Skyler's Special Something

Skyler's Special Something

Akua Boakye Okunseinde

Akua Boakye Okunseinde

Skyler has heard the words "sickle cell disease" in his visits to the hospital, but he isn't sure what they mean-until one day when his parents decide to explain his condition during one of their Saturday morning walks. At first, Skyler is confused. What is sickle cell disease? Why does he have it? How many other people have it? What can be done to make sure he stays safe and strong? As Skyler's parents patiently field his questions and educate Skyler on his special condition, Skyler grows more confident and empowered.Skyler's Special Something is a conversation starter that can aid parents and caregivers in explaining the unexplainable to their children. Inspired by her son's journey with sickle cell disease, Akua Boakye Okunseinde wrote this book to empower children and parents to openly discuss special health conditions and give them hope for a bright, healthy, and happy future.
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