Princess to pleasure sla.., p.1
Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure: The Dungeon of the Monster Breeder, page 1

Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure
The Dungeon of the Monster Breeder
by Amanda Clover
This book and all its contents are copyright 2015 by Amanda Clover. All rights are reserved and no portions may be reproduced unless for the use of brief quotations for review purposes.
All characters appearing in this story are over the age of 18. This is a work of parody and any resemblance to real people or situations is coincidental.
Hold on! This is an interactive book!
YOU are the heroine of this story and you decide the actions.
Each time you enter a room and encounter a monster you will have five basic actions you can take - WAIT, meaning observe and wait for an opportunity, PARLEY, meaning try to communicate with the monster, ATTACK, meaning use your sword or other physical attacks, MAGIC, meaning use your limited knowledge of spell casting, or SURRENDER, meaning give yourself up to the monster.
Many monsters have more than one correct solution to advance past them. Choosing SURRENDER almost always ends your adventure. Occasionally you will be presented with additional contextual options or you may discover that choosing one of the basic actions may branch into other actions.
As with most fantasy adventures, it is possible for your character to perish in this story. These deaths are intended to heighten the adventure aspect and are only given in brief summary, not explicit description.
At the end of an encounter you may need to choose CONTINUE to advance to the next encounter. If you have reached one of this book's 58 different endings you can begin again by choosing START OVER or go to the INDEX to start somewhere else in the story.
Good luck, have fun, get naughty, and try not go get eaten by any monsters!
You are Princess Kirsten Sungbaard of Tarol. You are nineteen, blond, blue-eyed, exquisitely beautiful, and, among your sisters, the most strong-willed. When your mother demanded etiquette tutors you sought out sword fighting tutors. When your father wanted to marry you off, you went to your mother and begged for your freedom. Suitors have plagued your days, the sort of perfumed princes you can hardly stand to be around. You prefer adventure.
Perhaps that is why you alone escaped the pillaging of your ancestral village of Tarol and the siege of your family's castle. Those white towers now burn on the horizon. Black smoke from Tarol darkens the skies like rainclouds. The gray orcs of the fens hunted you for a full day. You killed two of them with your short sword and another with magic, but they were persistent and you were exhausted.
"Keep moving," snarls your captor, punching the hilt of your sword into your back. "Madreg want you."
Madreg the Demented. The mad wizard. The summoner who has led a ragtag army of monsters across the northern lands, burning kingdoms, looting treasuries and carting off the women for his vile breeding pits.
The orc marches you into the monstrous encampment. Giants, ogres, flying beasts and hundreds of orcs are having their fun with the women of Tarol. You avert your eyes as you are shoved past scenes of depravity you never thought you would see. Women young and old are being violated by the monsters. Some wail with despair, their clothes torn open and their bodies bent on the earth, but worse are the cries of pleasure. Women willingly rutting with beasts.
"Does sight put you in heat?" Your captor asks with a chuckle.
"I'm accustomed to seeing animals in the stable," you reply, earning another rough shove from the orc.
The moving palace of Madreg the Demented is a menacing tortoise as big as a temple and assembled from hundreds of intricately carved pieces of petrified blackwood. The sapphire gems of its eyes seem to gaze at you malevolently as the orc shoves you towards a staircase fitted over the side of the tortoise's huge shell.
You climb up the stairs and step through the flap of a small tent sitting atop the tortoise. You feel a gust of warm air. The room takes on a spiced scent and honey-colored light shows the way down a long corridor in a summery castle.
"Wh-what just happened?" You ask, not understanding how you came to be standing in a castle.
The orc shoves you again, forcing you down the corridor, past blowing curtains and scenes of a sun-washed evening beach. You follow the spiced air into a room where Madreg sits, cross-legged, on nothing at all. There is a gap of thin air between his folded legs and the intricate tiles of the floor.
"Welcome, Princess Sungbaard," he intones. "I had feared you might get yourself killed. That would have been most unfortunate."
His yellow eyes snap open and he steps down from his perch in the nothingness. He is a tall and very lean man. His face is exaggerated, his brows dark and long, curling around his angled eyes to give him a natural scowl. He has a long nose and thin lips that twist into a sneer as he looks over your tattered gown and thorn-scratched legs.
"Where are my sisters?" you demand.
Madreg ignores you and asks the orc, "What is your name?"
"Reemek," says the orc with a bow. "I captured her with this sword. She kill my warriors."
Reemek tosses your sword at Madreg's feet. The sorcerer ignores your blood-stained blade.
"Very good, Reemek. Step outside and fetch me the human just beyond the door. I would like to show her to our guest." Madreg steps over the sword and comes close enough to lift your chin with his fingers. "Yes, you are the fairest of all your sisters."
"Where are they?!" you demand again.
The door opens and the orc returns leading a naked human woman by a chain around her throat. Her head is covered in a leather helmet and face mask sculpted expertly to resemble a doe's head. Her body is grotesquely swollen, her breasts fat, pendulous, darkly veined and with engorged nipples leaking milk. Her hugely pregnant belly seems to writhe. You shudder involuntarily.
"This is Clarisi Jonas, the daughter of a minor lord of the lands to the east." Madreg strokes his fingers gently over Clarisi's belly and the squirming beneath her flesh intensifies. "She bears a brood of a particularly useful type of grub. No, not parasites, she was impregnated. When they are born they will drink her milk and, if she is fortunate, she will survive to be bred again. Of course, not all my playthings are so luck, but such is the brutal reality of nature. Sometimes a price must be paid for life."
"You call this natural?" You spit on the floor at Madreg's feet. "This is an abomination. You breed humans with monsters. Is this what you have done with my sisters? Your breeding pits?"
"Not the pits. Not for such a lovely prize as you and your sisters, my dear Kirsten." He motions to Reemek. "Please, strip her clothes."
The orc growls with pleasure and grabs you by your blond braid as he uses a knife to slit open your tattered blouse and cut away your leather leggings. In a few, practiced strokes, the orc has stripped you completely. You stand, still bound by your wrists, with your proud breasts thrust forward, nipples erect with tension. Your shapely hips and gold thatched quim are on display for Madreg and he obviously relishes the sight.
"Pit or not, you intend to breed me with a monster," you snarl. "I've heard what you do with captured women."
"Oh, no, my dear. You are going to breed yourself with a monster. Most probably, begging for it as loud as you can." He paces around you as he explains. "You see, below my castle is an extensive labyrinth filled with a menagerie of my most carefully chosen breeding beasts. Over the decades I have stocked it with many creatures and I use my magic to steadily import more. You will find many willing partners or, perhaps, you will find the way out. Oh, yes, there is a way out, but to escape you must survive the maze. I think you will be surprised how persuasive you find those monsters."
He picks up your sword and spins it deftly in his hand. He passes it back to Reemek.
"Dress her in a loincloth and give her back her sword. Then drop her into the well."
"She knows magic," says Reemek.
"Oh?" Madreg arches an eyebrow. "Even better. I will watch her progress with great pleasure. Now, Kirsten Sungbaard, go and see if you can resist the lure of my monsters, because if you succumb, even once, if you are impregnated, you will forever be in the thrall of your mate. It is the way of the magic I have woven over the labyrinth and these desires you believe are so unnatural will grow the more you are exposed to the maze."
"I won't participate in this sick game," you say bitterly. "I'll fall on my sword."
"Your choice, princess. But there is truly a way out of the maze and, after all, your sisters are trapped inside as well. Don't you want to free them?"
Before you can answer him with another barb, he waves his hand and Reemek drags you out of the room. You are taken, struggling, to a large, cold room with a well that howls with deep air currents. The orc ties a simple cloth of white around your loins, barely covering your round bottom and the modesty of your thatched quim. Your breasts are left bare.
"Good luck, human," says the orc. "I do not like you, but even you do not deserve this fate."
He breaks the chains holding you and hands you your belt and your sword in its scabbard. Before you can say anything else, the orc drives you back with a kick. You teeter for a moment on the rim of the dark tunnel at the center of the room and then Reemek pushes you again. You plunge into the darkness, stifling a scream as you fall into Madreg's sick underworld.
Encounter Fourteen - Finish the Brandy With Olaf
"I can't believe you're a princess," laughs Olaf, passing the bottle of brandy back to you.
"It's true! I had servants and a castle and everything. I could have been a queen. But, well..." You shrug and take another belly-warming swig of the strong drink.
"Aw, now don't be like that. You're most of the way out of here, far as I know. If you've got this far, you can get the rest of the way." Olaf takes the bottle banks, sloshes its contents, and takes another big swig. "I'd loan ye my contraption if I thought you'd fit."
You stare past Olaf, where the glow of the forge lights the silhouette of his iron giant, now standing dormant and alone.
"I won't forget you here, Olaf. If I get out, I will find a way to get you out."
"Right," he says doubtfully. "Best of luck with that. Once you get out, my advice is don't look back."
You almost blurt out to him that you have to come back to save your sisters. Then you realize that the less Olaf knows about you, the better. If Madreg finds out the gnome assisted your escape, he may decide to punish or even torture Olaf. You wouldn't want him giving up information about Jacinda, Camilla or Heidi.
Olaf passes the bottle back. Just to one sip left. He watched as you tilt the bottle back and let the last of it drain down your throat. You lean back on the bench. You want to sit here with Olaf forever, maybe taking a break from luxuriating on the fire warmed stone to enjoy other pleasures with the gnome. Instead, you force yourself to your feet with a weary groan. You tie on your loincloth and belt your sword around your waist.
"You must go," says Olaf. "I understand. Come, my dear Kirsten. I will show you the way out."
Olaf strikes a lantern and leads you deeper into the cave and to a huge wooden door.
"This is how they collect what I make. There is a cart rail that I believe will lead you all the way to the surface. There more be danger there, I am not sure, but this is the path out for you." He motions you to the door's large handle. "Help me get it open."
You work together and swing it open and see the cart rail rising slowly into the darkness beyond. You thank him with a long hug, bid him farewell, and set off with a fresh lantern into this dark passage. After quite a long distance you come upon a side tunnel. You decide to continue to follow the track.
Perhaps another thousand paces along the track you reach a bridge over a howling black chasm. The problem is that it is a suspension bridge with one half raise away from the track. You see now way across and have no choice but to backtrack and follow the side tunnel.
You follow this lesser branch and begin to feel very cool, fresh air entering the tunnel. Ahead you see moonlight and your heart soars as you approach some exit from the caves into the exterior.
Encounter Fourteen - The Iron Giant
You move slowly and cautiously into the warm light emanating from the cave. The noises grow louder and the air around you becomes hellishly hot. You walk among dozens of cast iron cannons. You have seen such weapons in use on the battlefield and know that the more of these Madreg has for his army, the more his empire will spread.
Continuing deeper, you realize the glow and the heat are from some sort of mechanical smelter, with giant cauldrons of molten iron being poured into ingots. Sparks fly from fresh pours and bits of molten metal go skittering across the cave floor, nearly hitting your feet. You step aside and almost stumble into another cauldron of molten iron set into the floor like the churning of a volcano.
The heat lessens a tiny bit as you move a few steps past these machines. You wipe the sweat from your brow. The heat is making you sick and you know you must continue deeper into the cave. A dark tunnel yawns ahead of you and it looks as if there is some sort of metal track on the floor. You take a few more steps towards this darkness.
Two red eyes flash from inside the tunnel. A gust of steam billows out and, with a fearful clanking of machinery, a giant made from iron stalks into the cave. It stands twice as tall as one of your father's knights and its shoulders are as wide as you can spread your arms. The resemblance to a fully armored knight is uncanny, though it has a very large hunchback of machinery that is spewing out steam. In one mailed fist it holds a huge blacksmith's hammer. The other hand points a finger at you.
"You are intruding on my work!" The voice booms from inside a grill on the head of the giant, somehow amplified to be heard over the din of the ironworks. "Leave here now or you will suffer brutal pain!"
It takes a clanking step towards you, brandishing its hammer. After everything you've faced, will this metal mountain be the end of you?
What do you do?
Encounter Fourteen - Drink with Olaf
"I'll have a taste," you say.
"Excellent! Excellent!" He hurries and fetches the bottle. "Let us drink outside. There is a kiln just out back."
You follow him out of his tiny house and settle beside him onto a bench carved from stone. It's big enough for the both of you and faces an open kiln that fills the coolness of the cave this far removed from the forge with a more manageable warmth.
Olaf pulls the cork from the bottle, gives it a sniff and takes a swig. He winces and passes the bottle to you. It has a sweet, herbal smell. When you tilt it back to your lips you get a big gulp and nearly spit it out. It is the strongest alcohol you've ever tasted. You force yourself to swallow and feel the hot liquid burning a path down to your belly. You cough and shake your head.
"Good stuff, eh?" laughs Olaf. "The goblins age it in casks they bury in the forest."
"Smooth," you gasp. "Notes of... pitch."
He chuckles and takes another swig. He passes the bottle back and you find the second sip is not nearly as rough. It goes back and forth like this as you begin to talk more with the gnome.
"Tell me of the path out of here," you say.
"They collect the cannons in carts. There is a track laid that runs all the way up to the castle, or so I believe. Once every few weeks they visit me to get the cannons and drop off some food. I don't think they guard that route."
"Why don't you escape that way?"
He shakes his head. "I'm an old man. Two hundred years, if you can believe it."
"You hardly look a day over one eighty," you jest, knowing gnomes are almost as long-lived as the elves.
His laughter slowly dies. He stokes the flames. "What brought you to this castle, Kirsten?"
"Madreg's army. They captured me and the wizard threw me down here to be... well... to fuck monsters."
"And you haven't," says Olaf. You give him a curious look and he continues. "I know how the magic works. If you are seeded by one of the beasts he stocks in this awful dungeon, you would not be sitting with me enjoying my brandy."
"True enough," you say, having another swig. You study him and remember something he said shortly after you plucked him out of his iron machine. "You mentioned that you would never hurt me or the other girls. Have there been many others?"
He takes a deep breath and says, "A few."
"And you scare them off?"
"I try to. I know how Madreg works."
"You've never taken a wife."
There is a very long pause this time. His eyes glisten in the firelight as he stares into an unseen distance.
"Once," says Olaf. "She was a comely redheaded woman. A shape as fine as yours, but a bit smaller at the shoulder. More my size. She caught me working on my machine, fixing it, and she could have killed me. She had a knife. But instead she took a shine to me."
He looks up at the darkness of the cave above you both.
"Elya," he says softly. "We... we spent some time together."
"You had sex with her," you say, your words emboldened by the brandy.
He takes a drink and nods slowly.
"Aye, we made love by the glow of the foundry. She was so beautiful. I was happy right up until the moment I spilled my seed inside her. Something changed in her. She was still the same person, but I knew the love she felt for me was not real."