Princess to pleasure sla.., p.31
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Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure: The Dungeon of the Monster Breeder, page 31


Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure: The Dungeon of the Monster Breeder
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  This is no woman. This is some sort of plant creature. You know she is not a dryad. You have read books about those and they are beautiful too, but they do not look like this woman. And they would never have such a cruel smile.

  "Will you help me out?" you ask. "I've fallen into one of these wells."

  "Awwwww," the woman pouts her lips in mock sympathy. "Yes, you have. Nothing can escape my pitchers, little human."

  "Yours? These are your...pitchers?"

  The woman nods her head at you and a serene smile comes over her face.

  "You look so lovely down there. You know, I had a human just a few weeks ago. Not quite so pretty as you, but she was very sweet. Almost like candy as she melted away inside one of my pitchers."

  "M-melted away?" The thought sends terror through you.

  "Oh, yes, my pitchers are a part of me, sweet human. They are how I can spread through this jungle, growing more and more. Each time a juicy morsel like you falls into one I can grow several more of them."

  The woman reaches down and strokes your face. An ominous smile curls her lips. She looks almost serene, which only makes her more terrifying. You flinch away from her hand. The warmth is so relaxing in this liquid that you almost want to just close your eyes and let it take you. Will it hurt?

  "Shhh," says the woman. "Just give in, my sweet. If you don't struggle, I promise to make you feel good until the end."

  What do you do?






  Encounter Eleven - The Mindsucker's laboratory

  The candles you lit now illuminate a wide circle of the room, which is filled with the glass bulbs of alembics, retorts, and crucibles, hundreds of vials, pouches, boxes and all the other trappings of a well-stocked alchemy laboratory. There is an odd scent in the air of something burned along with a pungent herbal aroma that mingles with the sharper tang of vinegar.

  You notice a thick book of alchemy recipes sitting on a pedestal. The book is opened and marked, although you cannot decipher the language. Perhaps dark elvish. The dark elves are notorious poisoners.

  The small fortune in alchemical components could no doubt help you in your quest to escape this dungeon, if only you were an alchemist. Oriodamus never endeavored to teach you the science of alchemy. The old man believed alchemy was for "fools who believe magic is no different than baking a cake." He preferred the nobler art of true magic, which he imparted to you.

  You are examining a jar containing the floating feathers of something called a "Hoarabird" when you hear footsteps entering the laboratory. You whirl and are confronted with the sinister sight of the creature you encountered in the library. It stands a good head taller than you and actually ducks through the doorway as it enters. It moves slowly and elegantly, its skin an amphibian smooth purple and its lean body wrapped in a tight-fitting black robe that rises to a warlock's collar.

  The most notable features of the beast - for it is most assuredly no man - are the octopus-like tentacles that conceal its mouth despite their constant, curling movements. The creature, with its bulging eyes on either side of the smooth bulb of its head, peers at you like a man might look upon a squirrel that has wandered into his cupboard.

  You do not have much luck reading its glistening, inhuman expression, but you're guessing it is wondering whether or not you are an enemy. Or perhaps food.

  What do you do?






  Encounter Five - Wait

  The slime seems to be blocking your path to the sole exit out of this room. You're not eager to test its abilities in combat, but may you do not need to it. As it slithers out of the drain pipe it begins to creep around the chamber. If you bide your time and stay out of its way, perhaps you can just wait for the right opportunity and run past it.

  You carefully shuffle out of its way as its main bulk oozes in a slow, clockwise path around the room. You can't even tell if the slime has detected you or if it is simply patrolling this space out of some simple habit.

  You edge closer and closer to the hatch until you realize you're standing where the slime was when you first entered the room. It is only as you look down at your feet, coated with a thin layer of green goo, that you realize your error.

  The slime has not been moving, not completely, it has been spreading its gruesome body around the room. It has outwitted you.

  "No!" you cry as you watch the slime covering your toes. You try to lift your foot and it stretches the slime, but it is stuck to the floor.

  The main bulk of the slime surges towards you. There is nowhere to run. Green pseudopodia reach out and wrap around your legs up to your thighs.

  You are pulled off your feet and land roughly on the thin layer of slime. It's sticking to your body like wet cloth. It's helping to draw you towards the slime's gelatinous central mass. You have only seconds before you are pulled into that gooey mass.

  What do you do?

  Use your sword to free yourself

  Use your magic to free yourself

  Encounter Seven - Surrender

  The steamy pleasure of the liquid surrounding you overcomes all sense of self preservation. The fear you felt becomes certainty as you accept your fate. You smile up at the nymph.

  "What is it?" she asks. "Why do you smile, my little sweet human?"

  "I understand it now...this was always my destiny. I want to be devoured," you say. "My body is yours."

  "Oh, you're a sick one, aren't you?" The nymph giggles. "I am so glad to hear you know your place, my tasty human. Come here. I will make it very nice for you."

  She extends her arms down into the pitcher and you embrace the nymph. You feel the coolness of her flesh as your soft lips press against hers. The velvet of her tongue invades your mouth and you taste a delicious sweetness in that kiss.

  "Yes," she moans, "Such a good human. If only they were all so well-behaved. I can already taste you beginning to dissolve. not be afraid. We have time for you to know pleasure."

  Her lips cover your cry of despair, her hands stroking your soft breasts. You feel something wriggling in the liquid surrounding your lower body. Like a thousand fingers pressing against your flesh, curling and stroking against you. These fleshy fingers spread your ass and thrust into your tender hole. They invade your cunt and claim your maidenhead.

  "A virgin?" She moans. "So very sweet, the tang of your hot chastity."

  As the tendrils open you, the warm, relaxing liquid seeps into your spread holes, washing away your fears. Pleasure seeps in along with the warmth. The fingers work in and out of your tender anus. They caress your clit, teasing and seeming to suck at it. You moan against the nymph's kiss.

  "That's it," she whispers. "Cum for me. A final pleasure before you slip into darkness."

  You whine with ecstasy. Unable to think as you arch within the pitcher and your mouth hangs open. The nymph caresses your face, staring down at you as your climax overtakes you. Somewhere, you know this will be your last pleasure before you disappear into darkness, but you do not care. You tremble and quake with the ferocity of your orgasm.

  "Good human," whispered the nymph. "Good, sweet human."

  Still trembling with the aftershocks of your pleasure, you slip down into the pitcher. The liquid closes over your head and you find serenity in the darkness. Somewhere, far away, you hear the nymph gently laughing.

  There is no pain for you as you perish in the nymph's pitcher. Your life ends quickly, though it takes much longer for your to digest in the nymph's pitcher. When the vessel finally splits open like a seed pod the nutrient-rich liquid has been sucked up by the nymph and only a pinkish residue remains. Your corroded sword drops onto the jungle floor.

  "What's this?" wonders the nymph, picking up the acid-eaten blade. "Hmmmm, she had a blade. What a curious human to willing be devoured by me. I think I'll keep this as a trophy."

  Your sword will join a collection of baubles kept by the nymph from her many victims. For you, the adventure is at an end.


  Encounter Seven - Parley

  You never believed nymphs were evil. Maybe some part of her, somewhere behind that cruel smile, can be reasoned with. Surely you can convince her to let you go.

  "Please," you say. "Let me out of here. I can help you. I can bring you other food."

  "Oh?" The nymph giggles. "You are going to bring me another pretty human girl just like you?"

  "What? No! I can bring you other food." You try to smile, though the soothing warmth of the sweet juice surrounding you is making it difficult for you to form coherent thoughts. "My family is very wealthy. I could bring you a slab of pork or even a whole carved side of beef, if you'd like."

  "Pork?" The nymph giggles. "Oh, I don't like to eat cute little animals. Just pretty girls..."

  She reaches down and strokes your face. Her thumb teases across your lips.

  "I tell you what, pretty girl. If you do something for me, if you make me very happy, I will let you out of my pitcher."

  "Yes," you moan. "Yes. Anything. I'll do it."

  "Mmmmmm." The nymph shimmies up until she is kneeling on the rim of the pitcher. She spreads her knees apart and runs her green fingers over the lighter green of her thighs and to the leafy mound of her sex. A flower of flesh blooms among the green, no different than the sex of a human woman and glistening with her honey. You can smell the sweetness of it as her hands guide you to the spot. She spreads her knees wider, lowering her sex to your face.

  "Go on," she urges. "Have a taste. I think you will find it...delicious..."

  She rests a gentle hand on your head and pulls you against her flowery cunt. Her juices spill onto your lips, delicious as sweet wine, and you open your mouth and press your tongue against the cool wetness of her groove. She helped me pull myself up so you are hanging off the rim and your breasts are above the liquid and nipples rubbing against the soft, smooth inner lining of the pitcher.

  "Yes, that's it," coos the nymph. "Press your lips against me. Thrust your hot tongue into my flower."

  You lap at her sex, drinking the sweet liquid the drips onto your tongue and spills down your chin. She rocks her hips and grinds the dripping furrow of her floral fuckslit against your tongue. A seedy bud of her clit sticks out against your tongue and you lash it with furious licks. Her cunt flexes around your probing tongue.

  "That's it. A good little saplicker. How about some pleasure in return?"

  As you pleasure the nymph, you feel something wriggling in the warming liquid below your hips. At first it is like a single finger, stroking your thigh, but it elongates and you feel many more, prodding and rubbing against your legs, your bottom and your sex.

  "Mmmmmmhmmm," you cry, against the nymph's delicate folds.

  "Oh, yes, so warm and soft. What treasures does your body hold, pretty girl?"

  The prodding of the fingers grows more purposeful and more insistent. You pant with pleasure, your face growing hot with your excitement. You wiggle in the liquid, and feel the tendrils spreading your ass and pushing into your cunt. The pleasure matches your desire. You suck greedily at the nymph's clit and she begins to arch and moan loudly.

  "Yessss...oh, you've fumbled into the right spot. There, little morsel! There, my pretty cunt-sucker! Taste my cum!"

  She pulls your face roughly between her thighs and you wail as her tendrils prod into your anus and invade your cunt. You cum as she cums, your body warmed in the syrupy bath and her juices pouring down your throat form her clutching tunnel. Her twitching hips slow and she lets out a long, satisfied sigh. She releases your head and allows you to slip back down into the pitcher.

  "What a good girl," she says. "Such talents in your tongue."

  "Now will you let me go?" you ask, wiping her juices from your lips.

  "Oh, my poor, sweet girl. It's already too late for you to be let go. You could not feel it, but you are already being digested." She points down as her cruel words send a shock through you. "Look at the broth surrounding you."

  You look down and see it has turned a disgusting shade of foamy pink. You realize you can no longer feel your legs. You reach your hands under the soupy liquid, past the fondling fingers of her tendrils, and you feel the ruin of your body. She is telling the truth. It is too late for you to escape.

  "Don't feel so bad," she laughs. "You did give me a memorable bit of fun. I'll treasure it always."

  Her laughter echoes as she climbs down from the edge of the pitcher. A lid closes over the top. You bang on it once and then, realizing the futility, you slip beneath the liquid. The final darkness comes mercifully soon for you, though it will take many days for the nymph's pitcher to fully digest your body. By the time you are reduced to nothing but a corroded sword, there can be no doubt that your adventure is at end.


  Encounter Fifteen - The Big Bad Wolf

  You emerge into a clearing beneath a glorious night sky. Looking up at those stars, there is something unfamiliar about them, and you wonder if you have been moved to a distant location by the mind-bending passages of the maze. It does not matter at the moment. You are nearly crying with relief at being out in the open. There are no walls hemming you in as if you are in a courtyard. You seem to be free! And there is a huge forest ahead of you.

  But doubts linger. You cannot see the walls of your nightmarish prison, but you feel them still, somehow enclosing this open space. There is no clear path through the woods, so you simply set off into them and hope you might find your way out again.

  You are a skilled rider, a swordswoman, and a fairly powerful magic user. But you are not a navigator and you soon become lost in the darkness of the woods. It feels as if you are going in circles. Worse, the strange animal sounds you hear in this primeval forest are driving you towards panic. You start to hurry and hurrying through the darkness inevitably leads to a fall. Your ankle is twisted as you go down. For a moment, you think it has broken, but it is only sore. You sit up and listen to your breathing and the sinister sounds of the woods.


  The cry of the wolf pierces the night. Your breath catches in your throat. The wolf howls again, slightly closer. You pull yourself up on the trunk of a tree and begin to move again through the darkness. The howling is answered by others. Wolves are closing in all around you.

  You begin to run, branches scratching at your body as you move desperately through the dark forest. The wolves are closing in on you now. They are making a terrible sound, crashing through the trees. They must be enormous animals.

  You cross through a cold stream, like ice against your feet, and burst from the trees and into a clearing. A small cabin sits in the center of this clearing. Light glows faintly from inside the cabin. Smoke from its chimney smears the night sky. You hear the wolves, almost upon you now. The cabin is so close and yet just far enough that you are afraid you will not make it if you take off running.

  Should you try to reach the cabin? Or should you turn and face the wolves in the open? Your heart hammers wildly in your chest. Each second wasted deciding is another second the wolves draw closer.

  What do you do?

  Turn and face the wolves

  Run to the cabin

  Special Encounter - Let him have your ass

  You take a deep breath and repress the fury boiling inside you. There are many options for how you might try to pleasure the damned door once again and none of them help calm your rage. Better, you decide, to embrace your anger and use it. Give the stupid door exactly what he wants.

  You bend over and scoop up a sloppy handful of fresh cum. Looking back over your shoulder, you watch the door's silly face as you bring the gooey handful up to your round ass and slather the warm, silky fluid into your crack. Your freshly-licked ass is more relaxed than usual and you push two fingers into your hole, force the cum up your ass and lubricating your rear.

  "Listen well, you horrid hatch, I'll give you exactly what you want. You can have my ass."

  "Ohhhhh, my lovely lady, such a dream come true! But I fear my cock is not quite up to the task just yet."

  "Oh?" You glance down at the door's flaccid fuckhose and wrinkle your nose in disgust. "Very well, I'll attend to that first."

  You keep two fingers working in and out of your tight ass and squat before the door. You lift its dangling cock in one hand, nuzzling it with your face and licking the dripping cum from its tip. Your clench against your fingers and let out a moan. It feels so good. You forget that this is an obligation rather than something you want and you hungrily suck the door's cock. Your eager mouth quickly sucks the door's cock to hardness as you finger fuck your cum-lubed ass.

  "Give it to me," pants the door. "I need that ass."

  You pop your lips free of its cock and turn and rub your cheeks against the head of its cock. You continue to finger your stretched hole, showing it off to the door as you rub up and down.

  "Please!" cries the door.

  "Yes," you relent. "Yes. Here it comes. Slow..."

  Your fingers slurp as you slip them out of your ass. You take hold of the door's cock with one hand and back against it. The fat bell of his cockhead finds the slick divot of your anus. It catches and you push back, slowly opening your ass, wider and wider, until the fat tip pops into your tender hole. Both you and the door let out a groan of pleasure.

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