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The Golden Goalie (The Green Thunder Series Book 2), page 1


The Golden Goalie (The Green Thunder Series Book 2)
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The Golden Goalie (The Green Thunder Series Book 2)

  The Golden Goalie

  The Green Thunder Series

  Book 2

  A.J. Manney

  This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is fictionalized or coincidental.

  The Flirty Forward. The Green Thunder Series Book 2

  Copyright A.J. Manney (2024). All rights reserved.

  The right of Amanda Manney to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the authors.

  Edited: Dotty Manney

  Cover Design: Germancreative

  Layout Design: Manney Resource Solutions

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four



  About the Author


  A love letter to young, single moms. You’ve taught me a lot about embracing hard and finding the grace and tenacity to keep going. This story of love and second chances is for you!



  I wave at the guys and hop into my truck, anxious to get home for the night. It’s been a long week, and it’s about to get even longer with everything I need to get done this weekend. Practices for the season haven’t officially started yet, but we’re getting ready for it. It felt good to get back out on the ice. An alert on my car system lets me know somebody’s calling. Aiden. I frown at that. Aiden shouldn’t be calling; he’s on his honeymoon. I slow down and pull into the nearest gas station and park before taking the call. “Hey, Man, what are you doing calling me? Aren’t you on your honeymoon?”

  “I need a favor.” There’s no teasing in his voice.

  “Yeah, what’s up?”

  “I need you to go pick Amber up from a party. I’d do it myself, or Bri would but we’re...”

  “Out of the country. Yeah. Of course.”

  “Thanks, Man. I tried to get ahold of Sebastian and Stephanie, but neither of them are answering their phones.”

  “So, I’m your third choice,” I joke. He doesn’t respond to my attempt to lighten the conversation. “Where is she at?”

  “I’ll send you the address. Thank you, Man. I really appreciate it.”

  “Of course. Go enjoy your bride.” I smile as I hang up; those two are so in love. I wait a minute for his text to come through and then plug in the address, frowning as I double check the address. It’s almost an hour away, but it is what it is. If Aiden’s sister-in-law needs a ride, I’ll do it. He'd do the same for me. At least it gives me an hour to prepare for seeing her again. I just saw her a week ago at the wedding, but nothing ever really prepares me for seeing Brielle’s younger sister. Amber is...Amber. She’s full of life and attitude. She’s a few inches taller than Brielle, but still nowhere close to me. Of course, most people aren’t tall compared to my 6’4 frame. I picture her face in my mind and can’t stop the smile that crosses my face. It’s pretty much always in place when she’s around. Amber is my exact kind of kryptonite. She’s gorgeous with light brown hair and golden highlights and just a smattering of freckles across her nose and cheekbones. She has an iron will and is stubborn as all get out and can tear a man down in two seconds flat with her snark and sarcasm. Yet underneath that tough exterior, is a girl with a heart of gold. I’ve seen it when she interacts with her mom or her sister, or even Aiden. The first time I interacted with her, she nearly bit my head off. And masochist that I am, I loved it. Yep, she’s pretty perfect. There’s only one problem—she's not available.

  A rock settles in my stomach, the same one that always does when I’m reminded of that glaring fact. She’s dating a guy I haven’t met; she’s actually been dating him for a while. I’ve tried to get more info on him, but Bri’s been pretty closed mouthed about it. Of course, Aiden’s too loyal to say anything. Bri’s made no bones about that fact that she doesn’t like him, but I don’t know why. It makes my gut hurt though, thinking about her being with somebody else, especially if he’s a jerk. Beside the fact that she’s dating, and she’s my teammate’s sister-in-law, there’s also one other problem. She’s six years younger than me. It doesn’t bother me in the least, but I see how it could bother others. If she was willing to date me, I would never let it be an issue. But I’m pretty sure she’s never going to look my way. I remind myself every time I see her that she’s taken, but my heart doesn’t seem to be getting the message. I picture her in her bridesmaid’s dress from the wedding, and I’m right back where I started...wanting her again.

  I roll down my window and turn the radio up, trying to distract myself from these feelings. I finally turn onto the street and slow to a crawl. The street is packed with cars. When I get close to the house, a feeling of unease settles over me. The house is lit up like the fourth of July, and people are everywhere. I can hear the music thumping even from here. I finally find a spot on the street a block away. I walk back to the house suddenly thinking of all the questions I should have asked Aiden. Is she alone? Did she want a ride? And does she know I’m the one picking her up? I make my way up the driveway; it’s too late for any of those questions now. Hopefully, I can find her quickly and get out of here. I knock on the front door, unsure if anybody will even hear me. The door opens, and a woman nearly topples over.

  “Hi!” she says too brightly. “Don’t you look handsome. Come on in here.” She takes my arm and drags me inside. Between her unsteadiness and slurred words, it’s obvious she’s been drinking. My stomach tightens even more. I need to find Amber and get out of here, hopefully before drawing too much attention to myself. I’m not as popular as Aiden and Sebastian, but if anybody is familiar with the Green Thunder team, I’m not exactly unpopular. “Hey Guys, look who’s here!” she calls out loudly, making me wince and killing any chance I have at avoiding people knowing I’m here.

  “Well, well, well, look what the cat drug in. If it’s not the goalie from the Green Thunder team.” My jaw locks, and I turn around. Steve Raymoor. The current center for the Red Devils, and our biggest rivals. My gaze slowly scans the room, and I take in all the hockey players. In hindsight, it might have been good to know that this was a Devils’ party that I just walked into, but maybe Aiden didn’t know.

  I put my hands in my pockets and try to look relaxed. “I’m not here to cause any problems. I’m just here to pick up a friend.”

  Steve’s face tightens. “There’s nobody here that could possibly be your friend. Why are you here anyway? This is a private party.”

  “Like I told you. Just picking up a friend.” I keep my voice easy, though it’s not lost on me that I am in a room of guys who would like nothing more than to tear me to pieces. We haven’t ever been on good terms with each other, as we’re rivals. But things really heated up when one of their players, Blake Grossan, stirred up problems by going after Brielle. Things have only gotten worse since then. “Look, if you could just find my friend, I can be on my way.”

  “Who are you looking for?” another guy asks.

  I turn to him gratefully. “Amber Campbell.”

  He nods. “There’s a lot of people here, but I’ll see if I can find her.”

  “Thanks, Man. I appreciate it.” And I do. Somebody gets Steve’s attention, and I use the opportunity to send a quick text to my captain. I’m not expecting trouble, but I just want to keep him apprised in case something comes from this. I probably should be calling Chloe, our PR agent. She likes to know about things before they end up in the news or in a sports’ column. But the thought of telling her sends a bead of sweat down my back. No, our captain it is.

  Me- so funny story

  Me- I found myself at a par
ty completely surrounded by Devils players

  Me- funny, right?

  I quickly pocket my phone when the guy that left to find Amber comes back. “Sorry, Man. I didn’t find an Amber. Are you sure she’s here?”

  I grimace and run a hand over my chest. “I think so. I was told to pick her up.” I eye Steve, knowing I need to tread lightly. I'm a big guy and play hockey for a living. I have no problem throwing down, but I really don’t want to take on an entire hockey team tonight. That won’t end well. “Do you mind if I take a look around?”

  Steve smirks. “Sure. Go right ahead.” I glance between him and the guy grinning like a Cheshire cat next to him—Ryan, also on the Devils team. A wariness fills me, but I know I can’t leave without Amber. Correction. I won’t leave without Amber.

  I don’t say anything as I walk past them. There's a stiffness in my shoulders and a bad feeling in my gut, but I make my way through the crowded house. I search each of the main rooms. I don’t head upstairs, a knot forming in my stomach at the thought of finding her in one of those rooms. That’s not where she’s at, I convince myself and make it to the kitchen. I shoulder the wall-to-wall people and finally make it outside. The music is thumping out here, and there are people everywhere. I scowl as I try to make my way through the crowd. Normally, my height would give me an advantage; but with so many hockey guys here, it’s not.

  Ten minutes later, I’m sweating and irritated. I’ve almost been tossed in the pool, I'm wearing some guy’s drink all over my white polo, and I’ve been sworn at more times than during a hockey game. I march back inside. I make it back to the living room and stop cold.

  Amber stands in front of a guy and shoves him hard in the chest. He doesn’t even rock backwards. I’m moving before I even think about it. I don’t know what he did to her; I don’t have to know. If she’s mad at him, so am I. I stop beside her, but she doesn’t even acknowledge my presence. “Amber,” I say in a low voice. Her head whips to mine, and I see the red eyes. The tears. Something hardens in my gut, and I crack my neck. That whole thing about not wanting to throw down? I will absolutely take on this entire team if they hurt her. I step closer to the two of them. “What’d you do?” I don’t bother keeping the anger out of my voice.

  The guy turns to look at me, and I recognize him. Anger burns in me. Adam Grey, forward for the Devils. “This ain’t got nothing to do with you.”

  “If it involves her, it absolutely does,” I say right back.

  “Why?” He turns back to Amber and sneers. “You been cheating on me? Spreading your legs for somebody else? And a Green Thunder player, no less?”

  Anger rushes through me, hard and swift; and I slam my fist into his jaw. His head jerks backwards. I have just a moment to turn to Amber. “Are you okay?” Somebody shoves into me, and I barely keep from knocking her over. I push her out of the way and spin right as a fist flies right at my face. I duck fast enough to avoid a hit in the nose but end up getting clipped in the chin. I take another punch in the stomach from somebody else, and it knocks me backwards. I hear a feminine cry and try to turn and catch her, but we both hit the ground. I’m able to keep her from taking the brunt of my weight.

  “Get off me,” she says, shoving at me. I jump to my feet and put out a hand to help her up but somebody plows into me.

  “Seriously?” I grunt. I turn and shove him off me. And then it’s on. I lose sight of Amber in the fight. I want to make sure she got out of harm’s way, but I can’t get a moment without some idiot trying to beat my brains in. I lose track of how many times I get hit. I take a particularly nasty hit to my eye and wince. That’s gonna hurt tomorrow. Before I can swing a punch, the guy that hit me is knocked to the ground. I turn in surprise to see Gunner, my captain throwing down. “What are you doing here?” I ask as I deliver a hard hit.

  “Saving your ugly backside,” he says and ducks as somebody comes at him, roaring.

  I grin. “Thanks, Cap.” We go back to back and take on these hellions. We’re going to teach them what it’s like to take on two Green Thunder players. On or off the ice, we’re formidable when we’re together.

  Chapter 1


  I storm out of the house as anger courses through me. I don’t know that I've ever been this mad in my entire life. I get halfway down the sidewalk and remember I don’t have a way to get home. My supposed ride is inside, acting like a fool. I turn back a moment, trying to decide what to do. One glance at the house, and my stomach turns. I know I will never be able to go back into that house ever again, not after what I saw tonight. Bile rises in my throat, and I try to fight against it but lose the battle. I throw up what little food I have in my stomach into the bushes. Not much comes out, but I can’t stop dry heaving. I try to get myself to calm down, but it’s not happening. My mind keeps playing the terrible scene over and over again, and I feel helpless to stop it.

  “Amber? Are you okay?” A hand touches my elbow, and I yank it away.

  “Don’t touch me!” Rico puts his hands up and steps back. I get a good look at his face and shake my head. “You too?” I ask in surprise when I see the Green Thunder team captain come out of the house. “You guys look terrible.”

  “Thanks,” Rico says with a grin that immediately turns to a wince.

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t do that—not with that busted lip.” I shiver, not that it’s cold out. It’s only August. No, this has everything to do with my emotions.

  “Come on. Let’s get out of here before they decide to pick back up where we started,” Rico says, motioning towards the driveway.

  “They’d be idiots to do that,” the captain grunts out.

  I tune the two of them out as we walk. My head feels like it’s full of cotton. What am I going to do? The question that has been pinging around in my head for the last twenty-four hours comes back to the forefront. Anger rises, swift and forceful, and I clench my fists. “Which car?” It comes out nastier than I intend for it to, but I can’t force myself to feel anything but anger.

  “I had to park down the street,” Rico says. He looks at me. I can’t see his face clearly in the dark. “Do you want me to come pick you up?”

  “No. I’ll walk.”

  He turns back and talks to the captain, and I start down the dark sidewalk. Normally, it would creep me out a little, but tonight, it doesn’t even faze me. “Hey, Amber,” Rico calls out behind me. “Wait up.” I don’t. If anything, I speed up. He catches up to me, but I keep walking. I don’t even know which car is his; I figure he’ll stop me when we get to it. “You okay?” he asks for like the third time tonight. I ignore him, just like I did the first time. He’s a guy; he doesn’t really care. “It’s right here.” His words stop me, and I wait for the doors to unlock before I climb into the front passenger seat. He stands outside my door a moment. I turn my head away, and he comes around to the driver’s side. Without a word, he starts the car. Soft music plays on the radio, but I ignore it...just like I've ignored everything else. But after he starts the car, he doesn’t even make a move to pull away from the curb, so I turn to look at him. “Where do I take you?” he asks in a soft, kind voice...entirely too kind.

  I don’t want kind; I can’t handle kind tonight. I’d rather he be angry. Why isn’t he angry? He had to come pick me up, he got in a fight, and now he has to take me home.

  “Amber,” he says, drawing my attention back to him. “Do you want me to take you to your house?”

  That snaps me out of it. Fast. “No!”

  “Okay,” he says easily. “Do you have somewhere else you want to go?”

  My brain scrambles, trying to come up with something. I think first of the library where I work, my place of solitude and peace. But it’s obviously closed now.

  “Amber?” He prods.

  “I...I don’t know. I just...I can’t go home.” My words are as broken as I feel right now.

  “Okay, no worries.” He sounds so at ease, and for a moment, I envy him.

  What would it be like to have your life on track? To be living the life you want to live? My stomach clenches, and I feel like I’m going to be sick again. I put my head against the seat rest and close my eyes, willing the contents of my stomach to stay down. We ride in blissful silence, except for the soft sounds of the radio. If I could sleep, I think I would. His truck is so comfortable. I open my eyes sometime later when he stops. “Where are we?” I ask, blinking in the dark.

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