun

Amy Stewart

Nonfiction / Fiction

From the New York Times best-selling author of The Drunken Botanist comes an enthralling novel based on the forgotten true story of one of the nation's first female deputy sheriffs. Constance Kopp doesn't quite fit the mold. She towers over most men, has no interest in marriage or domestic affairs, and has been isolated from the world since a family secret sent her and her sisters into hiding fifteen years ago. One day a belligerent and powerful silk factory owner runs down their buggy, and a dispute over damages turns into a war of bricks, bullets, and threats as he unleashes his gang on their family farm. When the sheriff enlists her help in convicting the men, Constance is forced to confront her past and defend her family — and she does it in a way that few women of 1914 would have dared. "A smart, romping adventure, featuring some of the most memorable and powerful female characters I've seen in print for a long time. I loved every page...
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The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2016

The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2016

Amy Stewart

Nonfiction / Fiction

"Science writers get into the game with all kinds of noble, high-minded ambitions. We want to educate. To enlighten," notes guest editor Amy Stewart in her introduction to The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2016. "But at the end of the day, we're all writers . . . We're here to play for the folks." The writers in this anthology brought us the year's highest notes in the genre. From a Pulitzer Prize–winning essay on the earthquake that could decimate the Pacific Northwest to the astonishing work of investigative journalism that transformed the nail salon industry, this is a collection of hard-hitting and beautifully composed writing on the wonders, dangers, and oddities of scientific innovation and our natural world.The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2016 includes Kathryn Schulz, Sarah Maslin Nir, Charles C. Mann, Oliver Sacks, Elizabeth Kolbert, Gretel Ehrlich, and others
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Wicked Bugs

Wicked Bugs

Amy Stewart

Nonfiction / Fiction

In this darkly comical look at the sinister side of our relationship with the natural world,Stewart has tracked down over one hundred of our worst entomological foes—creaturesthat infest, infect, and generally wreak havoc on human affairs. From the world's mostpainful hornet, to the flies that transmit deadly diseases, to millipedes that stop traffic, to the"bookworms" that devour libraries, to the Japanese beetles munching on your roses, Wicked Bugsdelves into the extraordinary powers of six- and eight-legged creatures.With wit, style, and exacting research, Stewart has uncovered the most terrifying and titillatingstories of bugs gone wild. It's an A to Z of insect enemies, interspersed with sections thatexplore bugs with kinky sex lives ("She's Just Not That Into You"), creatures lurking in the cupboard("Fear No Weevil"), insects eating your tomatoes ("Gardener's Dirty Dozen"), and phobiasthat feed our (sometimes) irrational responses to...
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Lady Cop Makes Trouble

Lady Cop Makes Trouble

Amy Stewart

Nonfiction / Fiction

The best-selling author of Girl Waits with Gun returns with another adventure featuring the fascinating, feisty, and unforgettable Kopp sisters. After besting (and arresting) a ruthless silk factory owner and his gang of thugs in Girl Waits with Gun, Constance Kopp became one of the nation's first deputy sheriffs. She's proven that she can't be deterred, evaded, or outrun. But when the wiles of a German-speaking con man threaten her position and her hopes for this new life, and endanger the honorable Sheriff Heath, Constance may not be able to make things right. Lady Cop Makes Trouble sets Constance loose on the streets of New York City and New Jersey—tracking down victims, trailing leads, and making friends with girl reporters and lawyers at a hotel for women. Cheering her on, and goading her, are her sisters Norma and Fleurette—that is, when they aren't training pigeons for the war effort or fanning dreams of a life on the...
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