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Toy Shop: On the Pleasure Planet
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Toy Shop: On the Pleasure Planet

  Toy Shop on the Pleasure Planet

  Aeryn Zaera

  13/6 Publishing llc

  Copyright © 2023 by Aeryn Zaera

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

  The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

  Book Cover by Blue Crescent Books


  I met my mate, Corian, at Verdigres Resort and Spa many years ago on my birthday. His cool bionic skin intrigued me, and he introduced me to a world of possibilities. Together, we expanded the Kateria Toy Shop – a place where you could find anything and everything to sate your desires. Humans were a hot commodity, and we had plans to create faux ones, but before we could create them, we needed a test subject to learn from.


  My life was boring. I did the same job day in and day out. I ate the same things. I lived in my bland little apartment dreaming of something more, but did nothing about it. Then I saw the flyer looking for thrill seekers to have an out of this world experience. I planned to apply, but ended up kidnapped and in a cage on my way there!

  Who knows what’s next?

  If you’re looking for a deep plot filled sci-fi romance, you’ve picked up the wrong book. This is an erotic romance that’s out of this world. This short features MM/MMM/MMMM pairings between humans and aliens, toys, and lots of sword crossing.




  1. Prologue

  2. Chapter One

  3. Chapter Two

  4. Chapter Three

  5. Chapter Four

  6. Chapter Five

  7. Chapter Six

  8. Epilogue


  10 years ago

  Jorah’s tentacles worked on the tight knots of muscle on my back, making me moan. I’ve needed a break from the toy shop for months. Everyone around me knew it and when Sensi came to pick up the new tails for pony play, he demanded I come to the Verdigres Spa for my birthday.

  He’s been my closest friend since I arrived on the Pleasure Planet. Everyone adored him, and he made every visitor feel at home.

  “Levee? Darling?” His soft voice floated into the room. “How are you feeling?”

  “Relaxed.” I sighed. “Very relaxed.”

  Clapping his hands together happily he squealed. “Fabulous!”

  “Thank you for the gift.”

  “Pshaw.” He pressed a kiss to the back of my head. “My beautiful friend, you deserve only the best.”

  “You are the best.” I lifted my head to see him. “Truly.”

  He flittered from the room to check on the other guests and I tucked my head back into the special pillow and closed my eyes while Jorah continued my massage. Each tentacle had tiny suckers that pulled and kissed my skin, lulling me deeper into relaxation.

  Jorah’s wings opened and created a gentle breeze dispersing the botanicals through the air. The sweet scent of Esinto filled my nostrils, making my limbs feel heavy.

  I knew this was part of the experience and it made it easier for the Marvummoths to not only give a full massage, but their touch also healed. Many thought the slick their tentacles secreted to be a miracle drug.

  As a result of that, they had been kidnapped and hunted to almost extinction. The last twenty resided on Kateria under protection of the government here.

  Sensi, along with his lover and partner, Cunzeiks, offered them asylum within the resort.

  I wanted to thank Jorah, but I had no control over my body, allowing me to fall into a deep slumber.

  My eyes fluttered open, and I saw an amazing mural on the ceiling telling me I was back in my suite. Stretching my body, I felt the difference.

  No cramps or pain and my joints moved effortlessly.

  “How wonderful!”

  A shadow cast over me and I turned my head to see the most beautiful Synthosapien I’d ever seen!

  “Who might you be?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

  “I am your servant for the night.” He bowed. “You may call me Corion.”

  The lights glimmered on his golden metal head, bejeweled with emeralds. His golden skin covered his shoulders, and it faded into soft green humanoid skin. The green skin covered his back and torso, tapering into a vee where the golden metal took over.

  “Tell me, Corion, what services do you offer?” I stretched again, letting the blanket slide down my body, exposing more of my nakedness.

  He tilted his head, speaking softly. “I am fully functional to please you in any desire you can think of.”

  I kicked the cover off, my cock standing upright. “Show me what your hands can do.”

  His eyes narrowed, and he stepped out of the bedroom for a few moments. When he returned, he carried a large case with him and set it beside the bed. He glanced over at me with a smile on his lips as he opened it and pulled out a different hand.

  Where his current hands looked like mine with four fingers and a thumb, this new one had a plump palm, a thumb and a stout missile where his fingers had been.

  He grabbed a small bottle and situated himself between my legs, hoisting them up over his shoulders.

  Corion poured the thick liquid from the bottle around the missile and then applied a generous amount to the tip of my dick, watching as it dripped down.

  His hand tightly gripped me, stroking from base to tip and back down, spreading the lube evenly. Then he alternated his grip, pumping my dick, making me gasp and tremble.

  “Relax, Levee.” He purred and brought his other hand down, lining it up with my tight hole. “This will feel amazing. I promise.”

  I took a deep breath and on the exhale, I willed my body to relax. Closing my eyes, I gave myself over to my capable lover.

  His fist felt amazing, keeping him true to his word, and I felt his other hand moving slowly to allow my hole to stretch around the soft intrusion.

  “Corion!” I shivered as he slowly plumbed in and out.

  “The words in my head from you say so much more.” He purred, picking up his pace.

  You can hear me?

  I can. His deep voice resonated inside my body.

  Harder. I panted. Fuck me harder!

  As you desire. The toy thrusting in and out of my ass swelled up, locking in place. Vibrations tickled my stretched ring, making me cry out.


  A deep chuckle filled the room. “Your hole stretches beautifully.”

  Groaning, I moved my hips with Corion.

  Would you like to feel my mouth?

  Corion! Yes!

  His mouth replaces his hand, and I feel bumps and ridges from his tongue, teasing my cock as his head bobs. Fingers move up my body, moving from one side to the other as he pinched and rolled my nipples.

  “Harder, please.” I begged him.

  Corion’s lips tightened, and his suction increased, making my toes curl. The toy felt like it changed shape inside me and I felt it tapping against my pleasure center.

  CORION! My cock exploded in his mouth as my body tensed, preventing me from moving.

  That’s it. Give me everything. His deep voice invaded the screams in my head.

  I didn’t remember passing out, but when I woke Corion was holding me close, snoring.


  Present day

  Another day, another credit. The world we lived in was so static. No touching, sharing, or even being near one another. No living.

  “A happy worker is a productive worker.” The perky voice on the intercom filled the room.

  Rolling my eyes, I continued to pedal my spin cycle while I read through emails from the higher ups. My mind concentrated on the digistory I watched last night while I ate dinner.

  They used to call them movies. And had ginormous places where people could meet and sit together watching them.

  What would it feel like to touch someone?

  The couple in the story embraced each other, kissing and mating, feeding one another.

  I wanted that.

  “Worker 52782, you’re not peddling at the prime target speed. Please adjust your focus.” The intercom crackled. “A happy worker is a productive worker.”

  Fuck my life.

  I picked up my pace and caught an ad on the shared screen at the front of the room.

  Do you crave a different life? Have you thought about adventuring out of this world? We’re looking for men who have a taste for the unknown to join the next group leaving for Kateria. Exotic foods, entertainment, and new blissful experiences are waiting for you only on the Pleasure Planet.

  There’s nothing keeping me here on Earth.

  I quickly scanned the ad for the location to apply. It’s time for me to find some happiness. Maybe I’ll live like a king in the lap of luxury?

  Noting the location, I picked up the pace on the cycle and beamed. My shift was almost over and I couldn’t wait to apply for the next run to Kateria.

  The name of the planet sounded regal.

  I wonder what kinds of food they eat? Do they touch each other? What do they look like?

ement filled me as I skimmed the emails, ignoring the meaningless talk about protocols and finding happiness in a world that seemed hopeless.

  When the bell rang, signifying the end of my shift, I hopped off the cycle, sprinted to the cleaning tube and made my way to the address from the ad.

  The static feel of the workplace continued into the gleaming streets that were cleaned to perfection. Moving sidewalks transported us from one location to another when it was nearby. Longer trips required the tubes, but I felt claustrophobic in those.

  A tiny breeze brushed over my skin as I rode along the sidewalk, and the crisp white buildings gave way to a dingy, rundown area that felt dirty and filled me with fear.

  Can any good come from being in this place?

  “Hey.” I heard a voice that sounded like it came from the junk pile against the building I was passing. “Ps-s-s-s-st. Hey.”

  Stepping from the sidewalk, I took a few steps closer, inspecting the trash. “He-hello?”

  “Clos-s-s-ser.” The trash pile hissed.

  I stepped a few steps closer and leaned down. “Is this good?”

  “What’s your name?”

  “Je-Jerrod.” I looked around, trying to find the person. “Who are you?”

  “Doesn’t matter who I am.”

  I felt something wind around my ankle, working its way up my leg. When I looked down, I saw a snake slithering up. Screaming like a child, I tried to jump away, and I fell back.

  “You’re s-s-s-soft.”

  Laying there, I flailed around trying to kick the serpent off of me. Laughter echoed as the snake held on tighter until my entire body was encased by it.

  “You are going to net me a big payoff.” A tall man stepped from the shadows. “Your red hair alone is going to give me bargaining power.” He snapped his fingers and two more men stepped out of the shadows.

  I felt a pinch in my thigh and the snake whispered in my ear. “Ni-i-i-ighty night.”

  My head swam as my eyes opened, and all my joints hurt. Looking around, I couldn’t see anything but darkness.

  “Where am I?” I felt my mouth move, but no sound came out. “Help!” I tried screaming and still no sound came out.

  A light popped on and I squinted against the brightness as a familiar laugh filled my ears. “Calm down, pet.”

  My eyes had adjusted, and I saw the tall man from when the snake wrapped around me. “What is going on?!”

  “Calm down, pet. We’re taking you to a special place.” He smiled at me and I snarled.

  I was naked inside a cage while he sat in a plush seat, dressed in a black suit. My hand patted and rubbed my throat, and he twisted his lips.

  “I know you can’t speak. We’ve equipped you with a silencer that your new owners can disable if they’d like.”

  I crawled over to the back corner of my prison and curled up to hide my nakedness.

  “Come now.” He purred. “You’re quite beautiful. Don’t hide from me.”

  I gave him the finger and curled up tighter. His rich laughter filled the room, and I turned myself so he couldn’t see the tears traveling down my face.

  This sucked.

  I didn’t know where I was, why I was kidnapped or where I was being taken.

  “What are those spots on his skin?” Another voice joined the room.

  “Those are called freckles. My understanding is they are common for those with pale skin and what they call ginger hair.” The suited man responded, and I felt my eyes roll back into my head.

  “And he’s untouched?” The new voice asked.

  “According to the medic who examined him, and from the laws on Earth, he is completely untouched.”

  Someone tapped on my cage, and I turned my head to see who. His eyes felt familiar as I looked into them. Black, with a rainbow outer rim. His face was shaped like that of a snake, complete with a forked tongue.

  “What name do you answer to?” The strange man asked me.

  I shrugged and tried to turn back around.

  “We can do this the hard way and allow one of our thugs to probe your mind, or you can try to communicate with me.”

  Heaving a sigh, I turned to face him.

  “Are you untouched?”

  I nodded my head.

  Of course I was. The man in the suit told him the reasons.

  “And you were planning to apply for Kateria?”

  Again, I nodded.

  “Noboru, unmute him.” He called over his shoulder before looking back at me. “If you scream or ask too many questions, you will be muted again. Understood?”

  I nodded.

  “He can speak, Zsesux.”

  The serpent face alien tilted his head. “Your name?”

  I rubbed my cheeks, cleared my throat, and spoke softly. “Jerrod.”

  “Very good, Jerrod.” He crouched down to be eye level with me. “And your mating hole? It’s never been used?”

  Shaking my head, I looked down. “No more than a finger of mine.”

  He motioned to see my hand, and begrudgingly I held it out. “You have thin fingers.”

  “Why were you down in that district?” Noboru stood up and came over to the cage. “You don’t look dirty enough for that area.”

  “I saw an ad. It was for a planet called Kateria.” I lifted a shoulder, shrugging. “Having an adventure sounded like fun.”

  “Excellent news!” Zsesux stood up, clapping his hands together. “That’s exactly where we’re taking you!”

  “Your bright hair and pale body will fetch a hefty sum.” Noboru reached through the bars to stroke my leg. “The fact that you are untouched? That will add to the pot and we’ll be set for life.”

  Outstanding. I was going to be sold as a pet or a slave on an alien planet.

  “What if I change my mind?”

  “Change your mind?” Zsesux drew back. “You belong to us and soon your ownership will be transferred to someone on Kateria.” He laughed. “Silly pet.”


  I sat in a private garden at the Verdigres Resort and Spa sipping a delightfully oily tea. My nerves felt worn out and if I didn’t hear from my contact soon, I would need to find another gift for my lover.

  It’s been ten glorious years together, and they considered our toy shop the premiere place to get pleasure toys and body mods.

  Levee wanted to expand and create human parts for enjoyment, especially virgin human parts. The problem we ran into was there were no virgins to be found on Kateria, and those that arrived were quickly snatched up.

  I didn’t want to take shady routes to find one, but now I’m waiting for Shilin to update me on his progress and arrival time.

  “I come with good news, my friend.” His voice reminded me of the sound a washboard made when in use.

  I motioned to the chair opposite of me. “Tell me more.”

  He sauntered up to the table. “I need some relief.” He reached for the bell on the table and rang it.

  One of the Tamerurian workers came running and entered our private space. He bowed to us before dropping to his knees.

  “I am at your service.” A soft feminine voice drifted out.

  Shilin opened his breeches and held out his dual cock. “Suck and stroke.”

  “Yes, sir.” I watched as the servant crawled over and took the bottom cock into his mouth before he reached up and stroked the top one.

  “What’s your name?” Shilin asked him, letting his head fall back in pleasure.

  He pulled slowly off his cock. “Bashen.”

  “You may proceed, Bashen.”

  A loud slurping sound filled the garden, and Shilin moved down in his seat. “Not only did I find what you were looking for. I found one untouched.”

  “You … you truly found exactly what I asked for?”

  “I did.” He groaned. “And it should be delivered in time for your anniversary.”

  “That’s … remarkable.” Awe filled me. “Levee will be so surprised.”

  His legs widened. “Mm, Bash, harder. Don’t be afraid to use your teeth.”

  I sipped my tea, excited for our human to arrive. “Will that increase your cost?”

  “Ooo, yes.” He panted. “Squeeze me.”

  “How much will that increase it?” I smiled at the pleasure he received.

  Shilin’s hands reached out and stroked Bashen’s head. “Another hundred thousand, because he’s what they call a ginger.”

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