Daddys curious boy, p.1
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Daddy's Curious Boy
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Daddy's Curious Boy



  Daddy’s Curious Boy

  Copyright © 2023 by A.W. Scott

  First Paperback Edition

  Cover Design by DoElle Designs

  Editing by Owl Eyes Proofs & Edits

  Formatting by Chara Croft

  All rights reserved. No part of this story may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the copyright holder, except in the case of brief quotations embodied within critical reviews and articles.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The author has asserted her rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book.

  This work of fiction is intended for mature audiences only. It contains sex acts between consenting adults, and all characters represented within are eighteen years of age or older. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  To all those who loved Uncle Desmond and demanded he get his own HEA.

  Here you go!



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  Daddies for Dollars

  Also by A.W. Scott

  About the Author

  Chapter One


  “Would it kill you to look like you're actually enjoying the show, D?” Patrick says as he eases into the chair beside me. His eyes focus on me, a smirk gracing his lips making him look the perfect picture of dominance.

  It makes sense of course, given he is one.

  “Shouldn’t you be with your boy right now? You two are usually attached at the hip when I see you here.” I taunt him about the one weakness he has.


  I spit on the notion.

  It’s not the be all, end all people think it is. Love is pain and destruction. It's chaos contained in little love letters and lies meant to hide the truth.

  “Why are you asking? Shouldn’t you be more concerned with finding a partner for the evening? Are there not enough boys here to tempt you into playing?”

  Patrick waves his hand out to the crowd of the club. From the VIP section where we’re seated, we can see everyone with ease. I could take my pick of anyone in the crowd and woo them with false pretenses till they were writhing beneath me as I chase a temporary release.

  But none of that will do now.

  It’s no longer good enough.

  “I’m not interested in playing tonight. That’s not why I came.”

  He tilts his head, his expression dropping into something more curious. “Then why did you come? I didn’t take you as a voyeur.”

  I scowl at him. “Because I’m not.”

  “Exactly!” He snaps his fingers and leans forward in his seat. His bare forearms move to his knees as he comes closer into my space.

  The urge to push him away is at an all-time high. If he were anyone else in the club, I’d have him removed for being a nuisance. Since he’s in just as much power here as I am, I have no choice but to deal with his annoying ways.

  “Tell me what you want, Desmond. Your wildest desires. Stop denying yourself pleasure purely because you believe it will be your downfall.”

  My jaw aches from how hard I have to clench my teeth at his blasé tone. He has no idea what pleasure could do. He’s unaware of how dangerous it can be. Instead, he totes it around like a badge of honor. His entire job revolves around it.

  “There isn’t anything I’m denying myself. If I want something, I’ll take it,” I spin the ring on my right ring finger two times as I say the words.

  “Surely there is something you enjoy. Something you want to experience firsthand rather than watching from your throne here in the background. Tell me. I won’t tell a soul, D. I promise you that.”

  I almost laugh at the notion that he can keep a secret. His boy Tucker would pull the information out of him with one strong pout. Those two are ridiculously intertwined and there’s no way I’ll share anything with either of them.

  “You’re wasting your time, Pat. I’m here to relax after a grueling workday. Nothing more. I’m not looking for anything your club can offer other than an escape from the corporate world for a bit.” I sip on the whiskey in my glass as I stare at him over the rim.

  He doesn’t want to leave. I can see it in his eyes. He thinks he’s close to breaking me. He’s been doing this routine for weeks now.

  Patrick is convinced he can help everyone in the club find their one true desire and live it out. Too bad for him, I refuse to give in to those feelings.

  Besides, I’ve never found someone I’ve wanted that way. Neither males nor females appeal to me the way they do others.

  Not too long ago, I watched my nephew Calvin lose his shit by falling in love. The kid has always been super obsessed when he finds something he likes, and I knew the second he found someone who caught his attention he’d be just as adamant to claim theirs.

  He and Webster are the quintessential happy couple. And since they’ve found one another, it seems like everyone in my life is trying to set me up with someone.

  A few months ago, I had to step in to have my name removed from an auction list. Someone had put my name on the list as if I were prized cattle to be won.

  Calvin told me I should have been flattered. I told him he should go take care of his boy rather than worry about my business.

  “One day, you’re going to meet someone who will change your mind, Desmond. I hope I’m around to see it happen in person because I just know it'll be a wild ride.”

  Patrick stands from his seat slowly. I don’t follow his gaze upward, as that would be me giving him power. His dominance games don’t work on me. Not when I know his ways.

  “Have the waitress bring me another whiskey if you please, Pat. I’m rather parched after talking so much with you.”

  He snorts, as if to hold in his laugh, then moves toward the bar. A minute later, a drink is brought over with a note.

  Everyone has a price, Desmond. I’ll figure out yours. -P

  I wish him luck with that. So far, no one has managed to change my mind. I doubt they’ll just appear out of nowhere anytime soon.

  As the night winds down, I accept the fact that there will indeed be no one here tonight to entertain me. Usually there’s at least a scene or two to help keep my mind away from work. Tonight there’s nothing.

  “Fancy seeing you here,” a soft voice calls out. I turn my head to find Kendall standing beside my chair in her customary latex outfit and mask.

  “Evening, miss.” I dip my head at her, playing the game we always do when we run into one another at this club.

  I know Kendall had told her boss Callum that we have lunch dates and that’s how she knows me. While that’s also true occasionally, the first time we truly met was here. I just don’t think cute businesswoman Kendall is ready to tell her boss she’s really a Domme in disguise when she’s at the office.

  Her business is her own. I refuse to get involved. I have enough to deal with in my own company.

  “What brings you in tonight?” I ask her casually as my eyes stray around the room once more before settling on her seated form. She’s taken up residence in the chair Patrick evacuated. While she’s much smaller than its previous owner, she holds just as much presence and power as he did.

  Her shoulders sit back regally, displaying the column of her delicate throat and enhancing the view of her chest. If you were into that sort of thing.

  I’m not.

  Not with Kendall, at least.

  “We’re dealing with an acquisition right now. It’s a much smaller company. Those always give me headaches. They don’t understand the need for change, and personally, it’s not my job to teach them. But who always ends up doing it anyway?”

  “You do,” I reply as I dip my glass in her direction. “It’s amazing Callum has kept you as long as he has.”

  Her eyes light up at the words. “You know I’ll never come work for you, Desmond. I can’t bear leaving LLW. It’s a bit of my baby now too. Plus, the pay is fabulous.”

  I don’t respond to her taunting. She knows I’d pay her double what she makes now to come help control a division within my company. The issue lies in the fact that Callum is oblivious to all the parts of who she is, and I’ve become aware of the other parts of her life.

  Plus, I think she likes the amount of power Callum has given her. She’s unrestrained in her position now. Moving to something new scares her.

  All these points are things we’ve discussed a dozen times. It’s not going to change, so I’ve moved on to focus on other things.

  Like the reason I feel as if so
mething is missing. Like there’s something I’m supposed to be doing, but I haven’t caught on to it yet.

  It’s unnerving.

  I don’t like feeling unsettled like this. My workdays are spent checking everything off my list and then double checking said list to ensure nothing slipped through.

  This feeling, this unknown variable, leaves me frustrated without a way to decipher what the actual issue is.

  “I would never believe you to stoop so low as to come to my company any more. I’ve accepted that in this way, I will always be second best to Callum. Only in this way, though.”

  My smug grin causes her to laugh. The sound draws the eye of a few people around the room. I don’t pay them any mind. There’s nothing they have to offer me.

  Kendall remains quiet for a minute before she leans forward to get closer, her voice lowering into a whisper. “Are you ok, Desmond? Something seems… off with you lately.”

  Oh, sweet Kendall. There’s that astute observation coming out again.

  “I’m completely fine. Maybe a bit bored, but nothing I can’t find a fix for. No need to be worried.”

  She eases back into her chair, her eyes lingering on me longer than I’d like. It’s as if she’s trying to crack me open to see what’s inside.

  Nothing, Kendall.

  There’s nothing there.

  “If you’re not going to try to bribe me, I have a plugged man waiting for me to paddle him. I’ll be off.” She gives me a two-finger salute before standing and strutting away from the direction she came. More than one head swivels to watch her leave.

  I have to fight a laugh at the idea. If people saw her outside these walls, all done up in her pencil skirts and frilly blouses, they wouldn’t even recognize her.

  Club Deny has a way of bringing out a different side to people than you’d expect. Kendall and the others have all embraced the ability to hide behind the walls of this place.

  Instead of following their lead, I’ve forced myself deeper into my own shell. There’s nothing and no one that calls to that part of me. The part that wants things I can’t explain. The part that needs to take care of someone so completely I can’t think straight wondering if my person is out in the world ok right now.

  But how do you track down someone when you have no clue if they even exist?

  Chapter Two


  “This is the last of it, sir.”

  I cringe at the title from the moving kid I’d hired to help me get back to New Roughoak. He can’t be more than five or six years younger than me, yet I’m getting ‘sir-ed’ as he gives me the receipt and paperwork.

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

  He shrugs. “No big deal. It was further than we usually go, but you’re paying us a shit ton of dough. I can’t be mad about that. Later!”

  I watch him rush out the door, his face beet red at the way he admitted that last part to me. I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean to say all that.

  Oh well. It’s the truth, I guess.

  The moment Gran called to tell me she was thinking of moving into a nursing home and selling my childhood home, I closed up shop to head home. I wouldn’t let her make those kinds of decisions alone.

  Besides, the world didn’t give me the things I wanted when I left this place. I’d longed for adventure and change. Instead, I was given a slap in the face about the realities of life and an affliction for needle work.

  Gran is probably going to lose it when she sees the new tattoos. The woman was always a stickler for appearances. And if it’s not the tattoos, then the hair is definitely going to be the thing to push her into one of her speeches.

  Deciding I needed to get this over with, I pick up the phone to dial her number. I’d opted to get a rental when moving back rather than moving in with her, so I need to check to see if she’s even home before I pop by to visit.

  The two of us may be thick as thieves, but there comes a time when a grown man needs his alone time. If I moved in with Gran, I’d never have a moment of peace.

  Madeline Bennett is nothing if not a troublemaker. She would love nothing more than to ruffle my feathers any chance she has.

  Which is why I was shocked at her call.

  Her phone rings twice before she answers. “Hello handsome grandson of mine. How are you today?”

  I chuckle at her teasing tone. “I’m good, Gran. Just wondering what my favorite girl is up to today.”

  “Nothing much. I’m currently debating which set of China to donate to which charity. You know I hate nitpicking things, but I figure getting an early start on all this before the move would be good. Why? What are you up to?”

  “Well, I might just be standing in my new rental wondering if I could come take you to lunch on my first day back in town.”

  The line goes silent for a moment before she squeals loudly shouting, “Yes” over and over.

  “Alright! Alright! Don’t go keeling over before I can get there. You still got that fancy driver? I’ll just ride my bike over and we’ll take him out for the day.”

  She makes a clicking sound with her tongue before answering. “I do still have my driver, dear. I’m not dead yet. But do you really have to bring that contraption? It’s so loud.”

  I chuckle at the way she sounds less like the excited woman a moment ago and more like the annoyed Gran I’ve come to know when motorcycle talk comes up. I can’t blame her, though. She thinks the reason I left was because of them.

  It was better for her to think that than to know the truth.

  “I’ll be there in twenty minutes. Be thinking of where you want to go eat. See you soon.” I hang up before she can protest any further. It’s not like I’m going to tuck my pride and joy away just because she thinks my baby is a little loud.

  I should really put away the boxes laying all around the house, but I know seeing Gran is more important. Besides, it’s not like I’ll get in trouble with anyone. I’m a grown man. I can put off unpacking if I want to.

  Decided on my plan, I lock up the house then head over to Trixie, my engine red Kawasaki Vulcan. I climb atop her and settle into the seat. When I crank her up, I swear I hear the property values drop all around me.

  Chuckling at my own thoughts, I take off down the road to head toward the house I know forwards and back. Since I chose a place on Gran’s side of the city, the drive is easy. If I had to go through the main part of downtown, it might've been a bigger issue.

  Still, with me leaving right when I said, I barely make it to her in the twenty minutes I estimated. When I pull up in front of the door, it’s to find her standing there with a big ass smile and her arms spread wide.

  I hop off my bike as quick as possible to get to her. It doesn’t matter that I’m about to be thirty-six this year and that I’m a giant man covered in tattoos. If my Gran is reaching for a hug, I turn into six-year-old Ryder all over again.

  “You look like a common criminal, Ryder. Handsome, but still a criminal,” she says after she pulls back.

  “Thanks, Gran. Good to see you too.” I roll my eyes at her words. “I’ll accept the handsome, but I’ll have you know my record is still as clean as a whistle. The only things against me are probably a few noise complaints from me working on my bikes. Can’t be helped though. Part of the business.”

  She grimaces as she steers me towards the car where her driver is holding the door open. “Yes, business. That dreadful thing of yours about opening an auto body shop for those two-wheeled devils. Let’s get inside before we let all the cool air out.”

  I hold her hand to make sure she doesn’t lose her balance while ducking inside. As I follow behind, memories rush forward of the many trips I took in the back of this car. Or maybe one like it. There’s no telling with Gran if she’s upgraded since then.

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