Wendy and black, p.1
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Wendy And Black, page 1


Wendy And Black
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Wendy And Black

  Wendy and Black (The Cat Detective)

  The Mysterious Kidnappings


  Published in the United States by Amma Lee

  Published 2015

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of this material in any way. You must not circulate this book in any format. Amma Lee does not control or direct users’ actions and is not responsible for the information or content shared, harm and/or actions of the book readers.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight


  Spy Dogs’s Series


  Every century someone from Wendy’s family was given the ability to be able to understand and speak to cats and Wendy was the one blessed in her century. Wendy always wanted to be a detective and she was overjoyed when her cat, Black, had the same dream as her so they started to work together. They’ve solved many cases together, but the disappearance of successful business women had left her in a slump because Black believed it was someone who Wendy loved. The two of them investigates the mystery behind the disappearances and discovers something darker than any one of them could have ever imagined.

  Chapter One

  Wendy was happy when she finished all of her classes for the day because all she really wanted to do was to lie down. She practically shoved through the students forming in the narrow hallway who stopped to talk to their friends.

  “Excuse me,” she said as she squeezed through a group of friends who were chatting noisily to each other. College didn't really seem that much different from high school because the students practically did the same thing. Students still texted during lectures and they still loitered outside of the classroom when class had ended. “Sorry.” Wendy said when she accidentally bumped into someone and knocked down his books. She picked them up quickly and smiled at the student.

  “I'm sorry about that.” Wendy said sweetly. She knew that she shouldn't have been walking as fast as she was so she was kind enough to stop and pick up the books that she had knocked down.

  “Don’t worry about it.” the student said and smiled at Wendy. Wendy continued squeezing through the crowd of people until she was finally outside.

  “Finally,” she said and stretched out her arms. It was Friday and she was planning on doing absolutely nothing over the weekend. The only thing that she really wanted to do was relax. Wendy walked across the rather large campus of the University and listened to the birds chirping around her. The campus was stunning with green and freshly cut grass. She was happy with her decision to stay on campus instead of staying at home with her mom and dad.

  “I am eighteen after all,” Wendy said to herself. She thought that it was time for her to explore since she was “technically” an adult now. It took Wendy five minutes to make it to her dormitory and when she did, she sighed with relief. “Black” Wendy called out once she opened her dorm room door. She was lucky that she didn’t have a roommate this semester.

  “What took you so long?” the grumpy cat said without moving his mouth. Wendy had a gift that only a few people knew about. She has been able to communicate with cats since she was very young. The gift to speak with cats only happened to women once every one hundred years and she was the lucky girl to have been blessed with it in her generation.

  “Sorry, my last class let out later than normal.” Wendy closed the door and walked over to her bed. She fell onto her bed and snuggled against the pillow. Her cat, Black, jumped onto the bed then as well.

  “Come on,” Black grumbled irritably. “I'm hungry. You didn't leave me enough food in my bowl today.” Black bit at Wendy's shirt trying to get her to get up.

  “Oh, I'll feed you in a minute.” Wendy said. Wendy had adored her beloved cat ever since she’d adopted him when he was just a small kitten, but he could be pushy sometimes, especially when it came to Black getting his meal.

  “I've been waiting for you too long, Wendy.” Black sighed. “I'm famished!” Black always exaggerated his hunger. Wendy sighed and leaned up.

  “Fine,” Wendy said and got up out of her bed. She walked over to her computer desk and bent down so that she could grab Black's bowl. She reached on top of a tall shelf and grabbed Black's cat food. “Don't ask me to feed you anymore tonight.” Wendy shot a dirty look at Black, but Black meowed innocently.

  “Of course I won't.” Black said nodding his furry head. Sighing again, Wendy filled Black's bowl and sat it down for him. Black immediately ran over to the bowl and began devouring the contents. Wendy couldn't help but stop to watch her adorable cat eat his food. She stood there and watched him eat with a smile plastered on her face. Unable to withstand her adorable cat, she bent down and stroked him. Normally Black didn't like it when someone touched him while he was eating, but Wendy was an exception. Wendy was the most important person in the world to him and he'd do anything to make her happy.

  “You're so adorable.” Wendy cooed and Black snorted.

  “You're talking to me like I'm fresh out the litter.” Black said slightly annoyed, but he continued eating his food. Wendy allowed him to finish the rest of his food before she spoke to him again.

  “So what did you do today?” Wendy asked and sat down on the edge of her bed. Black swallowed the remainder of his food and turned towards her.

  “I read the newspaper.” Most humans weren't aware that cats were able to read and Wendy was shocked when she had first found out. People normally didn't pay any attention when their cat was looking over their shoulder when they were reading a book, on their phones, or chatting on the Internet. In reality; however, cats were reading everything that humans wrote or what humans read.

  “Find any interesting articles?” Wendy doubted that Black had found anything useful to him.

  “I did actually.” Black ran towards the corner that he constantly frequented and came running towards Wendy with a newspaper article.

  “Several Kidnapped Women” Wendy read the headline of the newspaper article Black just gave her.

  “I think this is something worth investigating.” Black said, but Wendy held up a finger signaling that she was still reading. Several women had apparently been kidnapped around the area this past weekend.

  “This is horrible.” Wendy said as she read through the article. It appeared that each woman who had been kidnapped were successful business owners.

  “It is,” Black said as he jumped on the bed. “We should check it out.” Wendy nodded her head and looked at Black.

  “So what should we do first?” Black was definitely the brains behind the detective work that he and Wendy did behind the scenes. Black licked his paw as he thought about Wendy's question.

  “We should dig deeper.” Black said finally and placed his paw back down onto the bed. “There isn't enough information for us to blindly jump into this task.” Wendy thought about that for a moment and she agreed with Black. She wasn’t the type who would mindlessly jump into a case as complex as this, but she did find herself to be a little antsy because she wanted to figure out the truth behind the kidnappings as soon as possible.

  Wendy had always been interested in being a detective, but she didn’t necessarily want to go to school for it. Plus, people would find it odd that she’d always bring Black along with her on a case. People would also raise eyebrows whenever she spoke with Black since nobody else would be able to hear Black speak.

  “So when did you want to start?” Wendy asked and stretched out on her bed. Black and Wendy solved a lot of cases together, but she viewed herself more so as Black’s assistant instead of an actual detective. Black was in reality the one who called the shots and solved the cases. At the end of the day, Wendy only did things that Black told her to do.

  “Hmm…” Black said and began walking on the bed and resting on top of one of Wendy’s pillows. “We’ll see what happens in the news tomorrow.” Black said after much consideration. “Maybe we’ll have more information to go by.” Wendy nodded her head and her eyelids drooped. Normally Wendy went to sleep well after midnight, but she was feeling exhausted.

  “Goodnight,” Wendy whispered to Black before she drifted to sleep. Black was feeling well fed and Wendy’s fluffy pillow was quite comfortable to the feline.

  “Goodnight Wendy.” Black did some of his best work at night, but he was warm, comfortable, and full, so Black thought that a nap was in order.


  Wendy woke up to Black’s paw swiping her face. She groaned because it was Saturday and she didn’t necessarily have to do anything early that morning.

  “Five more minutes,” Wendy said sleepily. Black took the sheet into his mouth and pulled it off of her.

  “You’re such a lovely girl,” Black said with irritation. “But you can be quite the handful in the morning.” Wendy sighed and sat up. Rubbing her eyes she looked at her cat and best friend and smiled a beautiful smile. Wendy was definitely a beautiful young woman, her long dark hair and big green eyes gave her a look similar to a doll. She was slim and short, but her voice was big and powerful. She had many friends, but preferred Black’s
company the most.

  “I’m up!” Wendy said and rolled out of bed. She looked down at her clothes and frowned. She was still wearing the clothes that she had been wearing the other day. She heard people running up and down the hall outside her room and sighed. “It’s too early for all of this running.” She said as she looked at the clock which just changed to 8:37. “Why do I have to wake up this early again?” she grumbled and Black leapt off of the bed.

  “Wendy, we need to see what new information is out about the kidnappings.” Wendy yawned and looked at Black.

  “It hasn’t been a full day yet since we last looked at it.” Wendy said and stood up. She walked over to the mini refrigerator she was allowed to have in her dorm room. She pulled out a breakfast hot pocket and placed it in the microwave.

  “It doesn’t matter.” Black shook his head and jumped on top of her computer desk. “Something could have happened two minutes after we spoke about it last. Wendy couldn’t argue with Black’s logic so once her food was done heating up; she sat down in her desk seat and turned on the computer.

  “Okay I see what you’re saying.” Wendy said and took a bite out of her hot pocket. It wasn’t the most nutritious things that she could’ve eaten, but she knew if she left to get some real breakfast that Black would be mad. Black had a huge appetite, but when he was working, he could go all day without even thinking about food. “So what exactly am I typing in?” Wendy was on Google’s homepage, but she wasn’t sure what to search for.

  “Search for women’s kidnapping in the area.” Black said and focused his yellow eyes towards the screen. He would have looked it up himself, but he had no fingers so it would have taken him a long time to even type in the words. Wendy’s fingers quickly typed in the words and waited for the screen to load. “The second one” Black said once he saw the familiar headline. Wendy clicked into it without hesitating.

  “Let’s see…” Wendy mumbled and quickly read through the article. A lot of what the article said was just a repeat of what they already knew.

  “Doesn’t look like they’ve updated it by much” Black said as he scanned the information quickly. Even though Wendy knew that this would be the case, she still felt a little sour about it.

  “I think we should check out the area where the kidnappings took place.” Wendy said. “I know we don’t have much to go on, but I’d really hate it if another victim was kidnapped before we found our next clue.” Black didn’t disagree with what Wendy said but he didn’t know if they should pursue action at the moment. “I know you have to think about it,” Wendy began and stood up from her seat. “I’m going to take a shower and hopefully you’ll have a decision when I’m done.” Wendy rubbed Black’s fur and went into her unshared bathroom.

  Black knew that he had to make a decision relatively soon. Black wasn’t really interested in human affairs, but ever since he had been with Wendy he had changed. Black knew that Wendy would want to save the girls as quickly as possible because of the danger that they were surely in. Maybe investigating the crime scene wasn’t such a bad idea. It wasn’t like people would take a teenage girl and a cat seriously. Black nodded his head in determination.

  He’d made up his mind.

  Chapter Two

  “Are we close to where the crimes happened at?” Wendy asked as she walked with Black cradled protectively in her arms. Black would have preferred to walk on his own, but Wendy was set on carrying him around so that she could hear him better when he spoke. Black glanced around the busy street. Wendy tried her hardest to keep her voice down so that people wouldn’t assume that she was crazy.

  “Yes, this area resembles the pictures of where the kidnapping took place.” Black said. The two of them were on their way to take a look at the spot that Latasha Harrison had been taken from. Latasha was a twenty-eight year of owner of an advertising firm. She had been kidnapped last Friday and there hadn’t been any clues regarding her disappearance. Wendy smiled at an older man who glanced down at her.

  “Let’s hurry.” Wendy said and picked up the pace of her walking. Before long, Black and Wendy were standing in the exact spot where Latasha was forced into a car.

  “Let me down.” Black said and Wendy loosened her arms so that Black could jump out of them. Black placed his nose into the ground and smelled it almost like how a dog would smell his territory.

  “Well?” Wendy asked once Black began walking back and forth over the ground.

  “There was definitely a struggle here.” Black said and Wendy looked at the spot that Black just sniffed. She couldn’t see anything though. The ground looked normal; she didn’t see anything out of place, scuff marks or any tire marks on the ground.

  “How do you know that?” Wendy asked confused. She didn’t understand how a mere cat was so perceptive. Black looked up at her and showed his small teeth as if he was grinning.

  “My nose never lies.” Black said and Wendy scratched her head. She knelt down and stared hard at the ground. Black sighed and elaborated more on his findings. “This area smells strong of perfume and sweat.” Black said. “Almost like the victim was thrown onto the ground.” Black said as he pointed his head at the spot.

  “Okay?” Wendy inquired confused. She didn’t understand exactly where Black was going with this. Black rolled his eyes at his adorable friend.

  “As we move closer to the curb, the smell gets stronger indicating that a woman stood here for a very long time. Your eyes aren’t as advanced as mine, but I can see the imprint of shoes that suggests that the kidnapper moved their feet in a struggle in order to lift a heavy load, but the load didn’t get into the car willingly.” Wendy still didn’t understand how he got all of that out of just smelling the ground, but she listened because Black was normally right about things like this.

  “Maybe it was just garbage or someone catching a cab.” Wendy suggested and shrugged her arms.

  “Maybe,” Black said respectfully. “But I doubt it.” Black had never done did any detective work before Wendy had come into his life because he was young. However, Black felt that he’d do so much better than human detectives and police officers because he didn’t have to be incognito.

  “Is there something else you’re looking for?” Wendy asked when she noticed that Black didn’t move from his spot. He shook his head.

  “No we can move on, I was just thinking about something.” Wendy held her hands out for Black and he jumped into them. She stroked Black lovingly and walked in the direction of the next kidnapped victim. Wendy was glad that no one stopped to look at her peculiar behavior. Black had told Wendy before they left home if anyone was staking out the area to see who was investigating the kidnappings, they wouldn’t suspect Wendy as being an investigator. It was almost as if Wendy’s youth granted her an immunity of suspicion.

  “The next site is on Shook road right?” Wendy asked as she pushed through the pedestrians who roamed the street. Black just nodded because he was deep in thought. He tried to think of all possible motives behind the kidnappings, but since it was so early in the case he was drawing blanks. Black knew that even though he wasn’t fond of meddling into other people’s lives, he would save the women who were kidnapped if it would make the world a better place for Wendy.

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