Princess to pleasure sla.., p.30
Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure: The Dungeon of the Monster Breeder, page 30

"Please," he says. "Have a taste. It is Honey of the Doe. One sip is enough to awaken passions. The amount left in that vial will make you very passionate indeed."
"An aphrodisiac?" You ask, holding the vial up to the candlelight. It has a sweet smell and a pinkish hue.
"You might call it that," says Xinophus, gently taking your free hand in his warm fingers. "But it is so much more. Please, join me."
You look at him, incredulous that this alien creature would think you would willingly sip an aphrodisiac and lie down with him. Would a poisoner really be so naive? He looks at you expectantly.
What do you do?
Refuse to drink the potion
Drink the potion
Evil Ending - Mate of the Orc Lieutenant
Reemek is right about Madreg. The mad wizard is very displeased when you are marched into his trans-dimensional throne room. He does not punish Reemek, but he forces the orc to promise your firstborn as repayment for claiming you. Reemek drops to a knee and bows his head and swears the oath. You are given no say in the matter, not that you care as you are rapturously in love with your new mate.
Your wedding to the orc is held in a blasphemous chapel to the dark gods. A scarred, pale-faced man that might not even be human presides over your marriage and it is sealed with a golden ring painfully pierced through your septum. Reemek fucks you there on the altar before the priest and several warriors. He fucks you again and again that night, soiling the furs of his tent with your copious mélange of juices, and even when you are both exhausted you climb between his legs and squeeze his cock between your breasts.
"You will not be brood wife," says Reemek, watching you pleasure him. "You know sword and spell. You will be war wife."
"Whatever you wish, my love," you sweetly say and take him into your mouth.
It is only later that you learn the honor the orc has given you. Few females are permitted to become war wives of the orcs. Those chosen are afforded almost the full rights and respect as the males. Among humans, usually chattel, the honor is uniquely yours.
You stand by Reemek on the battlefields of the north. Your spells save him on more than one occasion and, when you find your sword outmatched, he is always there to save you in turn. It is a joyous, triumphant time. Such is your life with the orc that you never question the slaughters you participate in, driving human armies before you and hacking down shocked knights that always freeze for a moment when they see a beautiful human woman fighting on the side of the orcs. Their mistake.
Even returning wounded and exhausted from battle, you climb atop your mate and ride his hardness. He cradles your swelling breasts and his fingers probe your ass. A glance will send you to your knees to pleasure him with your mouth and more than once, inflamed by the lust of war, he bends you over in the field where your enemies lay dying and takes you from behind. A last insult to your foes.
Among the orcs you are celebrated for your courage and bloodlust and your infamy spreads throughout the human lands. Madreg and his army conquer the north and turn towards the Kriegsrealm. To the crazed wizard's disappointment, the human empire has allied itself with the tamed Black Tooth orcs, having long ago interbred with them in large numbers.
You are beginning to show your pregnancy, but you refuse to sit out the first battle with this mighty enemy. Their numbers are endless and they wield cannons which fell giants. The salvos of their powder guns slaughter hundreds of goblins and orcs. Despite this, Reemek leads his force deep into enemy territory. It is only the half orc Sarmong and his skirmishers that manage to stop you and your lover. The battle is short and brutal and when it is done, you are forced to withdraw and Reemek is mortally wounded.
He dies in your arms and you suffer a pain worse than death as the spell of love unravels. Your conscience wells like a blister and you must confront all of the men you have butchered in your time with the orcs. Yet you feel the pups growing in your belly. You are weeping when Madreg comes to you. His touch is almost kind. His hands caress your breasts and he sucks at your nipples. His pale body is covered in tattoos that pulse with power and his cock is wrapped in rings. It grows and twists like a snake as it enters you.
"Be my bride," he says. "I have watched you on the battlefield. I will teach you my power."
"Yessss," you cry, surrendering the last of your goodness. "Yes. I will be your bride."
You cum as he spurts inside you. No magic seals your love to Madreg, but you marry the cruel wizard regardless and study the magic you will need to take revenge for your fallen husband.
Your future is unknown, but your adventure as a princess is at an end. Now is the time of Kirsten the Mad, body scarred, belly growing with your dead mate's pups, and sinister magic at your command. You will become a legend.
Encounter Ten - Magic
You decide that you and your scrawny goblin companion might not be up to the task of defeating the manticore physically. Magic alone has the power to give you a fair chance. As the snorting beast approaches, you run through all the spells that you learned from Oriodamus. You're coming up with nothing until you glance at your companion. He is trying to stand tough in the face of the huge manticore and its slavering jaws. If only he were two or three times his size, he might be intimidating.
Growth of the Giant. You only tested it on a pigeon with Oriodamus and the spell made the pigeon bigger than a condor. Imagine what such a spell could do for Yalak! The goblin catches you staring at him and he cocks his head curiously.
Your fingers are positioned and the power words are leaving your lips before the runt has a chance to ask you what you're doing. The spell works almost instantly. Yalak lets out a surprised cry as he grows to almost three times his original size, bursting from his loincloth and dropping his pouches.
"Kirsten!" he cries. "What happen? What you do!?"
"It's only temporary," you explain, drawing your sword. "To give us a fighting chance against that!"
You point the tip of your sword at the manticore and see that the beast has stopped his approach. He looks in confusion from you to the now-giant and very naked goblin standing beside you. His lips curl back in a challenging snarl and his scorpion's tail flicks nervously.
Yalak towers over you by a good two feet and his scrawny body seems impressively muscled. He flexes his arms and turns his full attention on the manticore. The beast retreats as Yalak approaches. For a moment, you think the giant goblin might simply chase the manticore away. Then the manticore leaps and attacks, clamping its jaws around Yalak's forearm and stinging him repeatedly with its tail. He smashes the clinging lion-bodied beast into the wall. There is a dreadful crack as one of its wings breaks. It releases Yalak's arm and retreats, whimpering pitifully, into the darkness.
The floor shakes slightly beneath your feet as Yalak returns to you.
"Did good?" he says.
"Yes, Yalak, you saved the day. Come here. Let me have a look at that arm."
He holds out his bloody arm. The bite would have been terrible if you had suffered it, but it seems minor on Yalak's huge forearm. And the stings barely pricked his skin. Clearly the venom had no effect on him.
As you are standing beside Yalak, cradling his arm, you cannot help but notice that every part of him has grown to three times its size. His flaccid cock, peeking pink from his green foreskin, is now a good ten inches in length with bollocks as big as your fist. You feel a flutter of warmth between your legs imagining what his cock might look like if you got him aroused. And what he might do with that huge cock...
What are you thinking? Maybe this maze is driving you crazy.
What do you do?
Continue on your way
Have fun with giant Yalak
Encounter Thirteen - Milk Her Spunk With Your Hands
You slurp wantonly on Ashara's delicious cock, but you are not oblivious to the signs that she is about to gush her cum. Given the power of her scent and the intoxicating nature of her precum, you fear the effect that drinking her seed might have upon your mind.
"Yes, princess, yes," moans Ashara, working her hips and thrusting her cock between your lips. You use your hands to stroke her and control the depth of her thrusts, she uses her hands to keep you from escaping. Her bollocks are tight against her root. Her cock is huge in your mouth and leaking so much precum that it seems almost as if she has already ejaculated.
You look up at her as her breathing becomes ragged and she begins to arch beneath you, jamming her cock past your throat and pushing your head down with both hands. It takes all of your will and a sudden, desperate jerk of your head to overcome her hands. Just as her cock leaves your throat, her length bucks in your grasp and her hot seed gushes forcefully across your tongue.
Resisting the almost-overpowering urge to swallow, you manage to lift your head from her cock and drool the lavender-tinted cum down your chin. Your hands continue to wank Ashara's cock as she wails, "I'm cumming!"
Hot whips of gooey demon spunk lash your face. Her fat ropes of goo covering your lips and dangle from your nose. They splatter your breasts and hang in wobbling strands from your chin as you milk her spurting cock with both hands.
"Give it all to me," you moan. "Cover me in your cum!"
"AAaaaaaa!" she bucks in your hands, fucking into your cum-slicked fists and pumping out a fresh volley of her gooey load. It splatters over your shoulder and begins to ooze down your back. Another shot launches so hard that it lands on your ass.
Finally spent, the moaning succubus sinks back onto the cushions. She looks at you with a dreamy smile on her face.
"What a mess I've made of you, princess."
You hold out your messy, cum-covered fingers.
"I would complain," you say, blowing a dangling string of cum away from your nose, "but to be honest, this stuff smells and tastes so delicious, I just want to lick it all off of me."
"Oh no," says Ashara, sitting up suddenly. "I should have warned you, my sweet princess. My seed is very potent. It can drive men and women alike mad with lust."
"I think some got in my mouth," you moan.
"Oh, no, it's not poisonous," giggles Ashara. "Please, allow me to clean you."
She leans down to your hand and begins to slowly lick her cum clean from your fingers. Her hands press you back among the cushions and she begins the painstaking process of cleaning every droplet of her cum from your body with her deft tongue.
Her tongue travels up your arm to your shoulder, she licks your face clean and shares her flavor in a long, slow kiss. She continues below your jaw, over your throat and down to your cum-splattered breasts. She pays particularly attention to these, making you cry out with pleasure as she slurps the remnant of her cum from your soft mounds.
"I think some might have dripped down to my thighs," you moan, spreading your legs. "It fell upon my sex."
"Oh, really?" She chuckles as her kiss moves down your abdomen. "I suppose I should be very thorough just to be sure I get every... last... drop."
Ashara is very thorough. Her tongue scours your thighs and her sucking mouth descends upon your eager quim. By the time she has coaxed three more orgasms from you, she has completely tongue-bathed your pussy and ass. She finally joins you for a long, relaxed kiss, your bodies intertwined and her lips flavored with your cum.
"I could stay here with you for days," you sigh, stroking her face and peering deep into her lovely eyes.
"I would have you with me forever, were it not for our mutual predicament." Ashara pats your thigh and rests her hand on your hip. "Come. Let us force ourselves out of this comfortable bed and I will prepare your ring so that you will be able to contact me and call for my help. So that I may protect you."
"So that we can beat Madreg," you say.
"Now you're getting it," she chuckles as she parts the crimson curtains and rises from the bed.
Encounter Six - Take his seed in your mouth
You slip Reemek's swollen cockhead back into your mouth. Your lips tighten around him and you resume sucking and bobbing your head on the end of his orc cock. You continue to stroke him with both hands. You look up, hoping your eyes communicate your need to him. You want to taste it. You want the hot sap of his root in your mouth.
"AAaaahh! Take seed! Suck my seed!" shouts the orc.
His rough hands tighten in your hair and he thrusts his cock over your tongue, battering the back of your throat with his swollen head. Your mouth is awash in his copious precum already, but it could not prepare you for the sudden torrent of seed unleashed against your tonsils. A hot, thick gout of cum bursts against your throat and you swallow immediately.
"Gaaahhhh!" roars Reemek.
His cock throb between your lips. You wince as another burst of his spunk floods your mouth and you gulp it quickly down. Reemek's cock strains and twitches and pumps out more and more of his churning seed. As you suck it all down, time seems to slow and you picture yourself, on your knees, nude, and slurping cum from and orc. Not a slave or under some mind control, but willingly draining the hot cream from this orc's stones. You can only imagine the horror your mother and father would experience seeing such a sight.
Then it is over, your belly filled with his broth and his cock slipping from your lips. You breathe deeply, his smell and taste invading your body. He sighs as he looks down at you.
"Pretty human," he says. "I help you. Come with me."
He gives you a moment to tie on your loincloth and wipe the cum from your lips and then he is helping you up the rope ladder. Beyond the pit is a vast, dark chamber filled with machine sounds and the sighing of women. Reemek leads you towards a wall of shadowy movement. As you step closer, you realize that it is dozens of women bouncing against the wall, a silver shaft impaling their cunts and their hunched bodies suspended beneath silver orbs. Each woman has huge breasts and her breasts are clamped with glass-like bulbs that fill with milk and suck it up into hoses that lead into the silver spheres.
"The dairy," says Reemek. "Madreg feed army and make powerful magic with human milk."
"It's sick," you say, looking away from the awful scene.
Reemek shrugs and leads you to a heavy iron door. He opens the combination lock and swings the door open. You are struck by a wave of heat and the sounds of a jungle.
"Is this the way out?" you ask hopefully.
"Courtyard," says the orc. "Be careful, princess. Goblin tribe and even more dangerous things live in jungle. Gobbos is cowards. Scare them if you see them. Other thing...don't go looking. Go out door if you find."
You have many questions to ask your new ally, but he shoves you through the door and begins to close it.
"Wait!" you say. "Thank you, Reemek."
He nods, seemingly ashamed that he is not offering you more help, and he slams the iron door closed, trapping you in the sweltering jungle. The walls of the dungeon are far too high for you to have any hope of climbing out. You must venture into the jungle and hope to find the door the orc spoke of.
A heavy, monsoon rain begins to fall, washing away your sweat and other filth clinging to your almost-naked body. You head into the jungle, cautious, but hopeful you can find your way out.
Encounter Seven - The Pitcher Nymph
You hurtle down the muddy hill, reaching desperately for anything to slow your fall. In the dim moonlight the jungle approaches you through the darkness with greater speed than your mind can process. You catch a root, for a moment, and slip free again. You reach for trees and bushes you see coming at you as you seem to slide faster and faster. The rain has stopped, but it does not matter, it's as if the hill has been greased.
You almost catch another branch and it slips from your fingers, tearing one palm open painfully. You glance down and total darkness yawns. Your heart pounds with terror as you realize you are about to go plunging over some sort of cliff. You reach out desperately and catch the vine of an overhanging tree as your body goes swinging out over the darkness. Your stomach flips and flops with vertigo as you see the ground dozens of feet below you.
"Gods," you gasp. "Help me."
You stare down into the jungle and realize there is a clearing beneath your feet. Spaced throughout the clearing are several strangely circular pools, as if wells have been dug into the jungle. You have a moment to wonder why they might be there and then your bloody hand begins to slip free of the vine. You try to hold on with just one hand, but you only support your wait for a moment before your fingers give out.
"AAaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" you scream as you drop into the jungle below.
You plunge straight into one of the pools. You splash into the liquid and your head dips under as your feet make contact with a smooth, tapered bottom. You bob up to the surface, your hands pressed to the smooth walls of the chamber. They are green and flex slightly beneath your fingertips. They are too smooth to offer you any sort of hold and the top of the pool is a few feet above your head. You're trapped!
An undeniable warmth begins to soak into your body. Despite your fear at being stuck in this strange well, you begin to relax in the liquid. A dangerous prospect since it is deep enough to drown you.
You hear something other than your breathing and the slosh of the liquid in the chamber. Above you, above the well, comes the lilting sound of laughter.
"Hello?" you call. "Is someone there? Help me!"
The laughter becomes giggling. A woman appears at the top of the well. She smiles down at you and leans over the rim of the chamber above your head. You reach your arms up. If she would just reach her arms down, she could take your hands.
You look at the woman more closely. She is nude and her pert breasts are pressed to the rim of the well just below the hard pebbles of her nipples. She is as beautiful a woman as you have ever seen, like a woman from a dream, but her expression is mean and there is a strangeness to her. You realize that she is colored various shades of green. Her skin is a pale green, her nipples darker, her eyes almost glowing emerald and her silky hair a green-tinted blond.